Deleting Suppliers

Use the Manage Suppliers window to delete suppliers from the database. Once you delete a supplier, it cannot be undone. You cannot delete suppliers that have had or have any activity associated with them.

Vendors imported from CRS Hub (and that have been mapped to the FCL mainframe) can be deleted, but the mapping is removed in the background to keep the vendor list in sync with CRS Hub.

To delete a supplier

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Manage > Suppliers.
The Search for Supplier window is available.

Find the supplier using the various search criteria.
The search results are shown in the Manage Suppliers window.

In the Supplier list, select the supplier to delete and then click Delete.


If the supplier you want to delete does not appear in the list, click New Search and change your criteria.


If the Delete button is not available, the supplier you selected is in use and cannot be deleted, but may be deactivated.

Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
The supplier is deleted.