Posting Recurring Journal Entries

Recurring journal entries remain pending until you approve them for posting.

You can configure agrē to send a message to your Message Centre reminding you to post due entries. You can also view entries that are due for posting in the Manage Recurring Journal Entries window in the Due? column.

To post a recurring journal entry

On the General Ledger menu, click Post Recurring Journal Entries.
The Post Recurring Journal Entries window opens. A recurring journal entry requires posting if its Due? check box is selected.


To skip to an entry’s next posting date, select the entry and click Skip Selected.

If skipping a posting with a frequency of “Manually” you'll be prompted to select the Next Scheduled Date.

In the Recurring Journal Entries list, select the entry to post and then click Post Selected.
The Make a Journal Entry window opens, containing information from the original recurring journal entry you created. If needed, change the data for the entry.

Click Save.
The Make a Journal Entry window closes.

If saving a recurring journal entry with a posting frequency of “Manually” you'll be prompted to select the Next Scheduled Date.

Back at the Post Recurring Journal Entries window, the Next Scheduled posting date and the Due flag for that journal entry are automatically updated.


Posting a recurring journal entry with a posting frequency of “One Time” automatically clears the Due? and Active? check boxes for that entry.