
Bins are essential for volumetric blenders: if you have a volumetric blender, you will have several bins that contain the products you use in blending. You will need to define the bins used by your blender and to specify which product is in which bin.

What you'll find:

Adding Bins

Editing Bins

Deleting Bins

Adding Bins

To add a bin
* indicates a required field (other fields are optional)

Navigate to Blending > Manage > Bins.
The Manage Bins window opens.

Click Add.

In the Bin Description* box, enter a unique description for the bin.
For example, “11-52-0 Calgary” or “Bin 1”.


Products are shown on the batch sheet in ascending alphabetic bin name order.
Name your bins so that they’ll sort the way you want to see them on your batch sheet.

(Config U) In the Location* box, enter the location of the bin.

In the Product box, specify which product is stored in this bin.
You can have the same product in more than one bin.

In the Final Factor box, enter the bin’s final factor, which is the number of revolutions per minute (rpm) it takes to produce 1 kg.
For example, if the final factor is “.3765 rpm/kg”, enter “.3765”. Decimals are permitted, and the number must be positive.


It’s important to note the units entered in the Final Factor box; when a volumetric blend type is set up, you are required to specify the conversion factor between the blender’s final factors and the blend type’s main product unit.

Check Adjust Dial Settings if there is a known, calculable variance to bin output.

Enter the constants (a, b, and c values) of the variance equation.
The adjusted dial settings will display on the Batch Sheet.

Click Save.

Editing Bins

You can edit any of your existing bins at any time.


Click the History button to view Final Factor changes.

To edit a bin

Navigate to Blending > Manage > Bins.
The Manage Bins window opens.

In the Bin list, select the bin to edit and then click Edit.

Edit any field.

Click Save.

Deleting Bins

Use the Manage Bins window to delete a bin. Once you delete a bin, it cannot be undone. Bins that have been used cannot be deleted.

To delete a bin

Navigate to Blending > Manage > Bins.
The Manage Bins window opens.

In the Bin list, select the bin to delete and then click Delete.


If the Delete button is not available, the bin you selected has been used and cannot be deleted.

Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
The bin is deleted.