FAQs:Miscellaneous - Hosting, Printing, Displays

What you'll find:

Hosted Services

Accessing agrē online (PDF)

Have you got any Hosted Services tips that will make agrē run better on my computer?

Why can't I see my agrē icon when I first log on?

Sometimes when I try to start agrē, I get an "Instance Already Open" error. What is causing that?

How can I be notified when there's an interruption to Hosted Services?


Why can I print from other Windows applications, but not from agrē?

When printing multiple pages of a report, why does only the first page print?

Why is my report is printing outside the margins?

Display Issues

I have two monitors and the display sometimes goes wonky when I start agrē. How can I fix that?


Miscellaneous FAQs

Hosted Services

Have you got any Hosted Services Tips that will make agrē run better - and safer - on my computer?

We sure do!

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on Accessing agrē Online.

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on Hosted Service Tips and Troubleshooting.

We'll show you how to:

tell your browser it's safe to navigate to the Citrix and agrē servers

remove cached passwords (because passwords stored in browsers are not as secure as you might think)

find missing printers and resolve common printing issues

update/reinstall Citrix security client

Having trouble getting to the Citrix login page from the link on our homepage?

navigate directly to the login page: https://citrix.tronia.com


Why can't I see my agrē icon when I first log on?

Sometimes when you log on you are automatically routed to the Documentation folder (and the agrē icon does not 'live' in that folder). Simply click Top or Up to return to the main level where the agrē icon is available.


Sometimes when I try to start agrē, I get an "Instance Already Open" error. What is causing that?

There's a few reasons that can happen, so we've outlined what they are and how to avoid them in the Citrix Instance Open white paper.

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on CITRIX Instance Open.


How will I know when there's going to be an interruption to Hosted Services?

On the very rare occasions when we need to take our hosted service offline for server maintenance, we will send advance notice via email to the main contact we have on file for your company. Otherwise, notification is posted at the Citrix login page.



Why can I print from other Windows applications, but not from agrē?
When printing multiple pages of a report, why does only the first page print?

The solution to both questions is the same.

Go to your Windows 'Control Panel' under 'Printers & Devices'

Right click on your default printer to access your 'Printer Properties'

Locate the 'Advanced Tab'

In the Advanced Tab find the option where it says something like 'Enable Advanced Print Features' - you need to ensure this is NOT checked (if it is currently checked please UNcheck it).

Apply your changes and exit that screen.

Log out of agrē and Citrix and then log back in again and print.


Why is my report is printing outside the margins?

Check your printer properties and confirm the paper size settings are set to “Letter” and not “A4” (which is sometimes set as the default paper size after a Windows or printer driver update).


Display Issues

I have two monitors and the display sometimes goes wonky when I start agrē. How can I fix that?

The usual culprit is having two monitors with different scaling, which is particularly common if the two display devices are not the same physical size.

Follow the steps on How to Adjust Windows Display Scaling Settings to resolve the problem..