Product Sale Prices (a.k.a. Sales or Limited-Time Pricing)

Product Sales are limited-time price changes. For example, you want sell left over product at a reduced price at the end of the season (so snow shovels go on sale for the month of June).

In order to determine a retail price for a product, agrē completes two general processes:

      1. applying any applicable limited-time sales (that's what you'll be reading about here)

      2. getting the product’s price

Limited-Time Sales are the first thing agrē looks for. You can add sales for product types (e.g., seed), for individual products (e.g, Hudson Canola), or for both. A sale can specify a percentage discount, a dollar discount, or a fixed sale price.

Sale pricing can apply to all customers, some customers, or just one.

If a customer belongs to a discount group that includes the product on sale (and the sale is set up to allow discounts on top of sale prices), the discount may further reduce the overall selling price of the product (process 3 above). If you do not want any further price reduction applied, there is an option to Exclude discounts when using sale prices.

If a fixed sale price is entered for a product, that price is automatically used as the price when that product is purchased and agrē does not complete process two and three.

If you specify sale prices for both product types and individual products, it is possible that some products are eligible for two sale prices. For example, Hudson Canola seed has a sale price as an individual product, and the Seed product type also has a sale price. Therefore, Hudson Canola has two sale prices. In such cases, the individual product sale price overrides the product type sale price; therefore, only the individual product sale price is offered.

The same product/unit combination or product type cannot be included in more than one sale for the same date(s).

A Sale can offer different discounts for the same item based on Unit Type.

Use the Manage Product Sales window to add, edit, copy and delete sales.

Product sale prices are also displayed on Product Price Check and Manage Retail Prices.

I want to read the white paper on FCL Promo Pricing (with lots of screenshots) for more details.

Limited Time Sale Pricing  on Work Orders, Invoices, and Loadout Tickets

When a customer orders products on a Work Order that are included in a limited-time sale, the sale price is not automatically applied. 
As Sale Prices are often based on when items are picked up (not necessarily when they are ordered) it’s for you to decide if a Sale Price is applicable, and which price to use.

If Sale Start Date < WO Date < Sale End Date, then the sale is Current. 

If the Sale Start Date > WO Date, then it’s a Future sale.

When a customer purchases products on an invoice that are included in a limited-time sale, the sale price is automatically applied, reducing the overall selling price of the product.

(Config C) If the product is taken on a loadout ticket that is not invoiced until after the end date of the limited-time sale, by default the customer will get the current price not the limited-time sale price. You must indicate that loads taken or shipped during a limited-time sale should also receive the sale price at invoice time.


What you'll find:

Adding Sales

Editing Sales

Copying Sales

Deleting Sales

Adding Sales

Use the Add Sale window to add sales for product types, individual products, or both.

To add a sale

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Pricing > Product Sale Prices.
The Manage Product Sales window opens.

Click Add.
The Add Sale window opens.


I want to read about the fast way to add promo pricing in the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on FCL Promo Pricing.

To quickly add all items from a specific Promo:
- click Import Promo
- select the Location and the Promo number
- click Import Items
- all items on the promo are added automatically to the Products tab
- all that's left to do is choose the Locations Included in Sale and the Price Levels, then Save

In the Sale Description box, enter a unique description for the sale.
For example, “End of Year Sale.” This description appears anywhere that you select or view a sale and in all related reports.

In the Start Date box, optionally change the date that the sale begins.
Today’s date is selected by default; future dates are allowed. All products included in the sale that are purchased on or after this date (up to the end date) receive the sale price specified. However, prices can be changed directly on invoices.

In the End Date box, optionally change the date that the sale ends.
One month after the start date is selected by default; future dates are allowed. All products included in the sale that are purchased on or before this date (up to the start date) receive the sale price specified. However, prices can be changed directly on invoices.

Select the Exclude discounts when using sale prices? check box if you do not want any further discounts to be applied to the sale prices of all products included in the sale.
When selected, only the sale prices will apply. If you clear the check box, discounts are applied to the sale prices of all products included in the sale.

Leave Include All Customers checked if everyone gets the sale prices, or uncheck if only certain customers qualify.
You'll need to save the sale before you can Add/Remove Customers.

Under Locations Included In Sale, select the check boxes for the locations you want to include in this sale.
At least one location is required.

Under Price Levels Included In Sale, select the check boxes for the price levels you want to include in this sale.
Only customers who belong to the selected price levels receive the sale prices (the hierarchy is not checked). At least one price level is required.

On the Products tab, click Add Product.
The Add Product Sale Price Row window opens.

In the Product box, enter the products you want to be on sale.


Click Pricing to see the current price for each price level and location.

In the Units box, optionally change the unit of measurement for the product.
The default unit, which is either the main units or the preferred units for the product, (set up in Manage Products) is selected by default.

In the Percent Discount box, enter the sale percentage for the product.
- or -
In the Dollar Discount box, enter the number of dollars to deduct from the usual selling price of the product.
- or -
In the Fixed Price box, enter the actual sale price for the product.

On the Product Types tab, in the Product Types column, select a product type that you want to be on sale.
Any products of this product type (set up in Manage Products) receive the sale price when sold to customers at the specified locations for the specified price levels.
In the% Discount column, enter the sale percentage for the product type.


To remove a product type from the Product Types list, select the product type and click Remove Product Type. Removing a product type makes it no longer eligible for the sale price; however, existing invoices that contain the product type sale price are not affected.


If a product and its product type are both included in a sale, the sale price for the specific product overrides that of the product type.

Click Update.
The Add Product Sale Price Row window closes and the product and its sale price appears in the Products list.


To sort the products, click a column header.

To remove a product from the Products list, select the product and click Remove Product. Removing a product makes it no longer eligible for the sale price; however, existing invoices that contain the product sale price are not affected. To edit a product in the Products list, select the product and click Edit Product.

Click Save.

If product/unit combinations for the same location and price level are already on an existing sale that includes any of the days in the sale you just added, the Sales Overlap window opens.
Sales Overlap offers you several choices:

Remove from Existing Sale  Remove all duplicate product(s) from the sale that is already saved

the Sales Overlap window closes

the current sale is saved

duplicate products are removed from the existing sale
if removing the duplicates results in the existing sale containing no products, the existing sale will be deleted

Remove from Current Sale  Remove all duplicate product(s) from the sale you are trying to save

the Sales Overlap window closes

duplicate products are removed from the current sale

the current sale is saved

Cancel  Don't remove anything from any sale, just go back and let me edit sale I'm trying to save so I can manually fix the overlaps

the Sales Overlap window closes

nothing is saved

Editing Sales

Use the Edit Sale window to edit any of your existing sales.

To edit a sale

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Product Sale Prices.
The Manage Product Sales window opens.

In the Sale list, select the sale to edit and then click Edit.
The Edit Sale window opens.


You can edit information in the sale, including product and/or product type sale prices. While editing, you can also add new products and product type sale prices to the sale.

To restrict the sale to certain customers only, uncheck Include All Customers then click Add/Remove Customers.
The Add Customers to Prod Sale window opens.

The Keep in Sale tab lists the customers already included in the sale.
To remove customers from the sale, uncheck the Keep in Sale.

To add more customers to the sale, navigate to the Add to Sale tab.
Use the criteria to filter customers, check Add to Sale next to those who qualify for the sale prices, then click Save.
The Add Customers to Prod Sale window closes.

Edit the data, and add products type and/or product sale prices, as needed.

To edit items under Product Types, select the product type to edit and then select a new product type from the list and change the discount percentage.

To edit items under Products, select the product to edit and then click Edit Product.

When you are finished making changes, click Update.
The Edit Product Sale Price Row window closes and the updated product appears in the Products list on the Edit Sale window.

Click Save.

Copying Sales

Use Copy Sale to copy any of your existing sales.

To copy a sale

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Product Sale Prices.
The Manage Product Sales window opens.

In the Sale list, select the sale to copy and then click Copy.
The Copy Sale window opens.


You can edit information in the copy of the sale, including start and end dates, and product and/or product type sale prices.
While editing, you can also add new products and product type sale prices to the sale.

Edit the data, and add and remove products type and/or product sale prices, as needed.

Click Save.
The sale is copied.

Deleting Sales

Use the Manage Product Sales window to delete sales from the database.


Once you delete a sale, it cannot be undone.
You can uncheck "Active" instead.

To delete a sale

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Product Sale Prices.
The Manage Product Sales window opens.

In the Sale list, select the sale to delete and then click Delete.


If the Delete button is not available, the sale you selected is in use and cannot be deleted.

Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
The sale is deleted.