co-op logo agrē Release Notes 2.22.01   February 24, 2022

Last updated: February 24, 2022

Top 5 Highlights from this Release



What's New & Improved in agrē 2.22.01:

Additional process information from FCL may follow the release.


This symbol security icon indicates that your Local Company Security Administrator needs to make a security permission change to allow user access to the new feature.

Configuration Options

This symbol config icon indicates a new feature integrates with a Configuration Option (at either the Company, Location, or User level).


Release Notes highlight the best new features and improvements from each release of agrē. In case you missed a prior version, Release Notes for the last two years are available from the online Help Release Note archives.


Location Notes  

Work Order, Loadout Ticket, Invoice, Statement: location notes can contain up to 600 characters. 
Please contact your CSC if your report layout also needs to support 600 characters.

File > Manage > Locations

Accounts Receivable

Work Orders: Product Sale Prices   

When viewing Sale Prices, future sales are displayed in red.
Selecting Use will copy the Sale Price to Use This Price.
Use This Price can be changed manually.

Accounts Receivable > Work Orders

Tax Updates from CRS Hub   

Some retails will receive tax information from CRS Hub on Food (30) items.

Inventory > Manage > Item Categories (CRS Hub)

Ensure FCL Managed Taxes is selected to receive automatic updates.

Inventory > Manage > Products > Prices & Taxes

Kenna Communications LP - Manual Sales Export security icon   

Manufacturer Sales/Orders (Kenna) - Sales of items used for data analysis by Kenna for participating manufacturers.
(includes quantities on invoices, loadout tickets, work orders)

Manufacturers must be flagged as reporting to Kenna to have their products included in the results.

File > Export > Data    /   Inventory > Manage > Manufacturers

TKXS - Manual Sales Export security icon   

Manufacturer Sales/Orders (TKXS) - Sales of items used for data analysis by TKXS for participating manufacturers.
(includes quantities on invoices, work orders)

Manufacturers must be flagged as reporting to TKXS to have their products included in the results.

File > Export > Data    /   Inventory > Manage > Manufacturers


Location Densities  

Blend product Density can be set at the Location level. When blending, agrē will use the location density when available. If there is no location density, the calculation will use the company value.
(additional products in blends will default to company density but can be changed)

Inventory > Manage > Products


Finding Products  config icon

Turn on Product Search: Include Manufactured if you'd like agrē to search the list of Raw Ingredients used when Manufacturing products as well as the usual product code, description, etc. when finding items.

File > Config Options > Company > Inventory tab

Why would I use this?

I manufacture BINS. Bins are made up of many parts, one of which is a FAN.
I also sell fans as a separate product.

Inventory > Manage Products / Manufacturing tab

A customer calls and needs a replacement fan today, but there are none left on the shelf and I can't get one shipped that fast. 

Accounts Receivable > Loadout Tickets > Add

I would be willing to remove the fan from an assembled bin and sell it separately - I just need to know which bins use that fan, and if I have one out in the yard that's not already spoken for.

When the Product Search: Include Manufactured config option is checked, searching for FAN will find both the fan itself and products manufactured with the fan. This will work everywhere you Find products.

e.g. Accounts Receivable > Loadout Tickets

e.g. Inventory > Manage > Products

CRS Transfers   

Department Number  

Dept No is entered via drop down list instead of free-form text.

Inventory > CRS Transfers

The options in the drop down list are defined in Location Config Options. All active FCL CMF Departments are available from this list. 

File > Config Options > Locations

Manual Counts 

Add Product Row 
Add a forgotten product to the manual count.      

Add New Product 
Add a completely new product to agrē and to the manual count at the same time.     
The product is added immediately (the count does not need to be saved, and permission to Add Products is required). 

Edit Shelf # 
Add, edit, or remove an item's Shelf # on the fly.     
The shelf number change is immediate (the count does not need to be saved, and permission to Edit Products is not required).

Inventory > Manual Count

Managing Manufacturers

New Reporting Partner: Kenna 

Manufacturers must be flagged as reporting to Kenna for their products to be included in the Manufacturer Sales/Orders (Kenna) data export.

Inventory > Manage > Manufacturers

Report Sales to EMR + Additional Reporting Partners 

Sales for manufacturers can report to none, some, or all reporting partners.

Inventory > Manage > Manufacturers

Managing Products  

New Secondary Manufacturer Reporting Partner: Kenna  

Flag a product's Secondary Manufacturer as reporting to Kenna.

Inventory > Manage > Products

Shelf Labels: Deposits  

Associated Products flagged as Deposits will display on the Shelf Label.
If there are multiple deposits, the shelf label will display the total of all deposits.
(space limitations may suppress Min/Max quantites) 

Inventory > Manage > Products

Dangerous Goods 

Items that are Imported or Mapped will also import Dangerous Good information.

File > Imports|Mapping > Import Products

Reports & Exports


Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have access to new Exports and Reports and who should not so we leave that up to them.

Report Viewer  

Landscape reports open automatically in a landscape report viewer.

e.g. Agronomy Crop Plans

Updates to Current Reports

Report Name What's New?
AP Purchase Order Summary data: [CMF] Department Number
AP Purchase Order data: Qty Rec'd is based on ASN Still to Ship calc.
AR Invoice (base layouts only) data: Location Notes 600 char max
AR Invoice Activity criteria: Include Tax Totals
data: Total GST/HST , Total PST, Total Other Tax
INV Inventory Forecast Position
(base layouts only)
criteria: Include Manufactured (checked)
INV Manufacturing Position
(deployed Jan2022)
criteria: Location <Company>
INV Shelf Labels criteria defaults: 
Price Changes Only - checked
As of Date - yesterday  
Barcodes only - unchecked
Suppress Zero on Hand - checked
Display - Product Description

New Exports  security icon
Export Name Description
AR Customer Sales of Product Sales  items sold 'on sale'
AR Fuel Tax Exemption  invoice sales (select a product and a permit)
AR Manfacturer Sales/Orders (Kenna) includes quantity on INV, LOT, WO of Kenna-reportable products
AR Manfacturer Sales/Orders (TKXS) includes quantity on INV, WO of TKXS-reportable products
AA Notes (Loc, Cust, Prod) View most Notes in one place.
criteria: Type [Location, Customer, Product, Product Type, Other] of note
data: criteria dependent 
New Export: Notes (Loc, Cust, Prod) 

File > Exports > Data

Updates to Current Exports

Export Name What's New?
AR  Customer List  data: Term Group
AR  Customer Sales  data: Inv Return Ref#
AR  Manufacturers Sales/Orders (TKXS)
deployed Dec2021 
data columns added
AR  Loadout Ticket Details  data: Transaction Average Unit Cost (= Total Line Cost/Transaction Qty); Total [Line] Cost
AR  Work Order Detail data: some columns renamed [e.g. WO Number is now Reference Number], some new columns added
INV  Inventory Balances   data: Item Number, Product Type

Configuration Options


Company Configuration Options are managed by your local company agrē administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know if your administrator would enable a new Config Item or not so we leave that up to them.

New config options are released OFF unless they are replacing/enhancing existing items, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Company Config Options

Tab / Subtab Config Item Action
Inventory   General - Product Search: Include Manufactured when finding products, as well as checking the code and the description, also check the list of Raw Ingredients on the Manufacturing tab



Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have security permission and who should not so we leave that up to them.

New security permissions are released UNCHECKED unless they are enhancing existing permissions, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Role Permissions

Tab Item Action(s)
Accounts Receivable  Term Groups

Enable on Menu

Administration Export Data

Customer Sales of Product Sales  

Fuel Tax Exemption  

Manufacturer Sales (Kenna) 

Notes (Loc, Cust, Prod)  


Crop Planning

New Batch Report   

Print multiple Crop Plans at the same time. If you had permission to view crop plans, you already have permission to view batch ones too.

Agronomy > Reports > Batch Reports > Crop Plan

New Agronomy Reports

Report Name What's New?
AGR Crop Plan - Batch sort order: Crop Year, Customer Name, Detail ID


CRS Hub Data Management

Data What's New?
View Export Log data: Retail includes Name as well as Number
View Item Master Data  
(deployed Jan 7/22)
data: Item Category (Item Cat), Item Category Description (Item Cat Desc)

View Export Log 

Retail includes retail number and retail name.

Data Management > View Export Log

Updates to Current CRS Hub Exports

Export Name What's New?
Purchase Order Detail  data:
name changes: multiple columns;
removed: No Delivery Date, No Expiry; 
added: Created By, Approved By, Allow Substitution, Backorder, eOrder, FCL Primary Unit;
appended: CMF Dept Description;

Hub Hotfixes

Summary Description Deployed
View Item Master Data   January 7, 2022