Adding Work Orders

The Add Work Order window allows you to create active work orders for customers.

Click the Documents button to attach a document file to the work order.

What you'll find:

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on Work Order Approval.

To add a work order
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Work Orders. Or click the Work Order toolbar button.
The Work Orders home form window opens and all work orders created today are listed by default.

Click Add.
The Add Work Order window opens.

Each work order requires a unique reference number* for future tracking.
If the Generate Reference Automatically check box is selected, agrē assigns the next sequential work order reference number to this work order.
To enter a specific reference number, clear the Generate Reference Automatically check box and type a number in the Reference box.

In the Customer* box, enter the customer’s name.


If you have work order notes specified for the customer (set up in Manage Customers), a message containing the notes appears. Click OK to continue.

In the Date Ordered* box, optionally change the effective date of the order.
Today’s date is selected by default. You can change this date to a past date, but future dates are not permitted.

(Config C) In the Expiry Date box, optionally change the date to the date that the work order is no longer in effect.
The default expiry date will default as specified in Company Configuration Options or Work Order Subtypes. The expiry date must occur after the date ordered.
If you do not want an expiry date for orders, select the No Expiry Date check box (this can also be set as a default).

(Config U) Under Work Order Type*, click Quote or Order.
Quotes must have an expiry date, but they do not have an authorized date, a service date, or committed products.
Orders can have products committed and optionally have expiry, authorized, and service dates.

Select a work order Subtype (if applicable).
(Config C) Sub-type can be made mandatory.

(Config U) In the Location* box, enter the location that owns the work order (this can also be set as a default).
This location can differ from the location specified for each work order item, which is the location that will supply the item.

In the Created By box, optionally change the name of the person identified as the creator of the work order.
The name of the person logged on is entered by default.


Reports (such as Work Order Batch) use this field to filter for Created By, not the name of the user who is actually logged in when the work order was added. This allows User A to enter work orders for Users B, C, and D and change the Created By name accordingly so Users B, C, and D get 'credit' for orders generated by them.

If you are looking to track work orders based on the name of the user who entered them (which can be different from for whom the Work Order was Created By) preview the Work Order Summary data export and refer to the Audit Created By column.

In the Comments box, enter comments for printed Work Order reports. 
- and/or -
select the Standard button, choose a Work Order Standard Header Comment from the dropdown list, then select Use.
(standard comments can be edited; max 600 characters)

These comments are printed on Work Order reports, including both quote and order types.

In the Comments box, enter comments about the order for your own use.
These comments are printed on Work Order reports, including both quote and order types.

Customer and Order tab

(Config C) Select a Ship To address if the order is destined for somewhere other than the billing address.

Click Add to add a new shipping address on the fly to the customer's account.
Click Find to search for a shipping address. Use the Filter to refine the results list or click on a column header to sort.
Click Manage Customer to make other changes to the customer's account information.

(Config C) In Sales Rep, optionally select or change who should 'get credit' for this order.
The default sales rep is specified on the Customer Account.

In Customer Order No optionally enter the customer's purchase order number.
The customer order number applies to work orders only; the value doesn't flow through to loadout tickets or invoices.

Select a Customer Contact for the order.
Click Find to search for a shipping address. Use the Filter to refine the results list or click on a column header to sort.

For Direct to Farm: Select the Supplier that will supply the product.
(Config C) Product selection may be limited by the supplier selected.

(Config C) Approval Status for new work orders is Not Sent.
Check Send Approval on Save? to send an approval email to the customer.
Once an approval email has been sent, the status will change to Pending (as in pending customer approval or cancellation).

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on Work Order Approval.


As long as the Approval Status remains Not Sent or Pending, the Send Approval on Save? box can be checked again and the email resent.

(Config C) In Service Details, specify a Service Date (or service date range) to provide a service for the customer, such as delivering the product or treating the seed, or check No Service Date (if that option is available to you).
These dates are used in searching for and reporting on work orders: when this date occurs, there is no change to the data.

(Config C)
(not applicable to quotes) If you want to record authorization information for this order, in the Authorized By box, enter the name of the customer who authorizes the order. In the Authorized Date box, change the date that the authorization was made. Today’s date is selected by default. If you do not want to record authorization information for this order, select the No Authorization check box. (Selecting this check box hides the Authorized By and Authorized Date boxes.)

Payment Terms

(Config C) In the Payment Due box, enter when payment (or prepayment) for the order is due, or check No Due Date.
The default payment due date will default as specified in the Company Configuration Options. The payment due date must occur after the date ordered.

Check Paid in Full if the work order has been paid in full.


You can configure agrē to send you a message regarding work orders that are not Paid in Full by their Payment Due Date.

You can also run the Work Order Activity report and filter by Pmt Due Date and Fully Paid.

There are two ways to enter the Terms.
Select a Work Order Payment Term from the drop-down list.
- or -
Check the Custom box, and manually type the terms of the payment (max 100 characters).
(e.g. 50% due on order, 50% due by December 31)

Products tab

Add products or services to the work order.
- or -
Add blends or itemized blends to the work order.


A work order can include any combination of products, services, and blends but cannot be saved until it contains at least one product.

Internal tab

Type Internal Notes as needed.
(not displayed on Work Order report; included in raw data of Work Order Activity and Work Order and Release Combined)

Adding Products or Services to Work Orders

To add a product or service to a work order
* indicates a required field

On the Add Work Order window, click Add Product Row.
The Add Work Order Product Row window opens.

In the Product* box, enter the product or service you want to add to the work order.

(Config C) Product selection may be limited by the supplier selected. CW#55059

In the Units* box, optionally change the unit of measurement for the product or service.
The default unit, if available, is either the main units or the preferred units for the product (set up in Manage Products).

(Config U) In the Location* box, select the location that will supply the product or service.
Items on the work order can be supplied from different locations. The default location will be the work order header location but it can be changed.


If you select one location and then change to another and the default price is different between the two locations, you will be asked you want to update the price.

In the Unit Price box, optionally change the default price per unit of the product.
The unit price defaults to the current price of the product for the customer and the location of the item (as specified in the previous bullet). The price may be deleted if you want to set the price at a different time (e.g., when creating the invoice).  Your security settings determine whether you can override the price.


Click Pricing to view more details about prices for the product. The Pricing Info window opens.

In the Use This Price box, optionally change the price of the product. Click Reset To Current Price to reset the product price to its default value.

Click Cost Details to view additional cost details for the product (e.g., current estimated cost). The Cost Details window opens and you can view the additional cost details. You will also see the last price paid at this location, and the last price paid at another location. Click OK to return to the Pricing Info window.

Click Calculator to calculate a discounted price for the product. The calculator section appears. Under Calculate, in the Start with this price box, enter the starting price of the product. In the Apply discount of box, enter a discount for the product and select whether to use a Percent or Dollar discount. Click Calculate to calculate the discounted price, or click Clear to start over. The Calculated Price box displays the calculated price (decimal places match Starting Price, min of 2, max of 4). Click Use Price to use the calculated price as the product price, or click Exit to hide the calculator.

The Current Prices tab lists the current retail price at each location (if applicable). Double click a price to copy it to the Use This Price box.

The Sales Prices tab lists prices from all current and future sales. As Sale Prices are often based on when items are picked up (not necessarily when they are ordered) it’s for you to decide if a Sale Price is applicable to this work order or not, and which one. Select Use next to a sale price to copy it to the Use This Price box. Double click a price row to open the Sale.

The Sales History tab lists the customer's prior purchases of the product: the sales date, the quantity purchased, the unit price, if it was prepaid, it was sold in a blend, and the location of the sale. It also shows the running Total for just this customer below the grid. The grid can be filtered by positioning your mouse on a column header and clicking the arrow. You can see the original sales document by clicking View Item. If you wish to use any of these prices, type it manually in the Use This Price box.

When you are finished making changes, click Update. The Pricing Info window closes and the information appears on the Add Work Order Product Row window.

Select the Prepay? check box if the product is intended to be paid for using prepayment funds.
Unit Price must be positive if Prepay is checked.
Selecting this box indicates that prepayment funds are intended to be used and the customer should receive the prepaid price, but it does not make paying with prepayment funds mandatory. The method of payment can be changed when the invoice is created. Taxes on prepaid purchases are set to prepaid as well. You can clear the Prepay? check boxes at any time if you change your mind.

Select the Use Current Price on Invoice? check box if you want the price of the product to be the current price (whatever it may be) at invoice time (whenever that may be).


Quantity on Hand displays the quantity of the product in the selected units at the selected location. This feature is only available for inventory products.


Click Quantity on Hand Details to view additional inventory details for the product (e.g. quantity on order).
The details window opens. Click OK to close it.

View Other Locations to view the same information for all locations, or click Position Detail Report to view more at this location.

In the Quantity Requested* box, enter the quantity requested by the customer.
If you have permission to enter products with "No Quantity" a checkbox for that option is visible.

(not applicable to quotes) Clear the Committed? check box if you do not want to commit the quantity requested in inventory.
Committing products is for reporting purposes only: inventory reports display the total quantity committed at each location in your company and compare it to the quantity on hand. agrē does not prevent selling committed inventory to another customer or depleting inventory to below minimum on-hand values. In addition, only inventory items can be committed; non-inventory items cannot be committed.

In the Quantity Limit at this Price box, optionally change the quantity of the product that can be sold at the specified unit price.
(config c) The limit defaults to the quantity requested value.
This limit can be greater than the quantity requested but it cannot be less than the quantity requested nor less than the quantity already taken. 


If no quantity limit is specified, the customer can take an unlimited amount at the work order price.
(config c) The product row (and thus the work order itself) will never be flagged as "Complete" even if all quantity requested has been taken, and (config c) the work order must be closed manually.

An alternative is to pad the limit a little either manually or (config c) by default - to prevent splitting the line if a little extra gets loaded out - but still (config c) flag the line as complete once all the quantity requested has been taken even if the quantity limit has not been reached.

In the Line Comments box, enter comments for printed Work Order reports
- and/or -
select the Standard button, choose a Work Order Standard Line Comment from the dropdown list, then select Use.
(standard comments can be edited; max 200 characters, extra characters displayed but not saved)

These comments appear next to this item on the PO report.These comments appear next to this item.

(Config C) In the Tax table, optionally change the Amount or Prepay? settings for each tax.
Taxes can only be paid for using prepayment funds if the product or service is being prepaid.

Click Update.
The Add Work Order Product Row window closes and the product or service appears in the list on the Add Work Order window.
In addition to the values you entered, the taken value is set to 0.0000, and the product’s status is active.

Messages (e.g., reminders), warnings (e.g., permits required), and associated product messages for the work order may appear.
Read the messages and warnings, and click OK.
To add the associated product to the work order, click Yes. If there are multiple associated products to choose from, select all or just the ones you want to add. Otherwise, click No.


To remove an item from the list, select the item and click Remove Row. You can remove only rows that have a taken value of zero.

To change the order of items listed in the grid, select the item and press Control+Up Arrow or Control+Down Arrow, or use the Up/Down Arrows at the right side of the grid.
Additional products in blends must be also moved manually - they do not move with the blend - but will be removed if the blend is removed.

You can assign AR Reference Numbers to an inventory product or blend.


The Totals (before and after tax) box displays the running total of items added to the work order.

(Config U, L,C) Click Save.
A message appears asking if you want to preview the work order.

Click Yes to save, preview, and optionally print the Work Order report. Click No if you do not want to preview the report.

Adding Blends to Work Orders

To add a Blend on a Work Order (BOAWO)

On the Add Work Order window, click Add Blend Row.
The Make a Blend window opens.

Messages (e.g., reminders) and warnings (e.g., permits required) for the work order may appear. Read the messages and warnings, and click OK.


If you save the blend and its non-blendable additional products on a work order, loadout ticket, or invoice, the additional products that belong to the blend are indented beneath the blend so you can easily see they are associated with the blend.

(Config U, L,C) Click Save.
A message may appear asking if you want to preview the work order.

Click Yes to save, preview, and optionally print the Work Order report.
- or -
Click No if you do not want to preview the report.

Adding Itemized Blends to Work Orders


If your customers normally prepay their blend charges along with other blend commodities, there is a configuration option that can be turned on by Tronia to include the blend charge as an itemized product.

This feature is intended solely for the purpose of determining the total value of a blend (including blend charge) and thus the amount the customer needs to deposit in prepayment funds. When later linking blend purchases to products on work orders, the Blend Charge will not be drawn down, nor will any special blend charge pricing be transferred to an invoice. This means that the Blend Charge product row (and thus the entire Work Order) will never be flagged as complete; it will remain Active until manually flagged as closed.

To add itemized blends to a work order

On the Add Work Order window, click Add Itemized Blends.
The Add Itemized Blends wizard opens listing all blends that meet the Show Blends on criteria.

Select Blends

Change the Show Blends on criteria and click Refresh List to expand the list of blends.
Use the Advanced Filter options to narrow the list.

In the Use column, check off the blends you want to itemize.
You can change the quantity by typing a new value.

(Config C) Select Prepaid = Yes if the customer intends to pay with prepaid funds.

Committed is selected by default, but can be changed if you don't want to commit the quantities.

Check Use Current Price on Invoice if you want the customer to be charged the current price (whatever it may be) when the product is invoiced (whenever that may be).

Click Next.


If you have chosen to itemize one or more active blends on a work order, you will be prompted to close the blend row(s) on the originating work order.


If you normally close the blend rows, you may want to consider turning on the config option: Exclude Closed Lines from Totals (untaken, Form only).

Choose Products

Products will be auto-combined if they have matching prices, units, and prepay flag.

Make any desired changes to Use Current Price, Prepay, Committed or Quantity by checking the boxes or typing a new value.

If you click Combine products, the total quantity of the given product will be tallied up and the properties of the selected line (price, etc.) will be the properties used for the combined line.

Remove any unneeded products or rows.

Copy any rows to add new product lines.
The quantity of a copied row will default to 0.

Specify the Location to where the customer intends to pick up the blends.

(config c) Set Quantity Limit to quantity requested + X% if you want to allow the customer to take 'a little extra' at these prices.
Leave it at Quantity Requested if you don't.

Click Update to add the products to the work order.
Products will be copied to the work order in NPKS order.

Importing Products from Agronomy (Field Scout or Crop Plan)

To import a product or service from a field scout or crop plan:

On the Add Work Order window, click Import Agronomy.
The Import from Crop Plan/Field Scout window opens.

Select Import Crop Plan or Import Field Scout.
Crop Plan is the default.

For Crop Plans

In the Crop Year box, optionally change the year to list products from past crop plans.

For Field Scouts

Recommended products from the last month of scouts will be listed.

Optionally change the date range to import products from other scouts.

Combine Products is the default (if the same product is recommended on multiple scouts or for multiple planned crops their quantities will be combined - as long as the unit types match), but you can choose to display Individual Products instead (each recommended product will be listed by field scout or by crop plan farm field).

If importing combined products from multiple field scouts: View Report is not available as there is no individual Field Scout ID in use.

Click Refresh if you have changed the default settings to update the product list.

Optionally change the Location that will supply the product in the Use these settings on the work order box.
The default location will be the work order header location but it can be changed.

Click the Import check box next to the products to be added to the work order.
Click Select All for all of them.

Optionally change the Quantity, Unit Price, Prepay or Committed status.
These can also be changed after the products have been imported to the work order.


If the new location has a different price, it will be updated automatically.

Click Update to import the products to the work order.
The Import from Crop Plan/Field Scout window closes and the products are listed on the work order.