Step 7: Complete the Batch Sheet Tab

You can print Blend Batch Sheet reports for any blend (customer or calculator only).


You can also print this report from the Reports submenu in the Blending menu or from the Reports menu.

Default settings (e.g. which boxes are checked) are defined by the blend type.

View an example (with screen shots) of Batch Sheet settings

To complete the Batch Sheet tab for a non-volumetric blend type

Click the Batch Sheet tab.

Select the Show Notes? check box if you want to display the blend notes (set up in the Blend Notes tab) on the Blend Batch Sheet reports.

Select the Show Percentages? check box if you want to display the blend product percentages on the Blend Batch Sheet reports.

Select Show Field Map(s) if you want to display a map of the field(s) that the blend will be spread on.
A map will display only if the field has been linked to one.

Click Change Batch Settings and choose a different blend type if you want to print it using the batch sheet settings of a different blend type.
For example, your location has two blenders, one scaled and one volumetric. A blend was calculated and saved using the scaled blend type, but now you want to loadout that blend from the volumetric blender instead (maybe the scaled blender is unavailable at the moment). Click Change Batch Settings and select the volumetric blender. The batch sheet tab will display the default settings from the volumetric blend type that you can modify and then print the batch sheet.


Changing the batch settings affects only the batch sheet.

If you originally calculated the blend with a blend charge, and are now choosing to print the batch sheet using a blend type that has no blend charge, when you save the blend the blend charge would still apply.

If you initially calculated the blend with drys and select a liquid blend type, no products in the blend will change; the batch sheet will display with 46-0-0 and 11-52-0.

If you select a blend type from a different location than the one used to make the blend, agrē will ask you to confirm your choice. No matter which location's blend type you select here, product used to make the blend will still be taken from the location selected on the Blend Setup tab.

In the Qty box, optionally change the quantity of batches.

Select the Force Equal Batches check box if you want to force equal batches of the blend.

In the Max Batch Size box, optionally change the maximum size of batches that can be made.

Select the Show Worksheet? check box if you want a specified area to write down the blend actuals.
Due to space limitations on the reports, if you have more than 6 products in the blend, the worksheet is unavailable (the check box is automatically cleared).The Show Worksheet check box is not available for volumetric (rpm) blends.

Click Run Batch Sheet.
The Blend Batch Sheet report opens.

Click Print.
A message appears confirming your printing settings. If needed, change the settings.

Click OK.
The Blend Batch Sheet report is printed.

To complete the Batch Sheet tab for a volumetric blend type

Click the Batch Sheet tab.
If you do not have bins specified for one or more products in the blend, a warning message appears.

Select the Show Notes check box if you want to display the blend notes (set up in the Blend Notes tab) on the Blend Batch Sheet reports.

Select the Show Percentages? check box if you want to display the blend product percentages on the Blend Batch Sheet reports.

Select Show Field Map(s) if you want to display a map of the field(s) that the blend will be spread on.
A map will display only if the field has been linked to one.

Batches sub-tab

Optionally change Force Equal Batches to accommodate desired batch sizes.
This setting overrides the same setting in the blend type being used.

In the Max Batch Size box, optionally change the maximum size of batches that will be calculated.
This setting overrides the same setting in the blend type being used. The maximum batch size is usually the capacity of the vehicle/container into which the blend is being loaded.

Bins sub-tab

In the Maximum Speed box, optionally change the maximum dial setting (rpm) that is allowed by your blender.
This setting overrides the same setting in the blend type being used. When agrē calculates the batch settings, it takes the maximum speed setting into consideration and does not assign a dial setting higher than this number. Changing the speed will likely affect the Duration on the Batches sub-tab.


If any of the bins have been setup to Adjust Dial Settings it is possible that an adjusted bin Speed may exceed the Maximum Speed.
If the Speed for any bin exceeds the Maximum Speed (for example, 999), the Maximum Speed must be decreased manually until all bin Speeds are less than 999.

Optionally uncheck Use next to any Bins not required or not available.

Click Run Batch Sheet.
The Blend Batch Sheet report opens.

Click Print.
A message appears confirming your printing settings. If needed, change the settings.

Click OK.
The Blend Batch Sheet report is printed.