Purchase Orders: Auto Order

Inventory items can be added to purchase orders automatically based on inventory counts or based on a Promotion Number. This can save you time if you need to order, for example, dozens of parts and it could identify low-stock items you may have missed.

What you'll find:

Setting Item Minimum & Maximum On Hand Quantities

Before an item can become a candidate for Auto Order based on Min/Max values, it must have Minimum On Hand and Maximum On Hand quantity values set.

agrē identifies auto order items using the following calculation:

Suggested Quantity to Order = (Maximum On Hand) - (On Hand) - (Already On Order on Existing POs)

If you've checked Exclude On Promo Quantity, the equation changes a little.

Suggested Quantity to Order = (Maximum On Hand) - (On Hand) - (On Order -On Promo)


An item will be suggested for Auto Order only when the Quantity on Hand is below Minimum on Hand.

Quantity Committed (on work orders) is not considered in the Auto Order calculation.
You may want to run the Inventory Position Report to confirm the quantity you're ordering is sufficient.

There is no "check as you go" - if you add an item manually and then Auto Order the same item on the same PO without saving in between, agrē cannot know about the manually added row.

To set Minimum & Maximum On Hand quantities
* indicates a required field (other fields are optional)

Edit each product you want to include in Auto Orders.

On the Inventory tab, set the Min On Hand* and Max on Hand* values for each location that will be Auto Ordering the item.


Quickly confirm all Min and Max On Hand values in the Inventory Balances data export.

Save the item.

Auto Ordering Items on Purchase Orders

To add auto order items to Purchase Orders
* indicates a required field (other fields are optional)

Add or Edit a Purchase Order.

Select a Supplier* and a Location*.

If this will be an eOrder PO, fill in the eOrder details on the General tab.

On the Products tab click Auto Order (bottom right corner).
The Auto Order window opens.

The Location defaults to the header location (but can be changed to a warehouse that uses the header location for postings, or to any location if not an eOrder).

Start Scanning with a bar code scanner to select items individually.
- or -
Use the criteria to filter items.

Item Status defaults to Exclude Delete/Deplete.
If Any Status or Only Delete/Deplete is selected, any delete/deplete items retrieved will be displayed in red.
(keep in mind deleted/depleted items cannot be eOrdered but you can view them for reference)

Direct/Stock defaults to the Order Type selected on the General tab, but can be changed.

Choose to Auto-order based on Min/Max on hand values
- or -
Auto-Order based on Promo No. and select the Promotion from the dropdown list.

Only Include Mapped FCL Items is checked by default, but can be changed.
(keep in mind unmapped items cannot be eOrdered)

Check Exclude On Promo Qty if you don't want to include items ordered On Promo in the calculated Quantity.

Optionally check Prepay if the items should be added to the PO as prepaid.

Click Retrieve Products.
The Product Search window opens.

Optionally use the criteria to refine the list of returned items.
Click Search. All products eligible for auto order are added to the Auto Order window.

Check the box next to each item you want to auto order.
You can manually change the Quantity you are ordering and the Unit Price.


Unit Price is the RCC/Recoup Cost (where available) and is populated only for items retrieved based on Promo No.

On a large order you wouldn't want to have dozens of popup notes actually popping up, so the Reminder column will indicate if a product has a popup note. Select the row and what would normally popup will be displayed in Product Reminder.

Click Use Selected Rows to add the checked items to the Products tab.

Complete the Purchase Order as you normally would.