Editing Purchase Invoices

Use the Edit Purchase Invoice window to change existing purchase invoices. Edits cannot be made in the following cases:

A purchase invoice has payments applied against it (e.g., paid in full).
(Credits can be unapplied on edit, then reapplied on Save)

A purchase invoice has credits applied against it (e.g., an issued cheque). Credits must be unapplied first.

Any credits generated by the purchase invoice have been applied elsewhere.

A purchase invoice is dated in a closed accounting period.

Suppliers cannot be changed if the purchase invoice has references to inventory receipt or purchase order rows (items) or if the location has been changed.


If the purchase invoice you want to edit does not appear in the grid, click New Search and change the filtering criteria.

To view the audit trail of changes to a purchase invoice, click History. The Purchase Invoice History window opens. The Created By box displays when and who added the purchase invoice to the database. The Updated By box displays when and who updated the purchase invoice last. To view the detailed Audit report for the purchase invoice, click Show Audit Trail.

To edit a purchase invoice

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Purchase Invoices. Or click the Purch. Invoice toolbar button.
The Purchase Invoices window opens and all purchase invoices created today are listed. In the Payments column, the Payments check boxes are selected for purchase invoices that have been paid in full. These purchase invoices are unavailable to edit unless credits are first unapplied.

In the Purchase Invoice list, select the purchase invoice to edit and then click Edit.
The Edit Purchase Invoice window opens.

If the Purchase Invoice has credits applied, the Unapply Credits? window opens.
Select Yes to unapply the credits. They will be selected automatically on the Taxes and Credits tab and reapplied on Save if not unchecked or the PI is exited without saving.


You can edit the information on the purchase invoice, including purchase invoice items. While editing, you can also add new items to the purchase invoice.

To remove an operational expense, inventory, or cost adjustment item from its list, select the item and click Remove Row.

To change the order of items listed in a product grid, select the item and press Control+Up Arrow or Control+Down Arrow, or right-click and select Move Row Up or Move Row Down.

Edit the data, taxes, and credits; and add, import, or link to items or inventory receipts as needed.
For information on entering purchase invoice information (operational expense, inventory, and cost adjustment items), see Adding Purchase Invoices.

To edit operational expense (non-inventory) items, click the Non-Inventory Purchases tab, select the item to edit and then click Edit Row. When you are finished making changes, click Update.
The Edit Non-Inventory Row window closes and the updated item appears in the list on the Edit Purchase Invoice window.

To edit inventory items, click the Inventory Purchases tab and then remove items, add items by clicking Add Inventory Receipt, or import items by clicking Import from Inventory Receipt (the unbilled inventory icon does not appear when editing a PI, but additional rows can still be imported).When you are finished adding click Save, or when you are finished importing, click Use Selected Rows.
The add or import window closes and the items appear in the list on the Edit Purchase Invoice window.

To edit cost adjustment items, click the Cost Adjustments tab and then remove items, or add items by clicking Add Product Row. When you are finished adding, click Use Selected Rows.
The Find Product Cost History window closes and the items appear in the list on the Edit Purchase Invoice window.

To edit taxes or apply credits, click the Taxes and Credits tab and then remove, add, or edit taxes or apply credits in the Tax or Credit table.

If credits were unapplied prior to editing, those credits will be selected automatically and reapplied on Save.
(if unselected and Saved, or you click Exit and don't save changes, the credits will remain unapplied)


To remove a tax from the list, select the tax and click Remove Tax.


The Total Purchase Invoice box displays the running total of the payables added to the purchase invoice.

Click Save.