Changing Period Start Dates

Generally, period start dates are created during the agrē setup process and aren’t changed. If there are special circumstances and you need to change your start date, it’s possible to make a change by editing the end date of the previous period, which changes the start date of the next period (rather than deleting and adding the periods again).

To change a period start date

Navigate to General Ledger > Manage > Accounting Period Dates.
The Accounting Period Dates window opens.

In the Fiscal Accounting Period list, select the accounting period immediately prior to the period whose start date you want to change and then click Edit.
The Edit Accounting Period window opens.

In the End Date box, change the existing end date to either an earlier or later date depending on the date that you want the next period to start.
For example, if you want to change the next period’s start date from August 10 to August 16, then change this previous period’s end date from August 9 to August 15.


The end date cannot be changed to earlier than this period’s start date or later than the next period’s end date. If this type of change is needed, you’ll need to delete periods and add new periods.

Click Save.
In addition to saving the changed end date, the start date of the next period is automatically changed (and saved) to the date after this revised end date.