User Level (User Config Options)

If specific users in your company require unique configuration settings, you can specify them at the user level. Configuration settings at the user level override the same configuration settings at the location and company levels. Any configs left blank automatically use the company or location level settings; therefore, you only need to specify settings that are different than those specified at the location or company levels.

You can restrict users from making changes on all tabs, or just the Advanced tab.

The following table shows the available configuration settings for the user level and the effects of each.

What you'll find:

Miscellaneous tab

AR/AP tab

Blending tab

Reports tab

Email tab

Agronomy tab

Advanced tab

To open the Config Options for User window

Navigate to File > Config Options > User
The Config Options for User window opens.

In the User box, enter the user that requires unique configuration settings.
Only the users that have access to the current database are available to choose from.

Click Retrieve.
Information on the window appears. Detailed information is shown in the following table.

User Level Configuration Settings



User Level Configuration Settings (if specified) will override Company Level Configuration Settings and Location Level Configuration Settings.


User Settings

Config Item



Miscellaneous tab


Use Background Colour

The selected colour is shown in the background.

The company default colour is shown in the background.


Prompt user before application exits

A message appears confirming that you want to close agrē.

A message does not appear.


Use Spell Check

Spelling errors are indicated in certain text boxes.

(e.g. Crop Plan comments)

Spelling errors are ignored.

Misc Product Search Field
search for products by:
Product Code
Product Name


Use Default Location


Default Location: drop down field

If specified, the location selected from the list is automatically used as the default location when adding new documents.

The location will be blank.


check boxes

If checked, the location selected from the list above is automatically used as the default location when searching for existing documents.

The location for searches will default to  <All Locations>.


Search Forms


When Searching With Reference Number Default Create Date To Any Date

(e.g. when searching for invoices on the invoice home form/grid and you enter a specific invoice number to search for, do you want the Create Date criteria to change automatically to Any Date?)

When a Reference Number is entered on a search form, Create Date automatically defaults to Any Date.

When a Reference Number is entered on a search form, the Create Date defaults to Today.

AR / AP tab


Accounts Receivable


Work Order Type:



On the Add Work Order window, the Quote radio button is automatically selected and certain information is hidden and/or shown.

Note: the Commit flag on a blend will trump the Quote user default
i.e. if you Make a Blend and choose to commit it, then save the blend on a Work Order as the blend or as itemized products, the commit flag tells agrē to default to a Work Order instead of a Quote

If left blank, order is automatically selected.



On the Add Work Order window, the Order check box is automatically selected and information is hidden and/or shown.

If left blank, order is automatically selected.


AR Payment Method:


Lump sum

On the Accept Payments window, Lump Sum Payment is automatically selected and information is hidden and/or shown.



Pay for selected

On the Accept Payments window, Pay for Selected Items is automatically selected and information is hidden and/or shown.



POS Invoice: Large Fonts

POS entry form displays fonts at a larger size.

POS entry form displays fonts at regular size.


Show committed amount on invoice product

(hidden if linked to WO or LOT, also applicable to POS Invoices)

Committed Quantity displays also on Add Product window.

Committed Quantity displays on Details window only.


Invoice - Default Empty Header Location to Line Location

If Header Location is not selected before adding a product, Header Location defaults to Line Location.

Header Location does not default to Line Location.


Accounts Payable


Display Supplier Find Drop Down

Displays the Supplier Find drop down control on the supplier account.

Displays the New Search find control on the supplier account.


Supplier Payments: Notify user if Supplier Credits available during Supplier Payment creation

When making a supplier payment, a message appears indicating that you have available supplier credits.

A message does not appear.


Purchase Invoice - Default Empty Header Location to Line Location
see also: Default Line Location to PI Location (non-inventory products only)

If Header Location is not selected before adding a product, Header Location defaults to Line Location.

Header Location does not default to Line Location.

Blending tab


Default Blend Type

The blend type selected from the list is automatically used as the default blend type for all blends throughout agrē.

A default blend type is not applied.


Default Blending Calculation Method

The calculation method selected from the list is automatically selected for blends.

The company default will be used.


Make a Blend: Default Save Transaction

When saving from Make a Blend, this will be the default Save As transaction.

Note: you will still be limited to the Eligible Transactions selected at the company level


More Products than Nutrients

This choice will be used when making blends.

The company default will be used.


Automatically Jump to Calculation Tab

This choice will be used when the Location, Calculation, and Blend Type have been selected.

The company default will be used.


Blend History - Show last [null, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24] month(s) by default

When retrieving blends from Blend History, this will determine the default date range.

The company default will be used.


Blend History - Transactions [Templates, Crop Plans, Quotes, Orders, Invoices, Loadout Tickets, Custom App]

When retrieving blends from Blend History, this will determine the default date range.

Note: when returning a blend on an invoice, defaults are ignored and only Invoices is checked (but you can check others if needed)

The company default will be used.

Reports tab

Report Options sub-tab

Reports /
Report Options

Offer to Print (on Save):

AR Invoice
Loadout Ticket
Work Order
AR Payment
Batch Sheet (LOT)*
Transportation (LOT)*
Location Transfer
Batch Sheet (Invoice)*
Transportation (Invoice)*
Payment (Invoice)

More Offer to Print (on Save)

AR Adjustment
Prepayment Receipt
Purchase Order
Purchase Invoice
Journal Entry
Inventory Receipt
Custom Application
Crop Plan**
Field Scout**

When saving the transaction for the first time, a message appears asking if you want to preview/print the report(s).


* when saving a loadout ticket or invoice with a blend and/or dangerous good, agrē will also offer to preview the LOT or Invoice,  and the blend batch sheet and/or TDG.

** prompt appears after every save

† also controls prompt for Farm Field Report

A message does not appear.

Reports /
Report Options

Show Criteria:

AR Invoice
Loadout Ticket
Work Order
AR Payment)

The criteria window will display allowing you to change default options before previewing the report.

When previewing these reports the criteria window is skipped.

If you need to change the default settings for this one instance, click Start Over.

Reports /
Report Options

Auto Email:

AR Invoice
Loadout Ticket
Work Order
AR Payment

When saving the transaction, a message appears asking if you want to email the report.

A message does not appear.

The report can still be emailed by clicking the envelope icon on the Print Preview toolbar.

Reports / Report Options

Print Copies:

AR Invoice
Loadout Ticket
Work Order
AR Payment
Batch Sheet (LOT)*
Transportation (LOT)
Location Transfer

* affects Batch Sheet (INV) too

When printing these reports, agrē will print the number of copies specified.

Maximum number of copies = 5

: Not applicable to digital print formats (eg PDF, XPS).

Default Criteria sub-tab

Reports /
Default Criteria

Start Dates

Reports /
Default Criteria

Customer Account Activity
Customer Summary Statement
    Itemize Products within Blend? [Null | Yes |No]
Customer Prepayment

When running these reports, the Start Date defaults to this setting.

Note: the Crop Year Start Date is set on the Company Config Options - Agronomy tab

The Start Date defaults to the company config option.

Reports /
Default Criteria

Printed On

Reports /
Default Criteria

AR Invoice
Work Order
Loadout Ticket
Payment Receipt

Null [use company default]
Plain Paper or
Letterhead or
Preprinted Form

The paper layout defaults to the company config option.

Reports /
Default Criteria

Default Export/Import Paths

Reports /
Default Criteria


e.g. hosted: \\Client\C$\agreExports\  (the "\" at the end is required)

Reports /
Default Criteria

Report Viewer Defaults

Reports /
Default Criteria

Report Zoom

(applies to Single Page view only - see Report View)

Report default zoom value (fixed percentages, Page Width, Whole Page, Custom percent).

Reports / Default Criteria

Report View

Report default view value (Single Page, Continuous, Multipage).

Reports /
Default Criteria

Report Criteria Favourites

Reports /
Default Criteria

Save Date Controls

When saving report criteria favourites, Include Date Controls? is checked by default.

When saving report criteria favourites, Include Date Controls? is unchecked by default.

Reports /
Default Criteria

Default Report Printer

Reports /
Default Criteria

Standard Reports

When agrē printing reports, the selected printer will be the default.

agrē will use the default Operating System printer

agrē will use the Company default

Reports /
Default Criteria

POS Invoice

When agrē printing reports, the selected printer will be the default.

agrē will use the default POS Invoice printer

agrē will use the Company default

Reports /
Default Criteria

Quick Print POS

Yes - the POS Invoice will print without first being previewed.

No - the POS Invoice must be previewed before it can be printed.

agrē will use the Company default

Reports /
Default Criteria

Omit Cash Drawer

Please refer to the POS white paper for a list of compatible printers.

Yes - no instructions to open the cash drawer will be sent to the POS receipt printer
(select if you are not using a cash drawer, or are using a POS receipt printer that is not compatible, as it is the printer that sends the instructions to the cash drawer to open)

No - instructions to open the cash drawer, when applicable, will be sent to the POS receipt printer

agrē will use the Company default

Reports /
Default Criteria

Cash Drawer Code
(the POS Invoices white paper contains a list of cash drawer codes for common models)

enter the code as supplied by the manufacturer

agrē will use the Company default

eSignature sub-tab

Reports / eSig

Default Device

No default - device must be selected each time a document is signed

Sets selected device as default signing device for this user.

Reports / eSig

After Signature

Reports / eSig

AR Invoice
Loadout Ticket
Work Order
Location Transfer (TDG document)
Payment Receipt

After the document has been signed do you want agrē to:

  • Close Window

  • Email PDF

  • Preview/Email Option

Email tab

  **  some settings may be restricted by your company  **


Report Email Defaults



All emails are sent From the email address at the Company level.


(disabled if BCC is checked)

When you send an email, a carbon copy will also be sent automatically to the specified Email address.

If no Email address is ented, copies will be sent to the email address at the Company level.

On the Send Email window, you must manually enter a BCC address.


(disabled if CC is checked)

When you send an email, a blind carbon copy will also be sent automatically to the specified Email address.

If no Email address is entered, copies will be sent to the email address at the Company level.

On the Send Email window, you must manually enter a BCC address.


Reply To

The Email address used when recipients click the Reply button.

If no Email address is ented, replies will be addressed to the email address at the Company level.


Email Body Default for Attachments

On the Send Email window, the email body will contain this text.

Note: you can use the variable [REPORTNAME] which will be replaced with the actual report name when emailing (the [] are required)

On the Send Email window, the email body will contain the system default text or the Company default text.



Attached Filename Default

Used when emailing individual reports. Filename can be customized on the fly when sending.
Date is the posting date and the includes time.

ReportName_UserName_Date.PDF or
ReportName_Date.PDF or
ReportName_CompanyName_Date.PDF or


Report Email Defaults


Default Emailer

The mail server at the Company level will be used to send emails from agrē.


Address Book

Manage Groups

Use of the User Address Book is optional.

Address Name is designed for a "user-friendly" description of the Email Address.

Address book contacts and Groups are user-specific.

Agronomy tab




Default Search Zoom Level

Use Company Zoom

Use the Company Zoom level (as specified in Company config options) by default.

Use My Zoom

Use the zoom level specified here by default.


Soil Test (and tissue test too)


Soil (and tissue) Lab Credentials

When using a web service to submit or download soil test results, authenticate with just one click.

You will prompted to manually enter your Username and Password each time you initiate a connection.


AgVise Key

This key will be used to authenticate with AgVise's webservice.

You will not be prompted to authenticate, and you will not be able to connect to AgVise's webservice.


Custom Application


Always show Requested Start Date on the dispatch form

The Requested Start Date column is visible.

The Requested Start Date column is hidden.

Advanced tab


Customer Credit


Prevent non-prepaid LOTs when customer at or over limit

When saving a loadout ticket, a message appears indicating that the customer is over the credit limit. You cannot save.

A warning message appears indicating that the customer is over the credit limit. You can still save.


Force immediate payment on save of Invoice when customer at or over credit limit

When saving an invoice, a message appears indicating that the customer is over the credit limit, and he/she must make an immediate payment.

A warning message appears indicating that the customer is over the credit limit. You can still save.


Prevent adjustments that increase customer balance when customer at or over credit limit

When making an AR adjustment, a message appears indicating that the customer is over the credit limit. You cannot save.

You can save the adjustment even if the customer is over the credit limit.




Apply unapplied credits automatically

Unapplied credits are automatically applied.

Unapplied credits must be manually applied.


Apply credits generated by the current invoice to itself first

Unapplied credits created by the invoice are automatically applied to the invoice itself before other invoices and/or interest items.

Unapplied credits created by the invoice must be manually applied.


How to apply remaining credits:


Auto apply to oldest items first

Unapplied credits are automatically applied to the oldest outstanding items.



Auto apply to most recent items first

Unapplied credits are automatically applied to the most recent outstanding items.



Manually apply credits after invoice is saved

When an invoice that has generated credit is saved, the Apply Credits window automatically opens. You must apply credits manually.



Leave all credits as unapplied

You must manually apply any unapplied credits.



Link To Work Order


Enable Link to Work Order button for Blends on Invoices and LOTs

The Link to Work Order button is available on invoices and loadout tickets for blends.

The Link to Work Order button is not available.


Auto-commit Quotes when linked
(or imported)


When you link to/import from a Quote (on a LOT or an INV) you will be prompted to turn the quote into an order. Use this setting to also automatically commit none, some, or all of the products on the quote at the same time.

Note: AutoLink overrides Show Prompt (if you click AutoLink only the selected product will be committed).

Caution: If anything but All products on quote is selected, after auto/linking products in blends please check the WO manually as only the first blend product will be committed.


When the quote is automatically turned into an order ... NO products will be committed.


Only Linked Products

... only the linked product(s) will be committed.


All products on quote

... all products on the quote will be committed.


Show Prompt

... you will be prompted to select one of the above options.




Enable Lot# Drop Down Menu

If set to null or Yes: The Lot# drop down arrow is available.

If set to No: When selecting transactional Lot#s (on inventory receipts, loadout tickets, etc.) the drop down arrow will be disabled so that users need to use the ellipsis [...] button to specify the quantity of each Lot# used.


Inventory Receipt: Force Purchase Order

If set to Yes: Products must be added to Inventory Receipts by importing from a Purchase Order.

If set to No: the Add Product button will be active on Inventory Receipts.


Product Search: Show QoH
(Quantity on Hand)

If set to Yes: Find Product will display Unit Price, On Hand, Ordered, and Committed amounts by default.

If set to No: Unit Price, On Hand, Ordered, and Committed amounts are manually displayed on the Find Product  window by selecting Price & QoH (or pressing F7)