Getting Retail Prices

In agrē, prices for products are automatically calculated, but they can be changed directly on work orders and/or invoices. On work orders, you can only change the product’s price (flowcharts 2.1, 2.3 and 2.4). On invoices, you can change the final price, which is the product’s price and any applicable sales and discounts applied to it (all flowcharts).

In order to determine a retail price for a product, agrē completes these general processes:

      1. checking for a prepaid price

      2. getting any applicable fixed sale price

      3. getting the product’s price (that's here, and also in Product Costs and Prices)

      4. applying any applicable discounts (sales discounts [percentage or dollar], customer group discounts, etc. see below).

Each process is made up of several steps.


In the following flowcharts, “customer” has an associated price level and discount group. “Product” has an associated unit, location, and price level.

Flowchart 2.1: Check for any Prepaid Price. agrē checks for a prepaid price before getting a product’s price. If a prepaid price is found, that price is automatically used as the product’s price. This price can be changed on work orders and invoices.

Flowchart 2.2: Apply any applicable fixed limited-time sale price. agrē checks for sales before getting a product’s price. If a fixed sale price is found, that price is automatically used as the product’s price. This current price can be changed on invoices only.

Flowchart 2.3 and 2.4: Get the product’s price (hierarchical or non-hierarchical). Once the sales have been checked and/or applied for the product, agrē then gets the product’s price. Your company may or may not use hierarchical pricing. Flowchart 2.3 shows how a product’s price is obtained when hierarchical pricing is used. Flowchart 2.4 shows how a product’s price is obtained when non-hierarchical pricing is used. This current price can be changed on work orders and invoices. For information on getting products’ prices see Price Levels (Inventory) and see Manage Product Retail Prices (Inventory).

Flowchart 2.5 and 2.6: Apply any applicable discounts. Once the product’s price has been obtained, agrē then checks for limited-time sales percentage and dollar discounts, and checks for any group discounts, if applicable. Discounts stop when $0 is reached. This current price can be changed on invoices only.

Flowchart 2.1 Is there a Prepaid Price?

Flowchart 2.2 Is there a Limited-Time Sale Fixed Price?

Flowchart 2.3: Get the Product’s Price (hierarchical)

Flowchart 2.4: Get the Product’s Price (non-hierarchical)

Flowchart 2.5: Is there a Limited-Time Sale Percentage or Dollar Discount?

Flowchart 2.6: Are there any Discounts to apply?