PO Standard Comments

Easily add common purchase order product row comments with just a few clicks instead of typing the text manually each time.

You will need security permission to add or edit Standard Comments, but not to use them on Purchase Orders.

What you'll find:


Add, Edit, Deactivate, or Remove all comments before clicking Save since saving also closes the window.

Adding PO Standard Comments

You can add multiple standard comments in agrē.

To add a standard comment

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Manage > PO Standard Comments .
The Manage PO Standard Comments window opens.

In the Comment column, enter a standard comment.
Each standard comment can be up to 365 characters.

Ensure the Active box remains checked.

Click Save.

Editing PO Standard Comments

You can edit any of your existing PO Standard Comments at any time.

Editing a PO Standard Comment will affect new purchase orders only; line comments on existing purchase orders will remain as entered.

To edit a standard comment

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Manage > PO Standard Comments .
The Manage PO Standard Comments window opens.

In the Comment column, change the text.

Click Save.

Deactivating PO Standard Comments

If you'd like to set up a PO Standard Comment in advance, you can create it and leave it deactivated it until you need it. Or perhaps you have seasonal PO Standard comments that should not be used at other times of the year - deactivate them when they're not needed.

Deactivating a PO Standard comment will affect new purchase orders only; the line comment on existing purchase orders will remain as entered.

To deactivate a standard comment

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Manage > PO Standard Comments .
The Manage PO Standard Comments window opens.

Select the PO Standard Comment to deactivate.

In the Active column, uncheck the box.

Click Save.

Removing PO Standard Comments

Removing a PO Standard comment deletes it from the database so it cannot be used again.

Removing a PO Standard comment will affect new purchase orders only; the line comment on existing purchase orders will remain as entered.

To remove a standard comment

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Manage > PO Standard Comments.
The Manage PO Standard Comments window opens.

Select the PO Standard Comment to remove.

Click Remove Comment.

Click Yes to confirm the removal.
The comment is removed.

Click Save.