Deactivating and Activating Suppliers

Use the Manage Suppliers window to deactivate and activate suppliers. You can deactivate only suppliers that have an account balance of zero.

When you add a supplier the default setting is active, but you can also activate a mapped supplier that has been deactivated (unmapped vendors must be mapped before they can be reactivated).

When a supplier is deactivated, you can still reference the supplier (i.e., view old transactions) in the database, but you cannot use the supplier (for new transactions) in agrē.

FCL Status is controlled by FCL and cannot be updated manually. FCL Status updates are received nightly from the mainframe via CRS Hub.

To deactivate a supplier

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Manage > Suppliers.
The Search for Supplier window is available.

Find the supplier using the various search criteria.
The search results are shown in the Manage Suppliers window.

In the Supplier list, select the supplier to deactivate and then click Deactivate.


If the supplier you want to deactivate does not appear in the list, click New Search and change your criteria.

Click Yes to confirm.

To activate a supplier

Mapped vendors can be reactivated at any time. Unmapped vendors should be left inactive and their current account  imported from the FCL mainframe.

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Manage > Suppliers.
The Search for Supplier window is available.

Find the supplier using the various search criteria.
The search results are shown in the Manage Suppliers window.

In the Supplier list, select the supplier to activate and then click Activate.


If the supplier you want to activate does not appear in the list, click New Search and change your criteria. Active suppliers are selected by default when you search for suppliers. Ensure you select Either or No in the Active? box to find deactivated suppliers.

Click Yes to confirm.