Adding Purchase Orders

The Add Purchase Order window allows you to create active purchase orders (use of Release Numbers is optional).

Click the Documents button to attach a document to the purchase order.

Purchase Orders can be copied from the Purchase Order window or from the Supplier Account.


What you'll find:

Adding Purchase Orders

Adding Non-Inventory Items to Purchase Orders

Adding Inventory Items to Purchase Orders


eOrder Business Rules

Auto Ordering

Customers and Orders

Release Numbers

To add a purchase order
* indicates a required field (other fields are optional)

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Purchase Orders. Or click the Purch. Order toolbar button.
The Purchase Order window opens and all purchase orders created today are listed.

Click Add.
The Add Purchase Order window opens.


To enter a specific reference number, clear the Generate Reference Automatically check box and type a number in the Reference* box.
Each purchase order requires a unique reference number for future tracking. If the Generate Reference Automatically check box is selected, agrē assigns the next sequential purchase order reference number to this purchase order.

In the Supplier* box, enter the supplier’s name.


Click Find to search for a specific supplier or click Add to add a new supplier.

In the Date Ordered* box, optionally change the effective date of the order.
Today’s date is selected by default. You can change this date to a past date, but future dates are not permitted.

(config C) In the Expected Delivery boxes, optionally change the delivery date range of the items on the order (you can set a just a Start Date).
One month after the date ordered is selected by default. The expected delivery date must occur on or after the date ordered. If you do not want an expected delivery date for orders, select the Not Specified check box.

(config C) In the Expiry Date box, optionally change the default date the purchase order is no longer in effect.
The expiry date must occur on or after the date ordered. If you do not want an expiry date for orders, select the No Expiry Date check box.

Select a purchase order Sub Type (if applicable).

(Config U) In the Location* box, enter the location that owns the purchase order.

This location must match all the item line locations (unless the line location is a warehouse of the header location).

Set the Status of the purchase order.


The Status* is automatically set to Active for new purchase orders unless your company is using the Purchase Order Approval Process.

In the Requested By box, enter the name of the staff member who asked you to order.

The Confirmation No is populated by FCL after your eOrder is processed.
If this is not an eOrder, optionally enter the confirmation number provided to you by the vendor.

General tab

(optional) Select a Supplier Location.
The list is populated by the list of shipping location addresses on the Addresses tab of the Supplier Account.

In the Comments box, enter comments about the order for your own use (max 600 characters).
These comments may be printed on Purchase Order reports.

Check Prepay Submitted? (a.k.a. 'Paid in Full') if applicable.

Enter a Contract Number if applicable.

(config C) In the Payment Terms box:

Check Custom to type the terms and conditions for payment of the items identified on this order (maximum 50 characters).

Uncheck Custom to select a Payment Term from the dropdown list.

In the Freight Terms box, enter the terms and conditions for the payment of the transportation of the items identified on this order (maximum 50 characters).
For example, prepaid or collect.

In the Ordered For box, type any additional details (e.g. an event "Fall Harvest Sale", timeframe "Mar/Apr", or location "All Locations").
If ordered for a customer, consider adding their details to the Customer and Order tab

In the Authorized By box, enter the name of the staff member who authorized the order.

In the Shipping Instructions box, add any special delivery notices.
e.g. Fragile

In the Adjustment box, add any adjustments (e.g. freight) that will affect the entire PO (same currency as the rest of the values, up to 4 decimal places).
This value is for information only and appears on the PO Activity report

In the Dept No* box, select the CMF Department number.

If you intend to send this PO as an eOrder, there's a few more things agrē needs to know.


When saving POs for the FCL supplier, you will be prompted to send an eOrder. See below for all eOrder Business Rules.

Only mapped inventory items can be eOrdered. Non-inventory items can be added to a PO eOrder but will be ignored by the FCL mainframe.

Normally only an item's mapped unit type can be eOrdered. If you need to order in non-mapped units, set the alternate unit type as the default unit type for Inventory Receipts/Purchase Orders.

agrē will automatically populate the Unit Price with the RCC/Recoup Cost (where available).

If an item has been flagged as Depleted, you will be notified on Save. Depleted items cannot be eOrdered.

Once an eOrder has been sent, some fields (including Reference Number, Order Date, header and product Locations, and all those for eOrder information) cannot be changed. Any changes to these data fields will need to be coordinated through FCL.

eOrdering a custom seed blend? There's a white paper for that.


Once an eOrder has been Saved and Sent to the FCL mainframe, no further updates will follow even if the purchase order is updated.

From the Order Type* dropdown, select the order type.
Default is Stock (98).

In the Promo No box, enter the promo or booking number.

From the Promo Ship Period dropdown, select the day.
Default is Mon(day).

From the Rush Order Code* dropdown, select the rush order value.
Default is No.

From the Allow Substitutions* dropdown, select the substitute value.
Default is Default.

From the Backorder* dropdown, select the back order value.
Default is Default.

In the Retail Charge GL box, manually enter a GL number.

Products tab

Add non-inventory items to the purchase order.
- or -
Add inventory items to the purchase order


Purchase orders may include both non-inventory and/or inventory items.

Adding Non-Inventory Items to Purchase Orders

To add a non-inventory item to a purchase order
* indicates a required field

Ensure the mandatory information (and optional information, if needed) is completed on the purchase order.

On the Add Purchase Order window, click Add Non-Inventory Row.
The Add Non-Inventory Row window opens.

In the Description* box, enter a unique description for the item.
For example, “Delivery Charges”.

In the Reference box, enter the supplier’s code for the item from the supplier’s quote.

In the Quantity Ordered* box, enter the quantity of the item you requested from the supplier.
The value can be positive only. If a quantity is not applicable for this item, enter a value of 1.

In the Unit Price box, enter the estimated price per unit of the item.
This value can be positive or negative (i.e., credit). The price may be left blank if you want to set the price at a different time (e.g., when creating the purchase invoice).

Select the Prepay check box if the product is intended to be paid for using prepayment funds.
Selecting this box indicates that prepayment funds are intended to be used, but it does not make paying from the prepayment funds mandatory. The method of payment can be changed when the purchase invoice is created.

The Location specified in the header is selected by default and should not be changed as all item line locations must match the header location (unless the line location is a warehouse of the header location) or mainframe will reject the transaction.
If the product has a Shelf #, it will be displayed.

In the Project box, enter the project that you want the product to be associated with.
When you associate the product with an active project, the revenue will also be associated with the project (POs don't generate revenue postings, but the project will be carried along to the purchase invoice so you don't have to remember to enter it there).

In the GL Account box, enter a GL expense account for this item to be posted to.
The default GL account, if specified, is entered by default. Entering a GL account here is optional; however, a GL account is required on purchase invoices.


Click Add to add a new GL account.

In the Line Comments box, manually type a comment for printed Purchase Order reports
- or -
select the Standard button, choose a PO Standard Comment from the dropdown list, then select Use.
These comments appear next to this item on the PO report.

Click Update.
The Add Non-Inventory Row window closes and the item appears in the list on the Add Purchase Order window.
In addition to the values you entered, the quantity received value is set to 0, and the item’s status is active.


To remove an item from the list, select the item and click Remove Row. You can remove rows that have a quantity received value of zero.


The Total box displays the running total of items added to the purchase order.

(Config U, L,C) Click Save.
A message appears asking if you want to preview the purchase order.

Click Yes to save, preview, and optionally print the Purchase Order report.
Click No if you do not want to preview the report.

Adding Inventory Items to Purchase Orders

Low-stock items, Prebookings, and Promo items can also be identified and added to purchase orders automatically using Auto Order.

Release Numbers are added per-product.

To add an inventory item to a purchase order
* indicates a required field

On the Add Purchase Order window, navigate to the Products tab and click Add Product Row.
The Add Purchase Order Product window opens.

In the Product* box, enter the product you want to add to the purchase order.
Click Find to search for a specific product.

In the Units* box, optionally change the unit of measurement for the item of the purchase order.
The default unit, which is either the main units or the preferred units for the item (as set up in Manage Products) is selected by default.
For eOrders, the unit type equivalent to the FCL Primary Unit must be selected.


Some Extended FCL Details are displayed for mapped items. To view all details, click FCL Item Details.

Normally only an item's mapped unit type can be eOrdered. If you need to order in non-mapped units, set the alternate unit type as the default unit type for Inventory Receipts/Purchase Orders.

Depleted items cannot be eOrdered.

In the Location* box, optionally change the location that will receive the item.
Retail-created Items on the same purchase order can be received at different locations.
For eOrders, the line location for all inventory items must be the same.

The Unit Price will default to the RCC/Recoup Cost (mapped items only) when available but can be changed.
The value can be positive or negative (i.e. a credit). The price may be left blank if you want to set the cost at a different time (e.g. when creating the purchase invoice).

Select the Prepay check box if the product is intended to be paid for using prepayment funds.
Selecting this box indicates that prepayment funds are intended to be used, but it does not make paying from the prepayment funds mandatory. The method of payment can be changed when the purchase invoice is created.

Cost Details (information only)

select Cost Details to see more information about the cost of past orders and purchases for this product at the selected location
(a line location must be selected before viewing cost details)

Recent Activity details the most recent transactions
(reminder: in agrē it's not a purchase until it's on a purchase invoice, and in this instance returns aren't considered purchases).

the Cost Details tab lists current costing details for this product at the selected location

the Purchase History tab lists the last year of transactions (orders, purchases, and returns) for this product by the selected supplier
if no supplier has been selected, the tab is blank

select View Item to see the purchase order/invoice report for the selected row

to close the window, select OK or click the X in the top right corner

In the Quantity Ordered* box, enter the quantity of the item you requested from the supplier.
For items that will be eOrdered, the quantity must be a positive whole number (no negatives, no decimals).


Quantity on Hand displays the quantity of the item in the selected units, at the selected item location.


Click Details to view additional inventory details for the product (e.g. quantity on order). The window opens and you can view the additional inventory details.

Show Other Locations to view the same information for all locations.

In the Line Comments box, manually type a comment for printed Purchase Order reports
- or -
select the Standard button, choose a PO Standard Comment from the dropdown list, then select Use.
These comments appear next to this product on the PO report.

Release Numbers
* indicates a required field

If the product has pre-authorized order numbers for its delivery, in the Release Number* column, enter the pre-authorized release numbers for the item (maximum of 30 characters each).

In the Quantity* column, enter the estimated quantity of the item for each release number.
(if the Quantity Ordered is negative  - to return to supplier - the quantity of all Release Numbers must be negative as well)

In the Status* column, optionally change the status of the release numbers.
Open is selected by default. Open indicates that the release number has been provided by the supplier. Assigned indicates that the release number has been given to the trucking company delivering the item. Filled indicates that the item associated with the release number has been delivered to your company’s specified location.

In the Comment column, manually type comments about the release numbers for your own use (e.g., the trucking company’s name).
These comments are printed on Release Number Activity reports.


You can also manage & update release numbers on the Release Numbers window.

Release Numbers are required for the Release Number Inventory Receipt process.

To add multiple specified release numbers:
* indicates a required field

Click Add Multiple Rows.
The Add Multiple Numbers window opens.

In the Starting Release Number field, use the first box for the Prefix, and the second box* for the starting number.
eg. if the first box contained the prefix "568365" and the second box contained the number "01", the complete first release number would be "56836501". Subsequent release numbers autogenerated for this product row would be "56836502" then "56836503" etc.

Enter the Number of Release Numbers* to be added.

Specify the Increments of value
e.g. type 10 if the numbers increment by 10; type 100 if the numbers increase by 100

Enter the Target Quantity of each Release Number*.
The total quantity will usually add up to the quantity ordered (or limit) of the product.

Type any Comments to be applied to each release number generated.

Click OK.
The Add Multiple Numbers window closes.


To remove multiple release numbers at once, click Remove Multiple.
Check which release numbers to remove.
Click Remove Rows.

Use keyboard commands Copy (CTRL+C) and Paste (CTRL+V) to copy data from one cell to another.

Once they've been added, search for a Release # (must be an exact match) to identify which product row contains that release number.

To add additional information to individual release numbers:
* indicates a required field

Select a Release Number and click Edit Release Row.
The Edit Release Number window opens.

Release Number*, Target Qty*, and Status* can be changed.

Select the Customer for whom this release number quantity is destined.
Choose their Ship To address (you can Add a new shipping address on the fly too).

Select a Pickup Date and a Trucker.

Updates to the Comments will affect this single release number only.

Click Update.
The Edit Release Number window closes and the Add'l Info box for that row is checked.

To copy release number details :
release number details are cached in memory to be pasted onto a work order

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on the AR WO->PO Process about copying work order customer and product details to purchase orders.

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on AR Release Numbers about copying & pasting Release Numbers.

Click Copy Release# to WO.
The Release Number, Target Quantity, Status, Pickup Date, and Comment of all Open and Assigned rows are copied to the memory cache.

Click Update.
The Add Purchase Order Product window closes and the item appears in the list on the Add Purchase Order window.
In addition to the values you entered, the quantity received value is set to 0, and the item’s status is active.

Click Copy Release# to WO.
The Release Numbers, Target Quantity, Status, Pickup Date, and Comments are copied to the memory cache.

Click Add Multiple Rows.
The Add Multiple Numbers window opens.


To remove an item from the list, select the item and click Remove Row. You can remove rows that have a quantity received value of zero.


The Total box displays the running total of items added to the purchase order.

Customer and Order tab

You can enter Customer and Order details on any purchase order, but not every layout of the Purchase Order report displays/prints it.


These fields are FYI only - there are no costing implications, and no relationship to FIFO. The actual product units the customer eventually receives will not be "tied" to this PO, nor will they assume any costing details of the received units linked to this PO.

If the product ordered is destined for a specific customer (or being shipped Direct to Farm), their details can be entered here.
If you select a Customer, a Ship To address or a Work Order reference is required.

(Config C) If you are using the AR WO->PO Process most, if not all, of these details will be copied from the customer Work Order that created the PO.
Some cannot be changed.

If you are not using the automated process, enter the corresponding Customer Work Order details manually.

Select the Customer the product on this purchase order is destined for.
The Billing Address and Phone # are the defaults from the Customer Account.

Select the customer's Work Order*.
All active work orders are listed.

Select the Sales Rep.

Select the Customer Contact.

Select the customer's Ship To* address.
The list is populated by the addresses on the Addresses tab of the Customer Account.


Click Find to search for a shipping address. Use the Filter to refine the results list or click on a column header to sort.


(Config U, L,C) Click Save.
A message may appear asking if you want to preview the purchase order.

If the supplier is the FCL supplier, you'll be prompted to send the PO as an eOrder.
Click Yes to save and send the PO.
Click No to save the PO but not send an eOrder. The PO can be edited and sent later.

A list of any items flagged as Omit this product on FCL PO eOrder Transmission (if any were added) is displayed.
Click Yes to save the PO with the omitted items but they will NOT be eOrdered.
Click No to cancel saving and return to modify the PO.


Once an eOrder has been Saved and Sent to the FCL mainframe, no further updates will follow even if the purchase order is updated.

Click Yes to save, preview, and optionally print the Purchase Order report. Click No if you do not want to preview the report.



eOrder Business Rules

Reference number 8 character max

Order Date must be today

Required Fields:

Dept. No must be numeric

Order Type

Promo No is either empty or numeric

Promo Ship Period

Allow Substitutions

Back Order

Rush Order Code

Retail Charge GL must be numeric

Every product on the purchase order must be mapped

Product Unit must be set to be the FCL Selling Unit (or be set as the default PO Unit on Manage Products->Units)

Quantity Ordered must be > 0, whole numbers only (no decimals) and max of 9999

Line Locations must all must be the same and match Header Location

Line Location must have an external location number

FCL Item Status cannot be Depleted (=9)

Copy Purchase Order Business Rules

When copy is clicked, the purchase order form is launched with all fields copied with the exception of the following:

Status is Ordered

Reference set to Auto-Generate

Order Date set to today

Default Expected Delivery date and Expiry dates

Prepay is unchecked

Documents, Confirmation Number, eOrder/ASN details, and Release Numbers are not copied