Blend Nutrients

By default, agrē adds Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potash (K) to every blend type, and these nutrients are available to be added to every blend that you make. The default blend nutrients cannot be deleted from agrē but you can add as many new ones as you need.

You will likely want to define additional nutrients which will then be added to one or more Blend Types before they can be used in your blends.

The default nutrients N-P-K are always the first three nutrients in every blend name, followed by any additional nutrients that you add to the blend. The blend type specifies the order of additional nutrients in the blend name. The blend type also specifies the order in which nutrients are listed on the batch sheet.

If you want to add additional products that aren’t nutrients (e.g. chemicals or seed) to the blend, use the Additional Products tab on the Make a Blend window.

What you'll find:

Adding Blend Nutrients

Editing Blend Nutrients

Deleting Blend Nutrients

Adding Blend Nutrients

For Macronutrients: enter Description, Label, check Show Label.

For Micronutrients: enter Description, Label, check Show Label if applicable, check Show Caution Statement if applicable.

French is displayed on some versions of blend reports - please contact your CSCfor more details.

You can add all the nutrients you want to any of your blends.
* indicates a required field  

To add a blend nutrient

Navigate to Blending > Manage > Blend Nutrients.
The Manage Blend Nutrients window opens.

Click Add.
The Add Blend Nutrient window opens.

In the Blend Nutrient Code* box, enter a unique code for the nutrient. e.g. if you are adding magnesium, the blend nutrient code would be “Mg”

In the Blend Nutrient Description* box, enter a unique description for the nutrient. e.g. "Magnesium"

In the Description (French) box, enter a French description for the nutrient. e.g. "Magnésium"

Check Show Caution Statement to display the Description in report caution statements.

Check Show Label to display the nutrient in the guaranteed analysis.

(optional) In the Label (English) box enter label text, otherwise the Description will display.
e.g. Total Nitrogen (N)
e.g. Magnesium (Mg) (actual)

(optional) In the Label (French) box, enter the text to display.

Select the Add this blend nutrient to existing blend types? check box if you want to add this nutrient to all existing blend types.
Clear the check box if you want to add this nutrient to the list of available nutrient choices, but not to all of your blend types.

The blend type must contain the nutrient before it can used when you make a blend with that blend type. For blend types added after additional nutrients are added, all blend nutrients are listed regardless of the status of this check box.

Click Save.

Editing Blend Nutrients

You can edit any of your existing blend nutrients at any time by changing their codes and descriptions. The default nutrients N-P-K can be viewed but not changed.

To edit a blend nutrient

Navigate to Blending > Manage > Blend Nutrients.
The Manage Blend Nutrients window opens.

In the Nutrient list, select the nutrient to edit and then click Edit.

In the Blend Nutrient Code box, change the nutrient code or the description.

Click Save.

Deleting Blend Nutrients

Use the Manage Blend Nutrients window to delete a blend nutrient. Once you delete a nutrient, it cannot be undone. The default nutrients N-P-K cannot be deleted.


If the Delete button is not available (i.e. it's greyed out), the nutrient you selected has been used to make a blend and cannot be deleted.

To delete a blend nutrient

Navigate to Blending > Manage > Blend Nutrients.
The Manage Blend Nutrients window opens.

In the Nutrient list, select the nutrient to delete and then click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm the deletion.