Provinces and States

Use the Manage Provinces window to add, edit, activate or deactivate, and remove provinces and states.

What you'll find:

Adding Provinces and States

Editing Provinces and States

Deactivating and Activating Provinces and States

Removing Provinces and States

Adding Provinces and States

To add a province or state

Navigate to File > Manage > Province List.
The Manage Provinces window opens.

In the Selected Country box, enter the country that you want to add provinces or states to.

In the Code box, enter the abbreviation of the province or state.
The code can be up to 5 characters long.

In the Province/State box, enter the name of the province or state.

Ensure the Active check box is selected.
Active is selected by default after the province or state has been entered.


Add all provinces and states before clicking Save since saving also closes the window.

Click Save.

Editing Provinces and States

You can edit any of your existing provinces and states at any time by changing their code and/or name. You can also change the active status.

To edit a province or state

Navigate to File > Manage > Province List.
The Manage Provinces window opens.

In the Selected Country box, enter the country that has provinces or states to edit.

In the Code box, change the abbreviation of the province or state.

In the Province/State box, change the name of the province or state.


Edit all provinces or states before clicking Save since saving also closes the window.

Click Save.

Deactivating and Activating Provinces and States

When you add a province or state, the default setting is active, but you can also activate a province or state that has been deactivated.

When a province or state is deactivated, you can still reference the province or state on existing records, but you cannot use the province or state in agrē.

To deactivate a province or state

Navigate to File > Manage > Province List.
The Manage Provinces window opens.

In the Active column, clear the Active check box of the province or state you want to deactivate.

Click Save.

To activate a province or state

Navigate to File > Manage > Province List.
The Manage Provinces window opens.

In the Active column, select the Active check box of the province or state you want to activate.

Click Save.

Removing Provinces and States

Removing provinces and states deletes them from the database. You cannot remove provinces and states that have been used or are in use in agrē.

To remove a province or state

Navigate to File > Manage > Province List.
The Manage Provinces window opens.

In the Code column, select the province or state to remove.

Click Remove Province/State.


If the Remove Province/State button is not available, the province or state you selected has been used or is in use in agrē and cannot be removed.

Click Yes to confirm the removal.
The province or state is removed.

Click Save.