



The Refresh toolbar button updates the information displayed on a window with any changes that might have been made to the agrē database.

Click the Refresh toolbar button

- or -

Press ALT+R

Multiple Users

Multiple Open Windows

Multiple Users

Because agrē allows multiple users to work at the same time, it is important to use the Refresh toolbar button to ensure that you are working with current data.

For example, while you are making a blend, it is possible that another user may delete a nutrient that you are planning to use in your blend. If you are unsure that the list of nutrients is current, click the Refresh toolbar button. Any additions, changes, or deletions made to the nutrients since you opened the Make a Blend window are updated in your nutrient list.

That said, there is no need to continuously click the Refresh button. Whenever you open a window, agrē automatically shows you the most current data. Also, if you know that other users are not working in agrē, or not working with the same data that you are working with, there is no need to click the Refresh button.

Use the Refresh button when you know or suspect that you and other users are working with the same data.

Multiple Users Making Changes

Because agrē allows multiple users to work on the same windows and therefore the same information at the same time, it’s possible that changes are made to a particular record at the same time. Changes can occur in the background without you being aware. For example, two users may be updating a customer’s phone number at the same time.

Last Save Wins
When this happens, the changes made by the last user to commit the change, either by saving or deleting, are the changes that agrē retains. The changes made by the first user are overwritten. (Similarly, if you have changed the same record twice, your second changes overwrite your first changes.) Sometimes, however, a message appears indicating that someone else has made changes and the user needs to start again.

Any other changes made by multiple users that do not occur at the same time are saved one after the other. For example, two or more users may enter invoices for the same customer and save them. Both invoices cause updates to the customer’s account but one change is saved before the other depending on who saved first.

Multiple Open Windows

Using the Refresh toolbar button is also valuable when you are working with multiple open windows.

For example, you may have both the Make a Blend and Manage Blend Types windows open. On the Make a Blend window, you can add a blend type. However, the new blend type does not display on the open Manage Blend Types window until you click Refresh on the Manage Blend Types window.