
Instead of adding customers/members, suppliers/vendors, and products/items to your agrē database manually, masterfiles are imported from CRS Hub.

Importing means less typing for you, and less chance of making data entry errors. Updates made on the FCL mainframe are automatically pushed down to your database via CRS Hub, and new additions can be imported as needed.

Masterfiles in agrē are linked to their corresponding files on the mainframe - when the files are updated on the mainframe the changes are imported automatically into agrē.

I want to read the white paper on Importing Masterfiles (which includes instructions with lots of screenshots on how to import vendors and items).

I want to read the white paper on Match & Map (which includes instructions with lots of screenshots on how to map and unmap items).

What you'll find:

Importing Customers/Members

You don't need to do anything to import your customers/members. The first time your agrē database communicates with CRS Hub (the middle-man between your agrē database and the FCL mainframe) and processes the initial automated Member Update, all members for your retail will be automatically downloaded into agrē. New members are imported automatically during updates from the mainframe.

Importing Suppliers/Vendors

Vendors can be imported as-needed - there's no need to import them all at once.

Importing Products/Items

FCL Items can imported as needed. Imported items are mapped automatically.

Retail-Created Items (products in agrē that aren't linked/mapped to corresponding items on the FCL mainframe) can be added directly to your database.