Types of Work Orders

There are two types of work orders: quotes and orders.

Quotes record a list of products that a customer may want to purchase and the prices of the items that you quoted to the customer. Products on a quote cannot be committed in your inventory.

Orders record a list of products that a customer is likely to purchase. Whereas quotes may not progress to a sale, orders are expected to result in a sale. Products listed on an order can be committed in your inventory and the price for each order item is optionally set. If you set the price for a product, you can optionally limit the quantity of the product that the customer can take at the specified price. For services, orders can be used to schedule a job for a customer on a specified service date (the date the product or service is scheduled to be delivered).

Once a work order is created, you can change the work order from a:

Quote to an order. If the items in a quote are referenced further along in the sales process (such as on a loadout ticket or invoice), the quote is automatically changed to an order. If there are inventory products on the quote, you'll be asked if you'd like to Commit them automatically. You can specify how many products on the quote should be committed by default at the company or user level.

Order to a quote, provided that the items on an order have not been referenced on a loadout ticket or an invoice. When a work order is changed from an order to a quote, order-only information is hidden (e.g., Authorization Date, Committed column). In addition, if the order items were committed in inventory, the items are released and no longer recorded as committed. The quote expiry date may change (check your company config options for default expiry dates).


The products/items on a work order are referred to as “rows.”

You can also manage and use Work Order Sub-types.