Rules for Combining Similar Products

agrē has options to combine similar products when printing invoices and statements.

Company Config Options: Reports: Default Criteria

File > Config Options > Company - Reports tab - Default Criteria subtab

What Makes Products "Similar"?

In order for products to combine they must have the same:

product/unit combination

unit price


work order reference (if used)

prepayment status

GST status

and further requirements if the products are blends:

must have the same blend parent

must have the same blend unit price including blend charge

blend descriptions must match

cannot be partially prepaid
(these are purposely kept separate to allow for more detailed display of the prepaid and chargeable portions per blend)

Show Extended Blend Info must be unchecked
(because the rates and the acres are stored per blend instance and could be different)

Product lines will not combine if:

there are any Line Comments specified - unless the comments match exactly
(a line comment would imply something unique about that invoice line so you wouldn’t want to lose the comment)
(Lot#s are included in line comments so they must also match)

the product is an Other Item in a blend
(additional products in blends do not get combined with straight products)

returns are not combined with purchases for a net amount
(even if everything else matches)