Supplier Payments Overview

Before you can make payments, you must first define the types of payments that you want to use. You can then enter payments by creating a payment batch for all suppliers or by paying particular suppliers. Generally, payments are made in intervals, and purchase invoices belonging to the same supplier are combined. You can also record preauthorized payments and supplier prepayments. Payments entered into agrē affect GL postings, which occur automatically depending on the payments.

You can pay for purchase invoices using cheques or non-cheque payment types (e.g., Visa, FCC line of credit, wire transfer); however except for EFT payments (Tronia has partnerships with certain banks), agrē does not interface with external payment systems. Payments are physically made outside of agrē, and then the transactions are entered into agrē in order to update the GL accounts. You can, however, print and reprint cheques, and agrē has a process to generate EFT data files containing batch payment information that you can upload to your bank.

Once payments are made, you can optionally view and edit them (although not every field on a payment can be changed). If there is an error a payment can be edited, or it can be cancelled and then reentered, or it can be deleted.

agrē has an optional Payment Review Process that allows users to create payments but the cheque can't be printed (or the EFT file generated) until the payments are approved by someone with a higher level of security.


What you'll find:

AP Payment Types

Making Payments

Printing Cheques

EFT Payments


Accounts Payable White Papers and Examples

Cheque/EFT Batch Payment Review (also known as the AP Payment Approval Process or the Batch Payment Approval Process)

EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) Payments

Preauthorized Payments

Printed Cheques that Keep Appearing in the Print Queue

Supplier Payments: Explain Earliest Date option

Tracking Supplier Prebuys