What you'll find:

What does CRS Hub do?

How do agrē and CRS Hub handle TLogs?

How can I verify a 2340 Report?

What if a TLog didn't make it through to the FCL Mainframe? Can I resend it?


What does CRS Hub do?

CRS Hub is an application that processes data from the FCL Mainframe to the agrē Retail, and vice versa. Normally these processes run in the background without any user interaction.

Throughout the day, agrē and the FCL mainframe exchange information via CRS Hub so the data in both places is the same. For example, agrē sends the details of every invoice to CRS Hub which sends it on to the mainframe, and when prices change on the mainframe CRS Hub passes those on to agrē.

Here’s what information is exchanged and how often it happens.

screenshot of CRS Hub Process Update Schedule

How do agrē and CRS Hub handle TLogs?

Early each morning agrē runs an automated process to update the FCL mainframe with AR Invoice and AR Payment/Prepayment information from the previous day. agrē generates a TLog (transaction log) file and sends it to CRS Hub which then passes on the information to the FCL Mainframe. These transactions are used to derive member patronage payments.

How can I verify a 2340 Report?

After the TLog has been processed by the mainframe, a 2340 Report is published to the FCL Portal. agrē has several reports to compare to the 2340 Report to verify the results:

AR Cash Out Report

AR Invoice Activity Report

AR Payment Activity Report

What if a TLog didn't make it through to the FCL Mainframe? Should I resend it?

There can be scenarios where the TLog is not handled successfully. For example, CRS Hub wasn’t able to process the TLog, or the TLog was able to clear CRS Hub but there was an issue updating the FCL Mainframe. Depending on the situation you may receive a message in agrē, or you just may not have a 2340 report.

FCL Support will assist you in resolving any TLog issues. They may advise you to resend a TLog, or they may not require it, so please contact FCL before resending any TLog files.