Location Level (Location Config Options)

If specific locations in your company require unique configuration settings, you can specify them at the location level.

Configuration settings at the location level override the same configuration settings at the company level. Any setting left blank automatically defaults to the company level setting; therefore, you only need to specify settings that are different than those specified at the company level.

The following table shows the available configuration settings at the location level and the effects of each.

To open the Config Options for Location window

Navigate to File > Config Options > Location
The Config Options for Location window opens.

In the Location box, enter the location that requires unique configuration settings.

Click Retrieve.
Information on the window appears. Detailed information about each configuration option is listed in the following table.

Location Level Configuration Settings tabs:

Accounts Receivable

Invoice/Loadout Ticket

AR/AP Payments

Customer Credit







Location Level Configuration Settings (if specified) will override Company Level Configuration Settings

Location Level Configuration Settings can be overridden by User Level Configuration Settings


Location Setting

Config Item



Accounts Receivable tab


Invoice/Loadout Ticket


Apply unapplied credits automatically

Unapplied credits are automatically applied.

Ignored - always checked by default on new invoices.


Apply return credits to invoice first

Unapplied credits created by the invoice are automatically applied to the invoice itself before other invoices and/or interest items.

Unapplied credits created by the invoice must be manually applied.


How to apply remaining credits:


Auto apply to oldest items first

Unapplied credits are automatically applied to the oldest outstanding items.



Auto apply to most recent items first

Unapplied credits are automatically applied to the most recent outstanding items.



Manually apply credits after invoice is saved

When an invoice that has generated credit is saved, the Apply Credits window automatically opens. You must apply credits manually.



Leave all credits as unapplied

You must manually apply any unapplied credits.


  Sales Rep Mandatory

Sales Reps on invoices are required.

Sales Reps on invoices are optional.

AR/AP Payments

AR/AP Payments

AR/AP Payments

AR Payment Type

The payment type selected from the list is automatically selected for immediate payments of invoices.

You must manually select the payment type for immediate payments of invoices.

AR/AP Payments

AR Payment Method


Lump Sum

On the Accept Payments window, Lump Sum Payment is automatically selected and information is hidden and/or shown.



Pay for Selected

On the Accept Payments window, Pay for Selected Items is automatically selected and information is hidden and/or shown.


AR/AP Payments

AP Payment Type
(used for customer refunds and AP Payments to suppliers)

The payment type selected from the list is automatically selected when you make payments.

You must manually select the payment type when you make payments.

AR/Customer Credit

Customer Credit

AR/Customer Credit

Prevent non-prepaid LOT when customer at or over limit

When saving a loadout ticket, a message appears indicating that the customer is over the credit limit. You cannot save.

A warning message appears indicating that the customer is over the credit limit. You can still save.

AR/Customer Credit

Force immediate payment on save of Invoice when customer at or over limit

When saving an invoice, a message appears indicating that the customer is over the credit limit. You cannot save.

A warning message appears indicating that the customer is over the credit limit but an immediate payment is not required. You can still save.




Work Order
Loadout Ticket

When saving, eConfirmation prompt is displayed automatically.

No eConfirmation prompt on save.

Blending tab


Blending Calculation Method

The calculation method selected from the list is automatically selected for blends.

You must manually select the calculation method for blends.

Reports tab


Offer to Print on Save


Work Order
Loadout Ticket
Batch Sheet (LOT)*
Transportation (TDG) on LOT*
AR Invoice
Batch Sheet (Invoice)*
Transportation (TDG) on Invoice*
Payment (Invoice)
AR Payment
AR Adjustment
Location Transfer
Prepayment Receipt
Purchase Order
Purchase Invoice

When saving a transaction for the first time, a message appears asking if you want to preview/print the report.

* when saving a loadout ticket or invoice with a blend and/or dangerous good, agrē will also offer to preview the blend batch sheet and/or TDG.

A message does not appear.


Default Print Copies
(applies to home forms & customer account)


Work Order
Loadout Ticket
Blend Batch Sheet
Transportation (LOT)
AR Invoice
Payment (Invoice)
AR Payment
Location Transfer

When printing these reports, agrē will print the number of copies specified.

Maximum number of copies = 3

Note: Not applicable to digital print formats (eg PDF, XPS)

FCL tab


CMF Departments

select ALL relevant departments for EACH location (except warehouses)

CMF Department Number is required on all Purchase Orders and is selected from this list.