AP Taxes

After you have set up your taxes, you can specify your AP tax settings. If you specify not to charge a tax at a specific location, then that tax is not available when purchase invoices are created at that location.

What you'll find:

Specifying AP Taxes

Specifying AP Taxes

You can specify tax settings for your AP taxes.

To specify an AP Tax

Navigate to File > Manage > AR and AP Taxes.
The Manage AR and AP Taxes window opens.

Click the AP Taxes tab.

In the Show by default? column, select the Show by default? check boxes for the locations where this tax should appear by default on every purchase invoice.

In the GL Account box, enter the GL account to draw from for every location that uses this tax.
Selecting GL accounts is required if the tax will be shown by default, and you can only use taxes on purchase invoices at locations that have GL accounts associated with them.


Flat taxes posting to an income statement GL will be allocated to the header location specified on the purchase invoice.
Flat taxes posting to a balance sheet GL cannot be allocated.


Click Add Account to add a new GL account.

Click Save.


You can specify that these default tax settings do not apply to specific products or customers