Manage Customers Level

Every customer can have specific credit information configuration settings.

Customer settings are specified in the Accounts Receivable module rather than in the configuration level settings.

Only credit information can be specified, and these settings will override the user, location, and company level credit information configuration settings.

Detailed information is shown in the following table.

Manage Customers Level Configuration Settings


Manage Customer Settings

Config Item



Credit Info tab


MC1. Credit Info: Credit Limit (overrides company level)

New customers require a specified credit limit. The credit limit is automatically entered when you add customers.

New customers have unlimited credit, and unlimited credit is selected when you add customers.


MC2. Credit Info: Unlimited Credit (overrides company level)

New customers have unlimited credit, and unlimited credit is selected when you add customers.

New customers require a specified credit limit. The credit limit is automatically entered when you add customers.


MC3. Credit Info: Warn of approaching credit limit (use company credit range of X) (overrides company level)

A warning message appears indicating that the customer is at the company level specified range before the specified credit limit.

The specified customer range is used (see MC4).



MC4. Warn of approaching credit limit when X away from credit limit (overrides company level)

A warning message appears indicating that the customer is at the specified range before the specified credit limit.

The specified company level range is used (see MC3).