Step 4: (Optional) Complete the Additional Products Tab

This tab is unavailable to use until the blend has been calculated.

Use the Additional Products tab to mix additional products in with the blend where the quantity of the products added depends on the blend quantity or the number of acres of the field it will be applied to.

Additional Products can be micronutrients, chemicals or seed metered into the blend, or blend services such as custom application or delivery. The addition of additional products may affect the blend calculation but will not affect the guaranteed analysis.

You can add blendable products or non-blendable/non-inventory products, such as custom application fees. Blendable additional products are recorded on the Blend Batch Sheet reports for correctly mixing the finished blend but do not affect the analysis name. The cost of additional products is added on top of the blend price. If you save a blend and its non-blendable additional products on a work order, loadout ticket, or invoice, the additional products that belong to the blend are indented beneath the blend so you can easily see they are associated with the blend.

Product Notes:  Popup Notes for Additional Products will display when the blend is saved, and Printed Notes will display on the transaction report (e.g Loadout Ticket).

What you'll find:

Step 4a: Complete the Adding Additional Products Section

Step 4b: Optional: Link to Work Orders Section

Step 4c: Optional: Import From Work Orders Section

View an example (with screen shots) of adding an Additional Product to a blend

Step 4a: Complete the Adding Additional Products Section

To complete the Adding Additional Products section
* indicates a required field (other fields are optional)

Click the Additional Products tab.

Click Add Product Row.
The Add Additional Product Row window opens.

In the Product* box, enter the additional product associated with the blend.
You could also add a product by clicking Import from Work Order.


Click Find to search for a specific product or click Add to add a new product.

In the Units* box, optionally change the unit of measurement for the product being added to the blend.
The main unit type (set up in Manage Products) is selected by default.

For products with predefined Chemical Rates only:  the Rate box appears with the default value and quantity per field measurement.
If there is no default, the Rate box is blank and the quantity per field measurement is set to 1.
If the product has no rates setup, the Rate field is not displayed.

The Work Order Reference number is filled in automatically if a product is imported from or linked to a work order.

(Config C)Under Rate Expressed In, select a unit for applying the product.
The default rate is by metric tonne of blend but can be changed. You can also specify the rate per acre, or per Quantity of a particular product (like 46-0-0 for Agrotain), or No Rate which means the product is added according to the quantity specified and does not depend on the blend or field size.
For example, if the product’s unit is bags, you can specify bags per metric tonne, bags per acre, bags per a certain product, or the total number of bags for the entire blend regardless of the blend or field size.


If you select No Rate, the "Quantity per MT/Acre" box is hidden.

In the Quantity per MT/Acre box (the label will depend on the Rate Expression selected), the default quantity is 1. Optionally change the quantity per measurement unit required for this product.

Select the Include in blend? check box if you want to include the product in the blend (i.e. you want to run the product through the blender with the other raw products).
You can only select this check box if the product is defined as blendable and the units selected match the blend units. If this box is checked, the batch sheet includes instructions for adding this additional product to the blend products.


If you select the Include in blend? check box, a Density box appears with the default value (as set up in Manage Products).
(default is company density but can be changed)

Leave unchecked if this blend will be saved as a Blend on a Work Order (BOAWO) and you want to link Loadout Tickets or Invoices to it.

In the Density box, optionally change the product’s density.
The final blend density includes this product in the blend.


When you include additional products in a blend, the Application Rate (on the Calculation tab) may be changed to reflect the additional products. (The application rate takes into account the total amount of fertilizer plus the total amount of blendable, additional products as the total blend size.)

In the Quantity* box, optionally change the total quantity of the product.
The quantity according to the Metric Tonnes or Acres (on the Calculation tab) is entered by default (if specified).

In the Price per Unit* box, optionally change the price per unit of the product.
You could also specify the Total Price and the unit price would be calculated for you.

Select the Prepay? check box to use prepayment funds for this product.
Selecting this box indicates that prepayment funds are to be used; however, the customer does not need to have prepayment funds in place until invoice time. When saving the blend on a work order, loadout ticket, or an invoice, the additional products are displayed as their own product rows indented under the blend product row.

Taxes on prepaid purchases are also set to prepaid.

You can clear the Prepay? check boxes at any time (for example, if the customer is not prepaying the taxes).


If you flag the Additional Product as prepaid when you add it, you can link it to a work order after you've clicked the Update button. Work Order pricing will apply.


Click Pricing to change the price of the product.

Click Use Calculator to calculate a discounted price for the product

Click Cost Details to view additional cost details for the product (e.g., current estimated cost).

In the Total Price* box, optionally change the total price of the product (although doing so will likely change the Price per Unit).

In the Line Comment box, enter comments for printed reports (batch sheets and price sheets).
These comments will appear next to the additional  product.

Optional for Work Orders In the Quantity Limit box, enter the quantity of the product that can be sold at the specified unit price.
This value can be greater than the quantity requested value but it cannot be less than the quantity requested value. If you provide no limit, the customer can take unlimited quantity of this product at the specified price (as long as the work order row is active).

In the Tax table, optionally change the Amount or Prepay? settings for each tax.
The product must be flagged as prepaid before the taxes can be prepaid.

Click Update.
The Add Additional Product Row window closes and the product appears in the Additional Products list on the Additional Products tab.


Click Remove Product to remove a product from the list. Click Edit Product Row to edit a product in the list.

Step 4b: Optional: Link Additional Products to a Work Order

When you link to existing work orders from a blend, you are associating products on the blend to those same products on the work orders. In order to link, the product units on the work order must match the units on the blend.

The prices for the products on the blend are updated so that they match the prices quoted on the work order. If the work order does not have specified prices, the default prices are displayed on the blend.

When the blend is saved, information on the work order is updated: the referenced work order is updated to reflect the quantity taken on the blend.

To complete the Linking to Work Orders section

In the Additional Products list, select the product you want to link to the work order product and then click Link to Work Order.
The Link To Work Order Line window opens.

If there are no active rows (items) on work orders for this product and customer, a message appears: “There are no work order rows available for linking for this product.” Click OK to go back to the Additional Products and Quote Details tab. If you imported products from a work order into the blend, the Link to Work Order button is unavailable for those products since they are already referencing a work order.


Each row in the list is a product from a work order. The reference number indicates which work order the product belongs to; therefore, if multiple products have the same reference number, they exist on the same work order. When you link to them, the work order reference numbers display in the Additional Products list.
Additionally, products that are set to prepaid on work orders are automatically set to prepaid on the blends when they are linked to the blend. You can, however, change the prepay settings at any time.

In the Work Order Product list, select the product to link to the blend product and then click Use Selection.
The Link To Work Order Line window closes and the product and Work Order Ref column are updated on the Additional Products tab.

If a customer runs out of prepayment funds but still has prepaid, additional products to purchase, they can use funds from both their prepayment and regular accounts to pay for the prepaid, additional products. This is called splitting the line.

When agrē splits the line, it creates one line that uses the remaining prepayment funds at the specified or work order price and one new line that contains the remaining quantity at the current price but is not specified as prepaid. You decide which products (or portions of products) use prepay funds.

agrē splits the line so that two lines are created for the same product. The first line uses the remaining prepayment dollars at the specified or quoted work order price. The second line uses regular funds at the current price for the remaining quantity.


If the quantity you enter for the blend product is greater than the quantity available for the work order product, a message appears asking if you want to split the line. When agrē splits the line it creates two lines on the Additional Products tab: one line references the work order product and contains the available quantity. The other line does not reference the work order product and contains the quantity needed to make up the difference. Click Yes to split the line, or click No to cancel linking the product.

If a customer runs out of available product but still has prepaid funds, you can still use prepay dollars. Select the product to be prepaid and then click Use Remaining Prepayment.

Step 4c: Optional: Import Additional Products From a Work Order

Additional products can be imported into a blend from existing work orders, although the best practice is to add the product the customer is actually taking, then link it to a work order.

To complete the Importing from Work Orders section

Click Import from Work Order.
The Import Rows window opens and active products on work orders for this customer dated in the last six months are listed.


Each row in the list is a product on a work order. The reference number indicates which work order the product belongs to; therefore, if multiple products have the same reference number, they exist on the same work order. When you import them, the work order reference numbers display in the Additional Products list.

Additionally, products that are set to prepaid on work orders are automatically set to prepaid on the blend when they are imported. You can, however, change the prepay settings at any time.


You can narrow the list of products by changing the criteria under Contain (product, product type) and Have a date of (work order date) and then clicking Refresh List. If you have products selected in the list, clicking Refresh List clears the products and replaces them with the new results. A message appears asking you whether you want to proceed. Click Yes to refresh the list and clear the lines, or click No to return to the Import Rows window and keep the selected lines (by not refreshing the list).

In the first column with the check boxes, select the check boxes for all the products from work orders that you want to pull into the blend (as additional products).


To quickly select and clear all the products in the list, click Select All and Deselect All.

Click Use Selected Rows.
The Import Rows window closes and the selected products are shown in the Additional Products list on the Additional Products and Quote Details tab.


Click Remove Product to remove a product from the list. Click Edit Product Row to edit a product in the list.

Proceed to Step 5: Compete the Blend Notes tab