Product Units

Product units are the units of measurement used for products in agrē (e.g., acre, MT, jug, case). When you add a product, you must specify at least one main unit for it. You can specify additional unit types but must enter the conversion factor (e.g. 1000 kg in 1 MT; 4 jugs in 1 case)

Use the Manage Product Units window to add, edit, activate/deactivate, and remove product units.

What you'll find:


Add or Edit all units before clicking Save since saving also closes the window.

Adding Product Units

You can add multiple units for products in agrē.

To add a product unit

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Product Units.
The Manage Product Units window opens.

In the Unit Code column, enter a unique unit code (perhaps the abbreviation) for the product unit (e.g., AC for acre, MT for metric tonne, HR for hour).


The unit code will print on many reports (AR, Inventory, AP), so keep in mind how wide the columns are when deciding how many letters to use.

In the Description column, enter a unique description for the product unit (e.g., litre).

Click Save.

Editing Product Units

You can edit any of your existing product units at any time by changing their unit codes and descriptions.

To edit a product unit

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Product Units.
The Manage Product Units window opens.

In the Unit Code column, change the unit code (i.e., abbreviation) of the product unit.

In the Description column, change the description of the product unit.

Click Save.

Deactivating Product Units

If there's a unit type you no longer need but has been used so it can't be removed, you can deactivate it. After a unit type has been deactivated it can still be used with products that already have that unit type (until you deactivate it on the units tab of the product) but you would not be able to add it as a new unit type to any other products.

To deactivate a product unit

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Product Units.
The Manage Product Units window opens.

In the Active column, uncheck the box.

Click Save.

Removing Product Units

Removing a product unit type deletes it from the database. You cannot remove product units that are in use - but you can deactivate them if you no longer want to use them.

To remove a product unit

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Product Units.
The Manage Product Units window opens.

In the Unit Code column, select the product unit to remove.

Click Remove Units.


If the Remove Units button is not available, the unit you selected is in use and cannot be removed. You could deactivate the product instead.

Click Yes to confirm the removal.
The product unit is removed.

Click Save.