Subledger Balancing

In agrē, a general ledger account balance is the sum its subledger values - that's what we mean when we say agrē has a "balanced subledger". The value of Accounts Receivable is the total of the amounts owed by each customer; and the total value of inventory is the sum of cost*quantity for each product. If your subledger is off balance by a few cents this is usually due to rounding and considered normal and nothing to worry about.

If your subledger is off by a larger, but still minor, amount (up to $10) you may want to offset the difference using Subledger Balancing.


You only need to use this feature periodically, such as once a year. Normal account activity shifts the balance throughout the year and usually corrects it.

To balance your subledger

Navigate to General Ledger > Manage > Subledger Balancing.

In AsOf Date box, enter the starting date of the accounts and their differences that you want to view.
Today’s date is selected by default. You can change this date to a past date, but future dates are not permitted. Upon saving, your posting are dated to this date.

Click Retrieve.
All your inventory, asset accounts and their current differences, if applicable, from the specified date and on are listed.

In the Include? column, select the Include? check boxes of the accounts you want to balance.
The check boxes are unavailable for differences greater than 10 dollars.


To quickly select and clear all the available accounts in the list, click Select All and Deselect All.

In the Offsetting Account column, enter the account to use to offset the difference.

(Config C) In the Location box, enter the location that owns the entries.

In the Project box, enter a project that you want to associated with the entries.
If you need to add a new project, click Add Project (the project automatically becomes active.)

Click Save.