Manage Shareholders

Shareholders are entities of various types (e.g. Individual, Joint) that own one or multiple share certificates. The attributes associated are used to send out dividend payments, Tax reporting (T5) and to report to CRA.

Shareholders are managed from the Manage Shareholders window.

What you'll find:


Adding Shareholders

Shareholders can be added at any time.

To add a new shareholder
* indicates a required field

Navigate to General Ledger > Shares > Manage Shareholders.
The Manage Shareholders window opens.

Click Add.
The Add Shareholder window opens.

To enter a specific Shareholder No, clear the Generate Shareholder No Automatically check box and type a number in the Shareholder No* box.
Each shareholder requires a unique reference number for future tracking. If the Generate Reference Automatically check box is selected, agrē assigns the next sequential reference number to this shareholder.

New shareholders are Active by default.
A shareholder must be active before they can be used.

Type the Last Name/Company* name of the shareholder.
(optional) Type the First Name.

Type the Recipient ID No (9 characters max).
This is normally the sharholder's Social Insurance Number (SIN).

Select the shareholder Type*.
This list is maintained by Tronia. Please contact your CSC if you require changes.

If the Type selected is Joint, a Name/Company (2nd)* is required, First Name (2nd) is optional.

Click Manage EFT if you will be paying this shareholder with electronic fund transfers instead of (or in addition to) paper cheques.
You'll need to enter the same information as if you were paying a regular Supplier with EFT.

Enter the shareholder's Primary Phone number, Secondary Phone number, and Email Address.

Select the shareholder's Default Payment Type.

Type the shareholder's Address*, City*, Province*, Country* and Postal Code.

Add any Notes about the shareholder.

Click Save to save the shareholder.
The Add Shareholder window closes.

The shareholder you created is listed in the Manage Shareholders grid.
When you are done adding Shareholders, click Exit.

Editing Shareholders

Shareholders can be edited at any time.

To edit a shareholder

Navigate to General Ledger > Shares > Manage Shareholders.
The Manage Shareholders window opens.

By default, the grid displays all active Shareholders in order of Shareholder No. (click on a column header to sort differently).
Click Search to change the criteria and refine the list.

Select the Shareholder you wish to edit.

Click Edit.
The Edit Shareholder window opens. Required fields are indicated with *.

Edit the information as required.

Click Save to save the shareholder.
The Edit Shareholder window closes.

Deactivating/Reactivating Shareholders

Shareholders can be deactivated and reactivated at any time.

To deactivate or reactivate a shareholder

Navigate to General Ledger > Shares > Manage Shareholders.
The Manage Shareholders window opens.

By default, the grid displays all active Shareholders in order of Shareholder No. (click on a column header to sort differently).
Click Search to change the criteria and refine the list.

Change Active? to Either or No to retrieve deactivated Shareholders.

Select the Shareholder you wish to deactivate or reactivate.

Click Edit.
The Edit Shareholder window opens.

Uncheck the Active? box to deactivate the Shareholder.

Check the Active? box to activate the Shareholder.

Click Save to save the shareholder.
The Edit Shareholder window closes and the Shareholder's status is updated immediately.

Deleting Shareholders

Shareholders with Share Certificates cannot be deleted, but they can be deactivated.

To delete a shareholder

Navigate to General Ledger > Shares > Manage Shareholders.
The Manage Shareholders window opens.

By default, the grid displays all active Shareholders in order of Shareholder No. (click on a column header to sort differently).
Click Search to change the criteria and refine the list.

Select Delete.
The Delete Shareholder window opens.

Select Yes to delete the shareholder
Select No to cancel deletion.

The Shareholder is deleted immediately.