co-op logo agrē Release Notes 2.23.03 -  October 25, 2023 

Last updated: October 25, 2023

What's New & Improved in agrē 2.23.03:

Additional process information from FCL may follow the release.

Top 5 Highlights from this Release


1. Work Order Product Standard Comments


2. In Transit Quantities in Product Price Check


3. Scan Membership Number from App throughout agrē 


4. User Config Option: Product Search Default (by code or by description)


5. Work Order - display Last Sold


This symbol security icon indicates that your Local Company Security Administrator needs to make a security permission change to allow user access to the new feature.

Configuration Options

This symbol config icon indicates a new feature integrates with a Configuration Option (at either the Company, Location, or User level).


Release Notes highlight the best new features and improvements from each release of agrē. In case you missed a prior version, Release Notes for the last two years are available from the online Help Release Note archives.


User Config Options 

Product Search Field   Updates to Config Options  

You can choose to search for items by Product Code or Product Name (overrides company and location configs).

When searching by Code, start typing an item code in the Product field.


When searching by Name, start typing an item description in the Product field.


File > Config Options > User   /   everywhere you Add Products

Accounts Receivable


Customer Account  

To improve performance for customers with lots of activity, the number of transactions displayed is limited (deployed July 11).
(the Customer Account Activity Report can retrieve all transactions, including those not displayed here)


Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts

Find Customers  

Phone Number searches Contact Phone and Mobile numbers too. 


everywhere you Find Customers 

Member No can be scanned from the member's co-op mobile app or membership card.
Remember to click Member Number before scanning.


everywhere you Find Customers 

Manage Customer
AWSA Numbers  

Add an AWSA No to customer billing and shipping addresses.
Billing address AWSA No also added to data export: Customer List.


Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customers | Addresses tab

Lines of Credit  

Keep track of 3rd party credit in Banking Information with a Line of Credit.
Lines of credit are not included in any balance or credit limit calculations; they are for information only.


Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customers | Credit/Finance tab

You'll see Lines of Credit when adding invoices from View Credit ...


Accounts Receivable > Invoices

... and on the Credit Info report (check Show Bank Info).


Accounts Receivable > Reports

Account Adjustments  

Tag a default Project to customer account adjustments.


Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Advanced > Account Adjustments


Credit Reason Codes  Updates to Security  Updates to Config Options   

Add additional detail to credits on invoices by selecting a Credit Reason Code (POS and Blends excluded; can be mandatory).
The credit code is included in the Customer Sales data export.


Accounts Receivable > Invoices > Add or Return Product

Manage your own Credit Codes.
There's also a reminder to turn on the company config option in order to display the Credit Reason Code drop down on the Invoice Add Product window.


Accounts Receivable > Manage > Credit Codes


Line totals and invoice amount for tax-included products - such as fuel - are calculated and displayed to match the POS Invoice.


Accounts Receivable > POS Invoice

POS Invoices 

Scan Membership Number 

Member No can be scanned from the member's co-op mobile app or membership card.
Remember to click Member Number before scanning.


Accounts Receivable > POS Invoice

Lot Number Required 

Product config option Lot Number Required now applies to POS Invoices.


Inventory > Manage > Products

You'll be prompted to flip to a full invoice or return to the products grid to remove the item.


Accounts Receivable > POS Invoices

Work Orders

Search: Authorized   

Search for work orders by Authorized [Either, Yes, No].
(you can also use the Work Order Summary data export to look for Authorized ones)


Accounts Receivable > Work Orders > New Search

Quantity Limit config icon  

When adding products, automatically increase Default Quantity Limits by a set %age above the Quantity Requested.
This feature can help prevent lines from splitting if the grower is allowed to take a smidgeon more at the work order price.

You may also want to check Automatically 'Complete' lines when Quantity Requested is filled to complete the row even if the limit has not yet been reached.


Accounts Receivable > Work Orders

Last Sold and Pricing Sales History  

Last Sold details are displayed when adding previously purchased products.
Click Pricing to view complete Sales History.


Accounts Receivable > Work Orders

Release Numbers  

Remove Multiple Rows at once.


Accounts Receivable > Work Orders > Release Numbers


Additional Products 

(Config C, U) Quantity on Hand is available when adding additional products to blends. 


Blending > Make A Blend

Work Order Payment Terms 

Setup common work order Payment Terms.  Updates to Security


Accounts Receivable > Manage > Work Order Payment Terms

Record the Payment Terms either by quickly selecting a common one from the drop down, or by checking Custom to type your own.


Accounts Receivable > Work Orders

Work Order Product Standard Comments Updates to Security

Setup Standard Comments.


Accounts Receivable > Manage > Work Order Standard Comments

Add Standard Comments to product lines.


Accounts Receivable > Work Orders > Use Standard Comment



Searching for Products  

Product Type will expand up to 50 characters to display more text.


e.g. Inventory > Manage > Products

Manage Products 

Eaches per Pallet increased to max 4 digits before the decimal, and max 4 digits after.


Inventory > Manage > Products

Product Price Check 

In Transit quantities (on pending Location Transfers) are displayed.

I want to read the white paper on using Location Transfer Status to create pending location transfers.


Inventory > Product Price Check


Customer-Specific Limited Time Sales  

For sale prices that aren't for everyone, create a sale and save it, then Edit to add the customers who qualify.


Inventory > Manage > Pricing > Sale Prices

Edit the sale, navigate to the Add to Sale tab, use the filters to narrow down the list of customers, check just the ones you want, and Save.


Inventory > Manage > Pricing > Sale Prices > Add/Remove Customers

Export Retail Prices  

New criteria to filter exports by Product Group and/or Manufacturer.


Inventory > Manage > Pricing > Retail Prices Import

Import Retail Prices 

Minimum Pricing and Minimum Secondary Pricing are exported, then can be imported and/or auto-calculated (based on conversion factors for alternate units).


Inventory > Manage > Products > Taxes and Pricing

Accounts Payable


Default Due Date 

Due Date can default to the same date every next month.
(if you always want the last day of the month, use 31)


Accounts Payable > Manage > Suppliers

General Ledger


Shareholder Default Payment Type 

Select a Default Payment Type for shareholders.


General Ledger > Shares > Manage Shareholders

Shareholder Default Payment Type

When making Dividend Payments, the selected Payment Type will be used only for shareholders with no default.


General Ledger > Shares > Dividend Payments


Field Scouting

Offer to create Work Order on Save  Updates to Config Options  

On initial save of Field Scout, offer to create a work order for the same grower with the same products.


Agronomy > Field Scouting

Custom Application

One Big Custom App Map  

Display multiple field maps for multiple customers with Show Fields on Map.
Field maps are shown for all custom apps in the grid and can be filtered by Crop.


Agronomy > Custom Application Dispatch

Grower Central

Fertilizer Central Only -  Recent Work Orders Export 

Service Start and Service End dates are included.


Fertilizer Central > Work Orders tab > Export

Reports & Exports


Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have access to new Exports and Reports and who should not so we leave that up to them.

Updates to Current Reports

Report Name What's New?
AP Supplier Purchases criteria: Due Date; Only Show Outstanding 
data: line comments imported from Purchase Orders  
AR Customer Sales  raw data: CustPhone2, CustMobile
AR Credit Info  data: Banking Info Lines of Credit
AR Invoice  calculations and display of tax-included items matches POS Invoice
AR Work Order Activity  menu criteria: Sort By [Sub Type]
non-menu criteria: Group By [Sub Type]
AR WO and PO Activity Combined  data: PO quantities converted to WO units; PO prices converted to home currency
INV Product List  data: PCP (changes column order; PCP# also in Dangerous Goods & Permits export)
INV PO Release Number Activity  criteria: PO Number (full or partial)

Updates to Current Exports

Export Name What's New?
AR Customer List  data: AWSA# (billing)  
[changes column order]
AR Customer Sales data: Credit Code   
AR Work Order Summary  data: Net Amount (taxes not incl), Tax Amount, Total Amount (incl taxes), Amount Due, eConfirmation
[changes column order]

Configuration Options


Company Configuration Options are managed by your local company agrē administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know if your administrator would enable a new Config Item or not so we leave that up to them.

New config options are released OFF unless they are replacing/enhancing existing items, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Company Config Options

Tab | Subtab Config Item Description
GEN  AR Invoice Posting Location header location
AR | Invoices    Show Credit Reason
Credit Reason Code is Mandatory
display Credit Reason drop down
require selection of a Credit Reason
AR | Work Orders | General    Default Quantity Limit X% above Quantity Requested deployed as 0% to match existing functionality
AR | Work Orders | General    Automatically 'Complete' lines when Quantity Requested is filled product rows will be flagged as complete if Qty Taken >= Qty Requested even if the Quantity Limit has not been reached
INV   Inventory Receipt - Trucker is not mandatory when BOL is entered enter bill of lading references without selecting a trucker
AGR   Field Scout - Offer to create Work Order on Save prompt to create work order with details copied from field scout (initial save only)
MSG  Messages - Pending Location Transfer created a message is sent when a location transfer with at least 1 pending product row is created

User Config Options

Tab | Subtab Config Item Description
Miscellaneous  Product Field Search search for items by Product Code or by Product Name



Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have security permission and who should not so we leave that up to them.

New security permissions are released UNCHECKED unless they are enhancing existing permissions, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Role Permissions

Tab Item Action(s)
Accounts Receivable  Credit Codes Enable on Menu


CRS Hub Data Management

Data What's New?
Import Transaction Data: Item Detail  spreadsheet data: ITEM_No must be unique, ITEM_CATEGORY_ID must be a valid category ID

Updates to CRS Hub Exports

Export Name What's New?
Export - AP Purchase Order Detail   data added: eOrder Sent? [Yes/No]
data removed: eOrder?