Prepayment Deposits

Prepayment deposits are the actual deposit of money into a customer’s prepayment account. Customers can make prepayment deposits before or after creating prepaid items on work orders; however, customers can only make prepayment purchases after a prepayment deposit is made. Customers’ prepayment funds remain in their accounts until they decide what they want to purchase with their funds, and the funds can be used to purchase any items (your business may have restrictions). Customers can make large deposits or several small deposits.

Before saving a prepayment deposit, you can create and/or reference prepaid work order items so that the deposit is associated with the items. A prepayment receipt containing information about the deposit and the associated items can be printed for income tax purposes.


A prepayment deposit can be more than, or less than, or equal to the subtotal of the associated prepaid work order items.

Prepayment deposits must have unique reference numbers


Prepayment Deposits cannot be saved for inactive or unmapped customers.

What you'll find:

Accepting Prepayment Deposits

Editing Prepayment Deposits

Deleting Prepayment Deposits

Searching for Prepayment Deposits

Accepting Prepayment Deposits

You use either the Customer Account Information window or the Prepayment Deposits window to accept new prepayment deposits. The advantage to using the Customer Account Information window is that you can easily access a variety of information about a customer’s account.

To accept a prepayment deposit on the Customer Account Information window
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts. Or click the Customer Account toolbar button.
The Find Customer window opens.

Find the customer using the various search criteria.

In the Customer List, enter the customer who is making a prepayment deposit and then click Use Selection.
The Customer Account Information window opens.

Click Accept Prepayment.
The Accept Prepayment window opens.


Detailed customer information is displayed in the top left corner.

Current Prepayment Balance displays the total amount of prepayment funds currently in the customer’s account.

In the Deposit Date* box, today’s date is selected by default and cannot be changed.

(Config U) In the Deposit Location* box, enter the location that owns the prepayment deposit.


Prepaid Items Subtotal displays the total amount of prepaid work order items that are referenced on this deposit.

Linked Deposit Subtotal displays the total mount of prepayment deposits already applied Use Work Orders From.

In the Deposit Amount* box, enter the amount of money the customer is depositing.
TLog limits the amount to a maximum of $9,999,999.99.

In the Paid by* box, enter the method of payment used by the customer.

In the Tracking/Cheque # box, enter the cheque or EFT reference number.
(can be mandatory)

In the Comments box, enter comments for the printed prepayment receipts.


Before saving the deposit, you can create and/or reference work order items so that they are associated with the deposit.

You can print a prepayment receipt that contains information about the deposit and any associated items for income tax purposes.

Click the Documents button to attach a file.

(Config U, L C) Click Save.
A message appears: “Do you want to preview the prepayment receipt?”

Click Yes to save, preview, and optionally print the prepayment receipt. Click No to finish saving.

To accept a prepayment deposit on the Prepayment Deposits window
* indicates a required field


On the Prepayment Deposits window, you can view a prepayment receipt for any prepayment deposit and any of its associated prepaid work order items. The prepayment receipt can be printed for income tax purposes. In the Prepayment Deposit list, select the deposit to view and then click Preview Item.

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Prepayment Deposits.
The Prepayment Deposits window opens and all deposits made today are listed.

Click Add.
The Accept Prepayment window opens.

In the Customer box, enter the customer’s name.
Detailed customer information is displayed in the top left corner.


Click Find to search for a specific customer or click Add to add a new customer.


Current Prepayment Balance displays the total amount of prepayment funds currently in the customer’s account.

In the Deposit Date* box, today’s date is selected by default and cannot be changed.

(Config U) In the Deposit Location* box, enter the location that owns the prepayment deposit.


Prepaid Items Subtotal displays the total amount of prepaid work order items that are referenced on this deposit.

In the Deposit Amount* box, enter the amount of money the customer is depositing.
TLog limits the amount to a maximum of $9,999,999.99.

In the Paid by* box, enter the method of payment used by the customer.

In the Comments box, enter comments for the printed prepayment receipts.


Before saving the deposit, you can create and/or reference prepaid work order items so that they are associated with the deposit.

You can print a prepayment receipt that contains information about the deposit and any associated items for income tax purposes.

(Config U, L,C) Click Save.
A message appears: “Do you want to preview the prepayment receipt?”

Click Yes to save, preview, and optionally print the prepayment receipt. Click No to finish saving.

Editing Prepayment Deposits

For prepayments included in bank deposits, you'll be unable to edit the dollar value or the payment type unless you undo the bank deposit first.

To edit a prepayment deposit

Click the Customer Account toolbar button and find the customer.
The Customer Account window opens.

Select the prepayment to edit and click Edit Item.
The Edit Prepayment window opens.


If the prepayment deposit you want to edit does not appear in the list, click Show All to expand the date range.

Edit the data as needed.


Before saving the deposit, you can create and/or reference prepaid work order items so that they are associated with the deposit. 

You can print a prepayment receipt that contains information about the deposit and any associated items for income tax purposes.

(Config U, L,C) Click Save.
A message appears: “Do you want to preview the prepayment receipt?”

Click Yes to save, preview, and optionally print the prepayment receipt. Click No to finish saving.

Deleting Prepayment Deposits

Use the Prepayment Deposits window to delete a prepayment deposit. Once you delete a prepayment deposit the deposited funds are reversed and it cannot be undone, but deleted data can be viewed in the Audit/Admin data exports..

Prepayments included in bank deposits cannot be deleted; you'll need to undo the bank deposit first before the prepayment can be deleted.

If a prepayment deposit has prepaid work order items referenced on it, you can choose to close the referenced work order items or remove the items from the deposit but keep their status active (i.e., they remain on their work orders and are available to use).

To delete a prepayment deposit

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Prepayment Deposits.
The Prepayment Deposits window opens and all deposits made today are listed.

In the Prepayment Deposit list, select the prepayment deposit to delete and then click Delete.


If the prepayment deposit you want to edit does not appear in the list, click New Search.


If the Delete button is not available, the prepayment deposit you selected is in use and cannot be deleted.

Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
The prepayment deposit is deleted.


If the prepayment deposit has prepaid work order items referenced on it, a message appears asking if you want to close the referenced work order items.
If you no longer require the work order items, click Yes to close all of the referenced work order items.
If you still require the work order items, click No to remove the items from the deposit but keep their status active (i.e., they remain on their work orders and are available to use).

Searching for Prepayment Deposits

Use the Prepayment Deposit Search window to search for prepayment deposits. You can search for a prepayment deposit using a variety of criteria:

prepayment deposit location and customer

date the prepayment deposit was created (i.e., entered into the system)

prepayment deposit reference number and date (i.e., date the prepayment deposit is effective)

prepaid work order products referenced on the prepayment deposit

To search for a prepayment deposit

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Prepayment Deposits.
The Prepayment Deposits window opens and all deposits made today are listed.

Click New Search.
The Prepayment Deposit Search window opens.

Enter your search criteria.

Click Search.
The Prepayment Deposit Search window closes and the search results are shown in the Prepayment Deposits window. If no results are found, the list is blank and the message “No Prepayments found” appears in the bottom left corner.