Manage Product Types

Every product must have a Product Type. Product types are used to classify similar products into specific categories (e.g., chemical, fuel, seed). They are used in other areas of agrē to make it easier to setup product sales and discounts. Product types also help you to search for products and filter product reports.

Product types can be combined into Product Groups (each Group can contain multiple Types) to allow more generic categorizing when searching for products and selecting products for reports.

All standard FCL product types have been added to your database. You can use the Manage Product Types window to edit which Product Group a Product Type belongs to, and to activate or deactivate product types.

To save time when adding new Retail-Created products, you can associate default GL accounts to each product type so the account numbers don't need to be entered manually.


All allowable Product Types have been already added to your agrē database. You aren't able to add any new ones, but you can edit the existing ones.

Updates to data fields maintained by the FCL mainframe are read-only in agrē; data fields not maintained on the FCL mainframe can be edited.


What you'll find:


    Edit all product types before clicking Save since saving also closes the window.

    Editing Product Types

    You can combine multiple product types into a single Product Group.

    To edit a product type
    * indicates a required field (other fields are optional)

    Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Product Types.
    The Manage Product Types window opens.

    Product Type Tab

    Ensure the Active check box is selected.
    Active is selected by default after the description has been entered.

    In the Product Group column, select a Product Group.

    In the External Code column enter an external code (if applicable).
    External codes are required when interfacing with software external to your agrē database.

    Check TKXS if this product type should be included in TKXS sales exports.
    A checkmark will appear in the TKXS column of the Manage Product Types home form.
    (leave unchecked to exclude from TKXS sales results)

    Sales of items from any Product Type with an External Code starting with 5075 or 5076, or with no External Code, will also be included.

    Check Manufacturer Product Code is Mandatory if products of this type require a Manuf. Prod. Code.

    GL Accounts Tab

    Specify default GL Accounts to use when new products of this product type.

    Select the default Sales, COGS (cost of goods sold), Inventory and Accrual GL accounts for this product type.
    A checkmark will appear in the Default GL column of the Manage Product Types home form.

    Notes Tab

    Individual Product Notes will not override Product Type Notes - both will be displayed in the same window.

    Add any Popup Notes to be displayed when adding products of this type to customer Invoices (max 200 char),  Loadout Tickets (max 200 char), Work Orders (max 200 char), and/or Location Transfers (max 200 char).
    (product type popup notes do not have Expiry Dates)

    Add any printed Printed Notes to be displayed on screen when adding customer Invoices (max 300 char),  Loadout Tickets (max 1200 char), Work Orders (max 300 char), and/or Location Transfers (max 300 char).

    Click Save.


    Run: File > Exports > Data > Audit/Admin > Notes (Loc, Cust, Prod) data export to double check all notes in one place.

    Deactivating and Activating Product Types

    You can activate a product type that has been deactivated, or deactivate a product type that is active.

    When a product type is deactivated, it is still associated with the products that are assigned to it, but you cannot use the it for new products or for sales and discounts.

    To deactivate or activate a product type

    Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Product Types.
    The Manage Product Types window opens.

    In the Active column, clear or set the Active check box as applicable.

    Click Save.