Company Level (Company Config Options)

The following table shows the available configuration settings for the company level and the effects of each.

To open the Company Level Settings window

Navigate to File > Config Options > Company

The Company Level Settings window opens. Detailed information about each configuration option is listed in the following table.


Run: File > Exports > Data > Audit/Admin > Notes (Loc, Cust, Prod) data export to double check all notes in one place.

Company Level Configuration Settings tabs:


Accounts Receivable


Loadout Tickets

Work Orders

General Defaults / Linking/Importing / Expiry Date / Service Dates / Payment Due Date

AR Release Numbers

AR Payments


Statement/Invoice Emailer



related to blending:

Printing Options / Default Criteria / Customer Name Formatting / Blends on Reports

Accounts Payable

Purchase Invoices / Purchase Orders / Suppliers / Payments

General Ledger




Report Options / Email Defaults / Default Criteria / Customer Name Formatting / Blends on Reports / eSignature




Company Level Configuration Settings can be overridden by Location Level and User Level Configuration Settings.



Company Settings Config Item On Off
General tab
General Use a background colour
The selected colour is shown in the background. The default colour is shown in the background,
General Hierarchical Pricing
On the Manage Price Levels window, you are able to add price levels, and the Hierarchy Order and Enter At Level columns appear. On the Manage Price Levels window, you are able to add price levels, but the Hierarchy Order and Enter At Level columns are hidden.
General Use customer's location for AR Invoice postings
Note: If you change a customer's home location, only postings from invoices added or edited after the change are affected.
Caution: Changing this setting after it has been in use may cause unexpected results in your income statements. It is recommended to change this setting at month or year end if necessary.
Invoice sales and COGS are posted to:
- Customer Home Location
- Invoice Header Location
- Invoice Line Location

Inventory is always taken from the line location of the transaction.
The cost of the inventory is based on line location.
General Use customer’s location for AR Invoice postings- Advanced button Specify any customers whose postings should be applied opposite to the location indicated above.
not applicable when using Header Location
General Prevent Cost Cascade in closed periods Prevents postings in closed periods resulting from any change in costs (agrē always prevents postings in closed fiscal years). The postings will be dated as of the first day of the first available open period.
Note: When this configuration setting is selected, the subledger may be out of balance for reports run "as of" a date within closed periods.
When making cost changes (e.g. a cost adjustment) date the postings as of the original date even if the date is in a closed period.
General Spell Check Certain Comments and Notes fields will be proofed for spelling errors.
(e.g. Field Scouts)
No fields will be proofed for spelling errors.
General Use Global Cache


(cached data is stored for the current session only, so each time you log in to agrē the cache will be automatically refreshed - if you need the cache updated immediately in your current session click Refresh or use the menu setting Help > Refresh Settings;

data [customer, product, supplier, etc.] entered by you in the current session is added to your cache immediately, other users will need to Refresh to update their cache with the information you added)
Retrieve customer, product, location, etc. data from the server the first time it is needed, then cache it so it doesn't need to be retrieved again during the current session. Retrieve data each time it is needed.

(retrieves the complete data set - including newly added records by other users - each time it is needed)
General Time Zone

Pacific: BC
Mountain: AB
Canada Central*: SK
Central: MB
Eastern: ON, QC
Atlantic: NB, NS, PEI
Newfoundland: NL

* no daylight savings time change
Transaction times are reported in the selected zone time.
e.g. Created On (shown on reports), Audit History
Transaction times are reported in Mountain Time.
General Password Complexity

Affects agrē user password requirements for ALL your company's agrē databases, including training, additional, and CRS Hub.
[Low, Medium, High]
Password Complexity table


Password Reset

(you must be a local security Administrator to change password config options)
[Never, 60 Days, 90 Days, 1 Year]

Best Practice: High, 1 Year
Accounts Receivable tab
Invoices sub tab
AR / Invoices Automatically generate Reference Number

Reference numbers for invoices are automatically generated.

Reference numbers for invoices must be manually entered.

AR / Invoices

Offer to import Loadout Tickets

On invoice Purchase & Returns tabs , a message appears asking if you want to import rows from existing unbilled loadout tickets for the customer.

A message does not appear.

AR / Invoices

Offer to import Work Orders
(excludes Returns tab)

On invoices Purchases tab only, a message appears asking if you want to import rows from existing work orders for the customer.

A message does not appear.

AR / Invoices

Allow Bill and Hold
(invoice now, loadout later)

Contact Support to have the Bill & Hold flavour of the Inventory Position report added to your agrē database.

Allow products on invoices and loadout tickets to be flagged as Bill and Hold.

Do not allow products to be flagged as Bill and Hold.

AR / Invoices

Sales Rep Mandatory

Invoice must have a Sales Rep selected before it can be saved.

Invoice can be saved with no Sales Rep selected.

AR / Invoices

Split Invoice: Default Keep WO links

(applies only to invoice rows linked to a work order without loadout tickets)

When splitting invoices Keep Work Order Links for Split Invoices is checked by default.

When splitting invoices Keep Work Order Links for Split Invoices is not checked by default.

AR / Invoices

Show committed amount on invoice product

(hidden if linked to WO or LOT, also applicable to POS Invoices)

Committed Quantity displays also on Add Product window.

Committed Quantity displays on Details window only.

AR / Invoices

Check Inventory Alert : Based on Min On Hand

Check Inventory warning blinky displays if Quantity Available falls below Minimum on Hand.

Check Inventory warning blinky displays if Quantity on Hand falls below 0.

AR / Invoices

Check Pricing Alert : Based on Sales/Pricing History existing (Returns Only)

Check Pricing warning blinky displays when customer has sales history for the returned item.

When returning items no Check Pricing warning blinky displays.

AR / Invoices

Default Return Quantity to Invoice Purchase Quantity

When returning items from a specific sales invoice, the quantity returned defaults to the quantity sold.

When returning items from a specific sales invoice, the quantity returned must be entered manually.

AR / Invoices

Require Security to Return without Receipt (or sales history, or blends)

Add Product Row on Returns tab is not restricted.

Return without Receipt permission is required to Add Product Row on Returns tab.

AR / Invoices

Use WO Taxes on Invoice

Tax status (charge/not charge) on work order used on invoice when product is linked or imported.

Default taxes used on invoice.

AR / Invoices

Enable Discount Products

Not compatible with Credit Codes / Credit Reasons.

AR Invoice Discount Products can be setup and added to invoices.

AR Invoice Discount Products cannot be setup nor added to invoices.

AR / Invoices

Apply return credits to invoice first

e.g. the same invoice has both a purchase and a return - should the credits from the return be applied automatically to the purchase?

Unapplied credits created by the invoice are automatically applied to the invoice itself before other invoices or chargeable items.


AR / Invoices

Apply unapplied credits automatically

Unapplied credits are automatically applied as they are created.

Unapplied credits must be manually applied.

AR / Invoices

How to apply remaining credits:

Auto apply to oldest items first

Unapplied credits are automatically applied to the oldest outstanding items.

Auto apply to most recent items first

Unapplied credits are automatically applied to the most recent outstanding items.

Manually apply credits after invoice is saved

When an invoice that has generated credit is saved, the Apply Credits window automatically opens; credits can be applied manually.

Leave all credits as unapplied

Unappled credits must be applied manually.

AR / Invoices

POS Invoice: Large Fonts

POS entry form displays fonts at a larger size.

POS entry form displays fonts at regular size.

AR / Invoices

POS Invoice: Scan with Non Mandatory Associated Product: Edit Qty

When scanning a product with optional Associated Products, allow editing the Quantity before offering associated products.

When scanning a product with optional Associated Products, default quantity of all products to 1.

AR / Invoices

Show Credit Reason

not applicable to: POS, AutoBill, Grain Invoices, or Blends;
not compatible with AR Invoice Discount Products

Show Credit Reason drop down when adding or editing products on invoices.

Credit Reason is hidden when adding or editing products on invoices.

AR / Invoices

Credit Reason Code is Mandatory

(Show Credit Reason must be checked to activate)

Credit Reason must be selected.

Credit Reason is optional.

Loadout Tickets sub tab
AR / LOTs Automatically generate Reference Number

Reference numbers for invoices are automatically generated.

Reference numbers for loadout tickets must be manually entered.


Automatically generate Reference Number

Reference numbers for invoices are automatically generated.

Reference numbers for invoices must be manually entered.


Offer to import Work Orders

On loadout tickets, a message appears asking if you want to import rows from existing work orders for the customer.

A message does not appear.


Import/Link WO: Hide Prices

Prices are visible when importing product rows from or linking to Work Orders.

Work Order pricing is hidden.


Offer to import Bill and Hold

On loadout tickets, a message appears asking if you want to import rows from existing Bill and Hold invoices for the customer.

A message does not appear.


Show <WO Available>

If a product is added to a loadout ticket that is active on a customer work order, show a visual reminder that a work order is available for linking

Normally off for retailers who link invoices to work orders as they do not link loadout tickets to work orders and need no reminder.


Include Loadout Ticket Comment on Printed Invoice

New Loadout Tickets will have the "Include this comment on printed invoice" box checked by default.

The box will need to be manually checked for the comment to appear on the invoice.


Split Loadout Ticket: Default Keep WO links

When splitting LOTs Keep Work Order Links for Split Loadout Tickets is checked by default.

When splitting LOTs Keep Work Order Links for Split Loadout Tickets is not checked by default.


Sales Rep Mandatory

Loadout Ticket must have a Sales Rep selected before it can be saved.

Loadout Ticket can be saved with no Sales Rep selected.


Keep Billing Units and Loadout Ticket Units the same

Product Billing units will automatically match shipping/Loadout Ticket units (Quantity does not change).

Product can have different shipping/Loadout Ticket and Billing units.


Display warning when Sales Rep is different on WO

A warning is displayed when importing from/linking to a work order with a different Sales Rep.

No warning is displayed if the Sales Rep on the Work Order is different from the Sales Rep on the Loadout Ticket.

Work Orders sub tab
AR / WO / General General Defaults sub tab

AR / WO / General

Automatically generate reference number

Reference numbers for work orders are automatically generated.

Reference numbers for work orders must be manually entered.

AR / WO / General

Default to ‘No Authorization’

On work orders, no authorization date is automatically selected but it can be changed.

On work orders, an authorization date is automatically selected but it can be changed.

AR / WO / General

Default to Committed

All products added to work orders (including blends) will be flagged as Committed by default but can be changed.

Products added to work orders will not be flagged as committed by default but can be changed.

AR / WO / General

Sales Rep is Mandatory

Work Order must have a Sales Rep selected before it can be saved.

Work Order can be saved with no Sales Rep selected.

AR / WO / General

Sub Type is Mandatory

A sub-type must be selected before the work order can be saved.

Work Order can be saved without a sub-type.

AR / WO / General

Ship To is Mandatory

A customer ship to address must be selected before the work order can be saved.

Work Order can be saved without a ship to address.

AR / WO / General

Customer Contact is Mandatory

A customer contact must be selected before the work order can be saved. Work Order can be saved without a customer contact.

AR / WO / General

Default to 'Use Current Price'

When products are added to work orders, the price will default to 'Use Current Price' but can be changed.

Price will default to the current price but can be changed to a different price, or 'Use Current Price' can be selected.

AR / WO / General

Exclude Closed Lines from Total (untaken, work order Form only)

Note: This setting refers to totals on the work order form. To suppress the same totals on the work order report navigate to the Reports > Default Criteria tab.

The value of closed lines are excluded from the totals.

If product was taken before the row was closed, the value of the row is included in the totals. To be excluded the line Status must be Closed and the Quantity Taken must be 0.

The value of closed lines are included in the totals.

AR / WO / General

Automatically prepay taxes if product is prepaid

Taxes on prepaid products will be automatically flagged as prepaid.

Taxes on prepaid products will not be automatically flagged as prepaid.

AR / WO / General

Itemize Blends - Prepaid Default:

- No
- Yes
- As set on Blend

AR / WO / General

AR / WO / General X% above Quantity Requested

(positive values only)

Quantity Limit = (1+x)% * (Quantity Requested)
0% -> Qty Limit = Qty Requested
5% -> Qty Limit = 1.05 x Qty Requested
10% -> Qty Limit - 1.10 x Qty Requested

AR / WO / General

Automatically 'Complete' lines when Quantity Requested is filled

(recommended if increasing AR / WO / General to prevent split rows when the customer takes a smidgeon more than requested)

Product rows will be flagged as complete if Qty Taken >= Qty Requested even if the Quantity Limit has not been reached

Product rows will remain open if Quantity Limit has not been reached even if all Quantity Requested has been taken.

AR / WO / General Work Order Approval

AR / WO / General

Enable Approve Email

Work Order Approval emails can be sent.

Note: Contact Support to activate the Work Order Approval process.

Work Order Approval emails cannot be sent.

AR / WO / General

Close Work Order on Cancel

Canceled work orders (those not approved) will be closed.

Canceled work orders (those not approved) will remain acitve.

AR / WO / General WO to PO Process
AR / WOs / General Defaults

WO to PO Process (see also Accounts Payable > Purchase Orders)

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on the WO->PO Process.

AR / WO / General

Supplier is Mandatory

A supplier must be selected before a Work Order can be saved.

Work Order can be saved without a selected supplier.

AR / WO / General

Limit Products based on Supplier

Products added to work orders are limited by the selected Supplier.

Any product can be added to a work order.

AR / WO / General

Notify all users in specified role when:
Linked WO Edited

All users within the user role selected from the list receive messages regarding the modification of Work Orders linked to Purchase Orders in the Message Centre.

No message is sent when a linked WO is edited.

AR / WO / Link/Import Linking/Importing sub tab

AR / WO / Link/Import

Auto Link: always use WO pricing when linking, regardless of prepay flag and availability

When links are made to work orders, the prices quoted on the work orders are always used for the full quantity requested (regardless of prepayment dollars available).

When links are made to work orders, the prices quoted on the work orders are used until prepayment dollars run out. After that, current prices are used for the remaining quantity requested.

AR / WO / Link/Import

Import Work Order to Invoice/LOT: Default Quantity

When importing from a work order onto loadout tickets or invoices, the quantity taken defaults to the quantity remaining.

When importing from a work order onto loadout tickets or invoices, the quantity taken must be entered manually.

AR / WO / Link/Import

Allow import/link to expired work orders

If checked, you will be able to link to Active Expired work orders.

Tip: If you want to link to expired work orders, you probably do not want to automatically close them.

If not checked, you will be able to link to Active current work orders only.

AR / WO / Link/Import

Import Header Coments when linking/importing to a Loadout Ticket
(autolink excluded)
If checked, Import Header Comments is checked by default when importing from or linking to products on work orders. If not checked, the Import Header Comments box is not checked.

AR / WO / Link/Import

Default to 'Include Expired WO'

("Allow import/link to expired work orders" must also be checked in order to check this option)

If checked,when invoicing and Importing/Linking to Rows from work orders, Include Expired WO will be checked by default.

If not checked,when invoicing and Importing Rows from work orders, Include Expired WO will not be checked by default.

AR / WO / Link/Import

Link to WO: Show Pricing Prompt when row is split

If checked, when an Invoice product row is linked to a WO with insufficient quantity, prompt to use current price or WO price for split row.

If not checked, the split row (the one not linked to the WO) gets the same price as the linked row.

AR / WO / Link/Import

Allow link Invoice Returns to Work Orders

If checked, Link Work Order appears on invoice return tab and returned product can be added back to a work order automatically.

If not checked, returned items cannot be added back to work orders automatically.

AR / WO / Link/Import

Auto-commit Quotes when linked
(and when imported too)

When you link to/import from a Quote (on a LOT or an INV) you will be prompted to turn the quote into an order. Use this setting to also automatically commit none, some, or all of the products on the quote at the same time.

Only Linked Products
All Products on Quote
Show Prompt

Note: AutoLink overrides Show Prompt (if you click AutoLink only the selected product will be committed).
Caution: If anything but All products on quote is selected, after auto/linking products in blends please check the WO manually as only the first blend product will be committed by default
AR / WOs / Expiry

Expiry Date sub tab

AR / WO / Expiry

Default Expiry Date (Quotes)

Rolling expiry date
Specific number of days.

All quotes are required to have an expiry date.

AR / WO / Expiry

Default Expiry Date (Orders)

Note: agrē will not allow you to manually set a Fixed Expiry Date to a date in the past and save the Config Options.

No Expiry Date
Blank Expiry Date (manual selection)
Rolling Expiry Date (e.g. 30 days)
Fixed Expiry Date (e.g. June 30, 2030)

AR / WO / Expiry

Expiry Date is Mandatory (Orders only)

Tip: Mandatory expiry dates for Orders are optional, but strongly recommended.

An expiry date must be selected before the Order can be saved.

An order can be saved without an expiry date (so it will never expire or automatically close).

AR / WO / Expiry

Automatically close expired Orders

Orders will be closed automatically after the expiry date.

Orders will remain Active until closed manually.

AR / WO / Expiry

Automatically close expired Quotes

Quotes will be closed automatically after the expiry date.

Quotes will remain Active until closed manually.

AR / WO / Service Dates

Service Dates sub tab

AR / WO / Service Dates

Default Service Dates

No Service Dates
Rolling Service Date (e.g. 30 days - sets Start Date only)
Match Order (Start Date) and Expiry (End Date) Dates

AR / WO / Service Dates

Service Start Date is Mandatory (Orders only)

A service start must be selected before the order can be saved.

An order can be saved without a service start date.

AR / WO / Service Dates

Service End Date is Mandatory (Orders only)

A service end must be selected before the order can be saved.

An order can be saved without a service end date.

AR / WO / Service Dates

Service Start Date is Mandatory (Quotes only)

A service start must be selected before the quote can be saved.

A quote can be saved without a service start date.

AR / WO / Service Dates

Service End Date is Mandatory (Quotes only)

A service end must be selected before the quote can be saved.

A quote can be saved without a service end date.

AR / WO / Due Dates

Payment Due Date sub tab

AR / WO / Due Dates

Default Payment Due Date (Orders)

Note: agrē will not allow you to manually set a Fixed Payment Due Date to a date in the past and Save.

No Payment Due Date
Blank Payment Due Date (manual selection)
Rolling Payment Due Date (e.g. 30 days)
Fixed Payment Due Date (e.g. Dec 31, 2030)

AR / WO / Due Dates

Payment Due Date is mandatory (Orders only) unless Paid In Full
(not applicable to quotes)

Orders must have a Payment Due Date selected or Paid In Full must be checked before saving.

Orders can be saved with no Payment Due Date selected and Paid in Full not checked.

AR Release Numbers sub tab
AR / Release #

Use AR Release Numbers

Products on work orders can be assigned release numbers. The Release Numbers button is not visible.
AR / Release #

Automatically Generate Release Number

Reference numbers for AR release numbers are automatically generated.

Reference numbers for AR release numbers must be manually entered.

AR / Release #

Close Work Order Lines if All Release Numbers are Filled

Product rows will be closed if all release numbers have been filled even if there is quantity remaining.

Product rows will remain open if there is quantity remaining even if all release numbers have been filled.

AR / Release #

Default Status

When adding new AR Release Numbers to work orders, this will be the default status.


AR Payments sub tab

AR / Payments

Default Payment Method

When accepting a customer payment, default to the payment method selected.

AR / Payments

Lump Sum

On the Accept Payments window, Lump Sum Payment is automatically selected and information is hidden and/or shown.


AR / Payments

Pay for selected

On the Accept Payments window, Pay for Selected Items is automatically selected and information is hidden and/or shown.


AR / Payments

Cash Rounding Behaviour

Note: Applies only to AR payment types with Round to nearest 5¢ checked.

Regular (Up/Down)

Rounds up if 3¢ or more; rounds down if 2¢ or less for both purchases and returns.

eg. If purchase total is $23.93; rounds up to $23.95; if return total is $23.92, rounds down to $23.90.

Customer Favoured (Round Down)

Always rounds down for purchases; always rounds up for returns.

e.g. If purchase total is $23.94, rounds down to $23.90; if return total is $23.92 rounds up to $23.95.

AR / Payments

Reverse Payment Posting Date

Original Payment Date:
when AR payments and prepayments are reversed, the reversal date is the original posting date

Current Date
when payments and prepayments are reversed, the reversal date is posted today

User Selects
when payments and prepayments are reversed, the posting date can be selected manually

AR / Payments

Prepayment Adjustment Payment Type

drop-down list of active AR Payment Types

Customers sub tab

AR / Customers

Default Values For New Customers

AR / Customers

Automatically generate Customer Code

Reference numbers for new customers are automatically generated.

Reference numbers for new customers must be manually entered.

AR / Customers

Billing Address is Required

A customer account can be saved without a billing address.

A billing address must be entered on a Customer Account before it can be saved.

AR / Customers

Default Price Level

The price level for new customers will default to this price level.

The price level for new customers must be manually selected.

AR / Customers

Default Credit Limit

New customers require a specified credit limit. The credit limit is automatically entered when you add customers.

New customers have unlimited credit, and unlimited credit is selected when you add customers.

AR / Customers

Unlimited Credit

New customers have unlimited credit, and unlimited credit is selected when you add customers.

New customers require a specified credit limit. The credit limit is automatically entered when you add customers.

AR / Customers

Default Credit Range

A warning message appears indicating that the customer is at the specified range before the specified credit limit.

A message does not appear.

AR / Customers

Customer Search Field

Search for customers by Customer Name.

Search for customers by Customer Code (which is usually the same as the Member Number).

AR / Customers

Search Using Member Number Check Digit

Searches first for member number with check digit.

Searches first for member number without check digit.

AR / Customers

Credit Limit Behaviours

AR / Customers

Use chargeable balance when checking credit limits (exclude prepayment)

Any Prepayment dollars in the customer account will not be considered as available credits when calculating the customer's chargeable balance

Any remaining prepayment dollars will be applied when calculating the customer's chargeable balance

AR / Customers

Include the estimated value of unbilled LOTs when warning about approaching/at credit limit (note this does not affect stops, only warnings).

When checking a customer’s credit limit, the value of unbilled loadout tickets is included.

When checking a customer’s credit limit, the value of unbilled loadout tickets is not included.

AR / Customers

Customer is at or over limit:

AR / Customers

Prevent LOT creation (unless all purchases are linked to prepaid WO)

When saving a loadout ticket, a message appears indicating that the customer is over the credit limit. You cannot save.

A credit range must be entered. Customers do not receive a message if the value is zero or they have unlimited credit.

AR / Customers

Force immediate payment on save of Invoice

When saving an invoice, a message appears indicating that the customer is over the credit limit, and he/she must make an immediate payment.

A warning message appears indicating that the customer is over the credit limit. You can still save.

AR / Customers

Prevent adjustments that increase customer balance

When making an AR adjustment, a message appears indicating that the customer is over the credit limit. You cannot save.

You can save the adjustment even if the customer is over the credit limit.

Statement/Invoice Emailer sub tab

AR / Emailer

Statement Emailer

AR / Emailer

Message Subject


When emailing customer statements, the subject entered here is automatically shown.

When emailing customer statements, a subject must be manually entered.

AR / Emailer

Body Text


When emailing customer statements, the text entered here becomes the body of the email.

When emailing customer statements, body text must be manually entered.

AR / Emailer

Invoice Emailer

AR / Emailer

Message Subject


When emailing customer invoices, the subject entered here is automatically shown.

When emailing customer invoice, a subject must be manually entered.

AR / Emailer

Body Text


When emailing customer invoices, the text entered here becomes the body of the email.

When emailing customer invoices, body text must be manually entered.

AR / Emailer

Combine Invoices for same Customer

When emailing multiple invoices to the same customer, the emails will be combined into a single PDF and only one email will be sent.

When emailing multiple invoices to the same customer, each email will contain a PDF of a single invoice.

AR / Emailer

Defaults Applicable to both Statements and Invoices

AR / Emailer

After Statements/Invoice are emailed, send message to:

After emails have been sent to customers, a notification message will be sent to agrē users in the selected role.

No agrē message will be sent.

eConfirmation sub tab
AR / eConf

Automatically Expire Pending Notifications

Status of expired Pending eConfirmations will update automatically to Expired.

Status of Pending eConfirmations must be changed manually to Expired.

AR / eConf

Expire in X Days

(above setting must be checked or is ignored)

Pending eConfirmations will be flagged as Expired after this many days.

AR / eConf

Work Order

AR / eConf


When saving a work order or quote, eConfirmation prompt is displayed automatically.

No eConfirmation prompt on save.

AR / eConf

Email Note

When sending eConfirmations by email, the text entered here becomes the body of the email.

Email body text must be manually entered.

AR / eConf

Text Note

When sending eConfirmations by text message, the text entered here becomes the body of the text.

Text message body text must be manually entered.

AR / eConf

Loadout Ticket

AR / eConf


When saving a loadout ticket, eConfirmation prompt is displayed automatically.

No eConfirmation prompt on save.

AR / eConf

Include TDG

(when applicable)

When sending an eConfirmation, automatically include the TDG report.

TDG is not sent.

AR / eConf

Email Note

When sending eConfirmations by email, the text entered here becomes the body of the email.

Email body text must be manually entered.

AR / eConf

Text Note

When sending eConfirmations by text message, the text entered here becomes the body of the text.

Text message body text must be manually entered.

AR / eConf


AR / eConf


When saving an invoice, the eConfirmation prompt is displayed automatically.

No eConfirmation prompt on save.

AR / eConf

Include TDG

(when applicable)

When sending an eConfirmation, automatically include the TDG report.

TDG is not sent.

AR / eConf

Email Note

When sending eConfirmations by email, the text entered here becomes the body of the email.

Email body text must be manually entered.

AR / eConf

Text Note

When sending eConfirmations by text message, the text entered here becomes the body of the text.

Text message body text must be manually entered.

Blending tab


Default Calculation Method

The calculation method selected from the list is automatically selected for blends.

You must manually select the calculation method for blends.


More Products than Nutrients

If you have more products than needed to make the blend, should agrē automatically calculate the most or least expensive blend , or ask you on the fly?

Show Prompt

Least Expensive

Most Expensive


Make a Blend: Default Save Transaction

When saving from Make a Blend, this will be the default Save As transaction.
(the same Eligible Transaction must be checked below).


Make a Blend: Eligible Transactions

When saving from Make a Blend, only these transactions are active/can be selected.
(at least 1 box must be checked; Eligible Transactions cannot be overridden at the Location or User level.)


Enable Link to Work Order button for Blends on Invoices and LOTs

The Link to Work Order button is available on invoices and loadout tickets for blends.

The Link to Work Order button is not available.


AR / WO / General to Blend Quantity

When saving a blend to a WO, the quantity requested will also be the quantity limit.

The blend quantity limit will need to be specified manually.


Show blend description after blend name on windows in agrē

On all the applicable windows in agrē, the blend description is always shown after the blend name.

The blend description is not shown after the blend name.


Prepay Blend Charge if all Products are Prepaid

If all the products in a blend are flagged as prepaid, flag the blend charge as prepaid.

Even if all the products in a blend are prepaid, do not flag the blend charge as prepaid.


Keep Blend Window open after Save

The Make a Blend window remains open after saving a blend so you can start making another blend right away.

Note: the blend window will still close if you opened it from a Customer Account.

The Make a Blend window closes after saving a blend.


Filter Blend Types by Location

When making a blend, only blend types for the location specified are available.

When making a blend, blend types from all locations are available.


Automatically Jump to Calculation Tab

Once a Location, Calculation Method, and Blend Type have been selected, automatically jump to the Calculation tab.

Remain on the Blend Setup tab after a Location, Calculation Method, and Blend Type have been selected.


Additional Products: Default Rate Expression


MT per blend

No Rate

MT per product

When adding Additional Products to blends, this will be the default rate expression.


Blend History - Show last [1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24] month(s) by default

When retrieving blends from Blend History, this will determine the default date range.


Blend History - Transactions [Templates, Crop Plans, Quotes, Orders, Invoices, Loadout Tickets, Custom App]

When retrieving blends from Blend History, this will determine which transactions are checked by default.

Note: when returning a blend on an invoice, defaults are ignored and only Invoices is checked (but you can check others if needed).

Accounts Payable tab

Purchase Invoice subtab

Allow PI date in closed period

Purchase Invoice date can be in a closed period.

Postings will be dated as of the first day in the first available open period.

Purchase Invoice date must be in an open period.

AP / PI Non-Inventory Items

Default Line Location to PI Location

see also: Default Header Location to Line Location

When adding a non-inventory product the line location defaults to the PI header location.

The product row is left unallocated unless a location is specified.


Location is mandatory

A location must be specified The product row may be left unallocated.

Project is mandatory
(for non-inventory products only)

A project must be specified. The product row may be left unallocated.

PO is mandatory

The product must be imported from a PO, or a PO must be linked. (Supplier setting will override this if set) No PO is required.

PO Unit Price Match & Threshold

Security: Normally, you would check PO Threshold +/- (which allows deviation within the threshold)
- or -
you would check PO Override (which allows unlimited deviation)
but you would not check both.

The Unit Price on the PI must equal the Unit Price on the linked PO.

With PO Threshold +/- permission, the Unit Price on the PI can vary from the Unit Price on the PO within the Threshold specified.

With PO Override permission, the Unit Price on the PI is not restricted.
The Unit Price on the PI is not required to match the Unit Price on the linked PO.

PO Unit Qty Limit & Threshold

Security: Normally, you would check PO Threshold +/- (which allows deviation within the threshold)
- or -
you would check PO Override (which allows unlimited deviation)
but you would not check both.

The Quantity on the PI must equal the Quantity on the linked PO.

With PO Threshold +/-permission, the Quantity on the PI can vary from the Quantity on the PO within the Threshold specified as long as it remains less than or equal to the Quantity Remaining on the PO.

With PO Override permission, the Quantity on the PI is not restricted.
The Quantity on the PI is not required to be less than or equal to the Quantity Remaining on the linked PO.
Purchase Order subtab

Automatically close expired POs


All expired purchase orders are automatically closed.

You must manually close expired purchase orders.


Automatically close POs with no active lines

All POs with only completed product rows (or a combination of completed and closed) will be automatically closed.

You must manually close completed purchase orders.

AP / PO Default Delivery Date

Default to No Delivery Date
Rolling Delivery Date (e.g. 30 days)
Fixed Delivery Date (e.g. April 5, 2030)


Default Expiry Date

Default to No Expiry Date
Rolling Expiry Date (e.g. 30 days)
Fixed Expiry Date (e.g. May 31, 2030)

Note: agrē will not allow you to manually set Fixed Expiry Date to a date in the past and save the Config Options.


Show <PO Available> on Inventory Receipt

When adding products to Inventory Receipts, <PO Available> will display in the PO Reference column if the product is available on an active Purchase Order.

When adding products to Inventory Receipts, the PO Reference column will be blank even if the product is available on an active Purchase Order.


Allow import/link to expired purchase orders

If checked, you will be able to link to expired purchase orders.

Tip: If you want to link to expired purchase orders, you probably do not want to automatically close them.

If not checked, you will be able to link to active purchase orders only.

AP / PO Unit Price is Mandatory Unit Price is required to save a product on PO. Product Unit Price is optional.
AP / PO Use Custom Payment Terms Payment Terms-Custom (text box) is checked by default (can be unchecked on the fly to select from dropdown) Payment Terms dropdown is enabled by default (custom can be checked on the fly)


WO to PO Process - (see also Accounts Receivable > Work Orders)

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on the WO->PO Process.


Enable Process - contact your CSC

The process cannot be used.

Activate process features.

Use WO Reference for PO

With PO Prefix: POs created by the process follow regular prefix naming conventions. With Custom Prefix: Use a different prefix for POs created by the process.

Use WO Pricing for PO

With PO Prefix: POs created by the process follow regular prefix naming conventions. With Custom Prefix: Use a different prefix for POs created by the process.
Suppliers subtab
AP / Supplier Display Supplier Find Drop Down Displays the Supplier Find drop down control on the supplier account. Displays the Supplier New Search find control.
Payments subtab

AP / Payments

Automatically generate Reference Number

Reference numbers for supplier payments are automatically generated.

Reference numbers for supplier payments must be manually entered.

AP / Payments

Use Cheque/EFT Approval Process

Cheques will need to added to a batch and the batch must be approved before they can be printed.

Cheques require no approval before printing.

AP / Payments

Notify user if Supplier Credits available during Supplier Payment creation (C36)

When making a supplier payment, a message appears indicating that you have available supplier credits.

A message does not appear.

AP / Payments

For overdue invoices use:

(not sure which one to choose? Explain Earliest Date Option)

Today's Date will be the default payment date

Earliest Date of all Invoices being paid on that payment will be the default payment date.

AP / Payments

For early payments use:

Today's Date will be the default payment date.

Earliest Date of all Invoices being paid on that payment will be the default payment date.

AP / Payments

Printing Cheques

AP / Payments

Hide left Signature Image when amount is >=

When printing cheques for more than or equal to the specified amount, the left e-Signature will not display.

Both e-Signatures will be displayed.

AP / Payments

Hide both Signature Images when amount is >=

When printing cheques for more than or equal to the specified amount, no Signature images will be displayed.

Both e-Signatures will be displayed.

AP / Payments

EFT Payments

AP / Payments

BCC Email Notifications

Blind copy the supplier email notifications to this address.

No BCC emails will be sent.

AP / Payments

Email Notification Note

Include this text blurb in the email notification in addition to the payment details.

e.g. "An EFT Transfer has been made to your account in payment for the invoices listed below. Please reply to this email with any questions, or contact Pat Thachuk at 1-800-123-4567."

Notification will contain no text blurb, just payment details.

General Ledger tab


Journal Entry


Location is mandatory for Income Statement Accounts

Location is required for postings to 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 accounts.

Location is optional for postings to 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 accounts.


Project is mandatory for Income Statement Accounts

(can be overridden at the GL level)

Project is required for postings to 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 accounts.

this affects: Journal Entries, Purchase Invoices

Project is optional for postings to 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 accounts.


Chart of Accounts


Mapping Code is mandatory for Postable Accounts

Location is required for postings to 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 accounts.

Location is optional for postings to 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 accounts.


GL Account to use when transferring Customer Balances

When transferring customer balances, this GL account is used for postings.

Balances cannot be transferred between customers.




Automatically generate Shareholder Number

Reference numbers for Shareholder Number are automatically generated.

Reference numbers for Shareholder Numbers must be manually entered.


Automatically generate Certificate Number

Reference numbers for Certificate Number are automatically generated.

Reference numbers for Certificate Numbers must be manually entered.

GL Automatically generate Transaction Number

Reference numbers for Transaction Number are automatically generated.

Reference numbers for Transaction Numbers must be manually entered.

GL Automatically generate Dividend Number

Reference numbers for Dividend Number are automatically generated.

Reference numbers for Dividend Numbers must be manually entered.

GL Automatically generate Dividend Payment Number

Reference numbers for Dividend Payment Number are automatically generated.

Reference numbers for Dividend Payment Numbers must be manually entered.


Allow decimals for # of Shares

# of Shares can contain decimals.

# of Shares must be whole number.


Use EFT Approval Process
I want to read the white paper about EFT Payment Batch Approvals.

EFT Payment Batches must be approved before the EFT submission file is generated. EFT Payment Batches do not need to be approved to generate the EFT submission file.

Dividend GL Account

When paying dividends, this GL account is used for postings.

Dividends cannot be paid with EFT.

GL [Dividend] EFT Payments

BCC Email Notifications

Blind copy the supplier email notifications to this address.

No BCC emails will be sent.


Email Notification Note

Include this text blurb in the email notification in addition to the payment details.

e.g. "An EFT Transfer has been made to your account in payment for the shares listed below. Please reply to this email with any questions, or contact Pat Thachuk at 1-800-123-4567."

Notification will contain no text blurb, just payment details.

Inventory tab




Product Search Field
search for products by:

Product Code
Product Name


Product Search: Show Quantity on Hand

Find Product will display Unit Price, On Hand, Ordered, and Committed amounts by default.

Unit Price, On Hand, Ordered, and Committed amounts are manually displayed on the Find Product window by selecting Price & QoH (or pressing F7)

Inventory Product Search: Include Manufactured When finding products, also search the Raw Ingredients on the Manufacturing tab. Raw Ingredients on the Manufacturing tab are not considered.

Multiple Unit Types: Default to Main Unit Type

Applies to: AR Invoices, Loadout Tickets, Work Orders, Inventory Receipts, Purchase Orders

When adding products with multiple unit types, the main unit type will be selected by default (unless overridden at the product-level).

When adding products with multiple unit types, a unit type must be selected manually (unless overridden at the product-level).


Use Next PO cost (if available) for Estimated Cost

Use the cost on the oldest, active, ordered PO for the same product in the same location where quantity remaining is greater than 0 (if there is one - if there isn't, use Estimated Cost as usual).

Use Estimated Cost for inventory postings.

Inventory / LocTran

Location Transfer

Inventory / LocTran

Automatically generate Reference Number

Reference numbers for location transfers are automatically generated.

Reference numbers for location transfers must be manually entered.

Inventory / LocTran

Default Status Pending

(visible only if Use Location Transfer Status has been turned on by Tronia)

Location Transfer product row status will default to Pending.

Location Transfer product row status will default to Complete.


Inventory Receipt

Inventory / Receipt

Force Purchase Order

Products must be added to Inventory Receipts by importing from a Purchase Order.

The Add Product button will be active on Inventory Receipts.

Inventory / Receipt

Trucker is mandatory

A trucker must be selected on an inventory receipt before it can be saved.

Inventory receipts can be saved without a Trucker selected.

Inventory / Receipt

Trucker is not mandatory when BOL is entered

If a bill of lading (BOL) reference is entered, trucker is mandatory.

A bill of lading reference can be entered with no trucker required.

Inventory / Receipt Automatically generate Reference Number Reference numbers for inventory receipts are automatically generated.

Reference numbers for inventory receipts must be manually entered
(e.g. to match supplier's ref no)



Inventory / Manu

Automatically generate Reference Number

Reference numbers for manufacturing are automatically generated.

Reference numbers for manufacturing must be manually entered.

Inventory / Manu

Automatically generate Lot Number

New Lot numbers are automatically generated and assigned to manufactured products.

Manufactured products are created without a Lot number (but one can be created/selected manually).


Manual Counts

Inventory / Counts

Comment is mandatory

Manual Counts can be saved without a comment.

Manual Counts require a comment before they can be saved.

Inventory / Counts

Show Pending Status

Default to Pending Status

The status of Manual Counts can be changed to Pending. Pending counts can be edited and do not generate postings until they are Complete.

Status of new counts is Pending.

All Manual Counts are flagged as Complete when saved, postings are made, and the Count cannot be edited.

Status of new counts is Complete.



Inventory / Pricing

Default Price (if none specified)

For all products with no set price, the current price defaults to this one (instead of $0).

If no set price, current price defaults to $0.00.

Inventory / Pricing

If no price is set leave price blank

When adding products without a set price to work orders and invoices the current price defaults to NULL (the user will have to type a unit price).

When adding products without a set price to work orders and invoices the current price defaults to the Default Price.

Inventory / Pricing

Product Sale Prices: Use Loadout Ticket Date

Use the product sale price that is in effect when the product is picked up.

Use the product sale price that is in effect when the product is invoiced.

Inventory / Pricing

Enable Minimum Pricing

Any manually set minimum prices are enforced.

No minimum price enforcement.

Inventory / Pricing

When minimum is blank, use current price as minimum

If no minimum price is set manually, use the standard retail price as the minimum price.

No minimum price enforcement.


Lot Number

Inventory / Lot#

Show Lot# warning indicator when adding products to invoices or loadout tickets

If a product with a Lot# is added, and no Lot# is selected, a warning indicator will flash.

If a product with a Lot# is added, and no Lot# is selected, no warning indicator will display.

Inventory / Lot#

Show Lot# for Manual Counts

Total quantity only can be adjusted.

Total quantity and quantity per Lot# can be adjusted.

Inventory / Lot#

Lot# Popup: Default to show Lot#s with OnHand only (at Location)

Display Lot#s for the selected location where quantity does not = 0.

Display all Lot#s for the selected location regardless of quantity remaining.


CRS Transfer

Inventory / CRS Trans


Choose your own Association
Inventory / CRS Trans Automatically generate Reference Number Reference numbers for CRS Transfers are automatically generated. Reference numbers for CRS Transfers must be manually entered.

Manage Product

Inventory / Prods

Supplier Product Code is mandatory

Supplier Product Code Mapping is required.

Supplier Product Code Mapping is optional.

Agronomy tab
Agronomy Mapping
Agronomy / Map

Default Map Type

Regular map

Satellite map

Agronomy / Map

Default Search Type

by Legal Land Description

by Address

Agronomy / Map

Default Outline

User defined colour


Agronomy / Map

Default Fill

User defined colour


Agronomy / Map

Default Search Zoom Level

Default zoom level


Agronomy / Map

Map Markers - Show Labels

Marker Labels will be displayed by default when adding/editing maps.

Marker Labels will be hidden by default when addding/editing maps.

Agronomy Crop Planning
Agronomy / Crop Plan

Unit Type
for regular products to include in NPKS (lbs/acre) calculation:

Unit type used to calculate straight product NPKS on the crop plan
(e.g. MT)


Agronomy / Crop Plan

lbs in unit type

Conversion factor used to calculate straight product NPKS on the crop plan
(e.g. if MT, would be 2204.6 lbs/MT)


Agronomy / Crop Plan

Crop Phase Mandatory

Crop Plan products must have a Crop Phase selected before they can be saved

Crop Plan Products can be saved without selecting a Crop Phase

Agronomy Crop Year Default

Crop Year Start Date - Month & Day

Can be specified as the default start date for reports on the Reports > Default Criteria tab

Note: if no date is selected, default crop year start date is Aug 1.
Agronomy agrēMobile

Filter Mobile Retrieve Products by Type

Keep in mind the more products agrēMobile must retrieve, the longer it will take.

When searching for products in agrēMobile the list will be filtered by these selections.

To select multiple product types, hold down the CTRL key and click.

When searching for products in agrēMobile ALL products will be available.


Agronomy Field Scout
Agronomy / Scout

Automatically Generate Reference Number

Reference numbers for field scouts are automatically generated.

Reference numbers for field scouts must be manually entered.

Agronomy / Scout Offer to create Work Order on Save When saving a field scout, a prompt appears to create a work order (with the same products). Products from field scouts must be imported to work orders or added manually.
Agronomy / Scout

Mandatory H2O Volume for Product Type: [product type]

H2O Volume is optional no matter what type of products have been recommended.

H2O Volume is mandatory when products of the selected type are recommended.

Agronomy / Scout

H2O Unit Type

default H2O units on Field Scout report



Agronomy / Scout

Image Size


Reports tab
Report Options sub tab
Reports / Options

Offer to Print on Save

Reports / Options

Work Order
Loadout Ticket
Batch Sheet on LOT*
Transportation on LOT*
AR Adjustment
AR Payment
Prepayment Receipt
Batch Sheet on Invoice*
TDG on Invoice*
Payment on Invoice
Location Transfer
Purchase Order
Purchase Invoice
Inventory Receipt
Journal Entry
Custom Application
Crop Plan**
Field Scout**†

When saving a transaction for the first time, a message appears asking if you want to preview/print the report.

* when saving a loadout ticket or invoice with a blend and/or dangerous good, agrē will also offer to preview the blend batch sheet and/or TDG.

** prompt appears after every save

† also controls prompt for Farm Field Report

A message does not appear.

Reports / Options

Show Criteria Window

Reports / Options

AR Invoice
Loadout Ticket
Work Order
AR Payment (and prepayments too)

When previewing these reports, the criteria window will display allowing you to change default options before the report is generated.

When previewing these reports the criteria window is skipped. If you need to change the default settings for this one instance, click Start Over.

Reports / Options

Default Print Copies

Reports / Options

AR Invoice
Loadout Ticket
Work Order
AR Payment (and prepayments too)
Blend Batch Sheet
Transportation (LOT)
Location Transfer

When printing these reports, agrē will print the number of copies specified.

Default number of copies = 1

Maximum number of copies = 5

Note: Not applicable to digital print formats (eg PDF, XPS).

Email Defaults subtab

  **  some settings may be restricted by your company  **  
Reports / Email

Emailed reports are sent from

On the Send Email window, the specified email address is automatically entered in the From box.

This is also the "return address" for supplier EFT notifications.

On the Send Email window, you must manually enter an email address in the From box.

Reports / Email

Email Body Default for Attachments

On the Send Email window, the email body will contain this text.

Note: you can use the variable [REPORTNAME] which will be replaced with the actual report name when emailing (the [] are required).

On the Send Email window, the email body will contain the system default text.

Reports / Email

Attached Filename Default

Used when emailing individual reports. Filename can be customised on the fly when sending.
Date is the posting date and the includes time.

ReportName_UserName_Date.PDF or
ReportName_Date.PDF or
ReportName_CompanyName_Date.PDF or

Reports / Email Email Server Settings

I want to read the white paper on agrē email Defaults to get instructions (with lots of screenshots) for setting up a Custom Email Server.


agrē Emailer
reports will be emailed from agrē's mail server

Custom Emailer
reports will be emailed through the mail server you indicate

Note: Contact your email provider for SMTP settings.
Emailed Reports are Sent From may be ignored by your custom mail server in which case the SMTP Username will be used as the From address.

Microsoft 365 (oAuth2)
authentication token valid for up to 60 days

Reports / Email

Address Book

Manage Groups

Use of the Company Address Book is optional.

Address Name is designed for a "user-friendly" description of the Email Address.

Email Address is limited to 300 characters.

Company address book contacts and Groups are available to all users.

Default Criteria subtab
Reports / Defaults

Report Criteria Defaults

These are report criteria defaults; you can change the settings when printing an individual report if you need to print that one particular report differently*.

* Show Returns First is the only setting that cannot be changed on the fly
** Extended Blend Information includes NPKSXX values, broadcast rate, acres, and can include cost/acre
*** Blended Products are the commodities (46-0-0, 11-52-0, etc.) that make up the blend
† displayed only if your report layout supports combining similar products

AR Invoice
Printed On: Plain Paper
Preprinted Form
Show Extended Blend Info** (or not)
Show Blended Products*** (or not)
Combine Similar Products(or not)
Show Returns First* (or not)
Work Orders
Printed On: Plain Paper
Show Extended Blend Info** (or not)
Show Blended Products*** (or not)
Exclude Closed Lines from Total (untaken) (or not)
Loadout Ticket
Printed On: Plain Paper
Preprinted Form
Show Extended Blend Info** (or not)
Show Blended Products*** (or not)
Printed On: Plain Paper
Preprinted Form
Combine Similar Products(or not)
Payment Receipt
Printed On: Plain Paper
Preprinted Form

Reports / Defaults

Work Order Activity

Line Status

<Any Status>

Reports / Defaults

Show details on Region/Division/Group reports regardless of location security permissions?

If you have segregated your locations into regions, divisions, and /or groups, should the totals for the groupings include values for locations that the user would not be allowed normally to see individually because of their location-based security, or not?

Reports / Defaults

Exclude Inactive Locations from location criteria

Inactive locations are excluded from dropdowns and listboxes.
This applies only to criteria, not filtering of the data. If "All Locations" is selected, activity that meets the criteria at all locations - including inactive ones - is included in the results.

Reports / Defaults

Exclude Inactive Products from product criteria

Inactive products are excluded from product dropdowns.
(this does not mean the report results will exclude inactive products, only that inactive products cannot be selected via the product multi find control)

Reports / Defaults

Default Start Dates

Reports / Defaults

Customer Account Activity

Customer Summary Statement
Itemize Products within Blend? [Yes|No]

Customer Prepayment

When running these reports, the Start Date will default to the selected setting:

Last Year
Last Fiscal Year
Start Year
Start Month
Last Month
Last 6 Months
Start Crop Year

Reports / Defaults

Default Report Printer

Reports / Defaults

Standard Reports

POS Invoice

When agrē prints reports, the selected printer will be the default.

agrē will use the default Operating System printer.

Reports / Defaults

Omit Cash Drawer

Please refer to the POS white paper for a list of compatible printers.

No instructions to open the cash drawer will be sent to the POS receipt printer

(select if you are not using a cash drawer, or are using a POS receipt printer that is not compatible, as it is the printer that sends the instructions to the cash drawer to open)

Instructions to open the cash drawer, when applicable, will be sent to the POS receipt printer

Reports / Defaults

Quick Print POS

The POS Invoice will print without being previewed.

The POS Invoice must be previewed before it can be printed.

Reports / Defaults

Print Full Invoice

POS Invoice/Receipt formatted for letter-sized paper by default.

When printing a Full Invoice you will not get a merchant copy.

POS Invoice/Receipt formatted for till-tape by default.

Reports / Defaults

Cash Drawer Code

(the POS Invoices white paper contains a list of cash drawer codes for common models of receipt printers)

enter the code as supplied by the manufacturer

Customer Name Formatting subtab

Reports / Cust Name Format


If a Customer Alias Exists

If a Customer Alias Does Not Exist

Reports / Cust Name Format


(how customer names display on all reports not specifically listed below; e.g. Customer Sales Report, Aged Receivables Report)

(C37 / C39)

No Alias

Customer aliases do not appear on all reports that do not have other report configurations specified.

John Doe

Customer first names then last names appear on all reports that do not have other report configurations specified.

Reports / Cust Name Format

C37b / C39b


Customer aliases appear on all reports that do not have other report configurations specified.

Doe, John

Customer last names then first names appear on all reports that do not have other report configurations specified.

Reports / Cust Name Format

C37c / C39c

Alias (Customer Code)

Customer aliases and customer codes appear on all reports that do not have other report configurations specified.

Doe, John (Customer Code)

Customer last names then first names and customer codes appear on all reports that do not have other report configurations specified.

Reports / Cust Name Format

AR Invoice, Loadout Ticket, Work Order, AR Adjustment, AR Payment, Statement (C38)

If a Customer Alias Exists

If a Customer Alias Does Not Exist

Reports / Cust Name Format

C38a / C40a

No Alias

Customer aliases do not appear.

John Doe

Customer first names then last names appear.

Reports / Cust Name Format

C38b / C40b


Customer aliases appear.

Doe, John

Customer last names then first names appear.

Reports / Cust Name Format

C38c / C40c

Alias (Customer Code)

Customer aliases and customer codes appear.

Doe, John (Customer Code)

Customer first names then last names and customer codes appear.

Blends on Reports subtab

Reports / Blends

Blend Description

Reports / Blends

AR Invoice
Loadout Ticket
Work Order

Do not show description or
Show Description on same line or
Show description on following line

Reports / Blends

When Blend Products, Show

If there are blends on the following documents, indicate how much information you want to display by default.

Reports / Blends

AR Invoice

Show quantities and/or prices

Will display products in the blend and the quantities used to make the blend, and (if you chose to show them on your invoices) the product prices.

Reports / Blends

Loadout Ticket

Show quantities

Will display products in the blend and quantity of each

Reports / Blends

Work Order
(for Blends on a Work Order)

Show quantities and/or prices

Will display products in the blend and quantity and/or price of each blend product.

Show Reference Number

When linking the products in a BOAWO to another work order, the reference number of the linked work order will display.

Reports / Blends

Blend Name:
Only show NPK

Applies to:
- AR invoice
- loadout ticket
- work order
- customer statement

Show only N-P-K values in the blend name - other nutrients are not included.

Normally when this option is checked, the above options (When Blend Products, Show ...) are also checked so all products in the blend are listed.

Reports / Blends

Extended Blend Information: Include Cost/Acre
[not displayed on Loadout Tickets]

If choosing to display the Extended Blend Information, also display the cost/acre.

Reports / Blends

Invoice Notes

Looking for Product Type Notes to display on invoices?

Displayed on invoices with blends.
[max 300 characters, plain text only - HTML tags are not recognized]

e-Signature subtab

Reports / eSig

Enable eSignatures

eSignature functionality is enabled.

eSignature functionality is disabled.

Reports / eSig

Default Device

no default signing device- must be selected each time a document is signed

default signing device for all users

Reports / eSig

eSignature Enabled Documents

Reports / eSig

Loadout Ticket
Transportation Document
(TDG document)
Payment Receipt

The eSignature button on these reports is active.

The eSignature button on these reports is disabled.

Reports / eSig

After Signature

Reports / eSig

Loadout Ticket
Transportation Document
(TDG document)
Payment Receipt

After the document has been signed:

Close Window
Email PDF
Preview/Email Option

Messages tab


Notify all users in specified role when:


New GL Period created


All users within the user role selected from the list receive messages regarding the creation of new GL periods in the Message Centre.

Messages do not appear.


Posting made to closed GL Period


All users within the user role selected from the list receive messages regarding postings made to closed GL periods in the Message Centre.

Messages do not appear.



Recurring Journal Entry is due


All users within the user role selected from the list receive messages regarding recurring journal entries in the Message Centre.

If Automate Posting is checked, a message is sent saying a posting HAS been made; if not checked, a message is sent saying a posting is DUE to be made

Messages do not appear.



Future AP payments are made


All users within the user role selected from the list receive messages regarding AP payments made in the future in the Message Centre.

Messages do not appear.


Inventory is below Min On Hand

(for active locations and active products only - maximum of 100 messages, use Inventory Balances report and check Only Show Products Below Minimum to see all)


All users within the user role selected from the list receive messages regarding inventory that is below the minimum on hand value in the Message Centre.

Messages do not appear.


New Requested PO is created

All users within the user role selected will receive messages when new POs with a status of 'Requested' are created.

Messages do not appear.


POs have expired

All users within the user role selected will receive messages when a PO has expired.

Note: Automatically close expired POs must be turned ON for this item to take effect.

Messages do not appear.


Cheques have been approved

Note: The label says "cheques" to keep it short. If selected, a message will be sent when any payment batch - including those with EFT payments - has been approved.

All users within the user role selected will receive messages when a cheque or cheque/EFT batch has been approved (so the user know the cheques are ready for printing or EFT payment batch is ready for submission).

Messages do not appear.


New Supplier is created

All users within the user role selected will receive messages when a new Supplier is added or imported.

Messages do not appear.


New Customer is created All users within the user role selected will receive messages when a new Customer is added.

Messages do not appear.


Work Orders are overdue

All users within the user role selected will receive messages when a work order has not been Paid in Full by its Payment Due Date.

Messages do not appear.


Work Orders have expired

All users within the user role selected will receive messages when an order or quote has been closed automatically by the sweeper.

Note: At least one of the config options to Automatically close expired Orders or Automatically close expired Quotes must be turned ON for this item to take effect.

Messages do not appear.


Work Orders created/edited

All users within the user role selected will receive messages when an order or quote has been created or edited.

Messages do not appear.


Pending Location Transfer created

All users within the user role selected will receive messages when a location transfer with one or more pending products is created.

Messages do not appear.


CRS Hub Notifications

e.g. eOrder Confirmations

All users within the user role selected will receive Hub notifications.

Hub Notifications do not appear as agrē Messages


Grower Central Order Created

All users within the user role selected will receive messages when an order or quote has been created online by a customer.

Messages do not appear.