Accounts Payable Reports




Applied Credits

Shows the transactions that credits were applied to for suppliers during a specified date range.

AP Balances by Location

Displays outstanding payable balance, by location, on a selected date, where location is the PI detail row location (not the header location on the PI). Unallocated purchases will show separately.

Cheque Approval

Displays items in cheque batches.

Used as part of the Cheque/EFT Batch Review Process (not available from menu).

Cheque Stub Attachments

Displays payment details that do not normally fit on a cheque stub. Shows a complete list of all the invoices paid by a specified payment.

Sorts by Cheque number in ascending order.

EFT Payment Batch

Displays details of supplier payments made by EFT (not available from menu).

Purchase Order

Displays all purchase orders for specified suppliers to be printed.

Purchase Order Activity

Displays all purchase orders and their details, including dates, prices, and any ordered, retrieved, remaining, and/or prepaid products.

Purchase Order Activity Detail

Displays details of a single PO including InvRec and PI reference numbers, date received, unit costs.

Non-menu - run Purchase Order Activity report and click quantity Received, or edit a PO with Quantity Received and click toolbar button.

Suggested Payments

Shows a list of outstanding payments for suppliers.

Supplier Account Activity

Displays suppliers’ current balances and all of the account activities that affect the current balances.

Only Show Outstanding will list ALL outstanding items of any date.

Supplier Aged Balances

Displays the balance amounts as of a given date (similar to the Supplier Balances report). The suppliers’ net balance is shown as well as the breakdown of outstanding owed amounts grouped into future aged buckets. The report can be in a summary format, or it can include the details of each outstanding purchase invoice and payment item.

Note Base On displays on if company config option Allow PI Date in Closed Period is checked.

Supplier Balances

Displays suppliers’ outstanding payments, outstanding credits, and net balances.

Supplier List

Displays suppliers and their contact information.

Supplier Payments

Displays payments made to suppliers for various payment types.

Supplier Prepayment Position
(FCL Distribution only)

Displays suppliers with prepayment funds Unallocated or Over Committed.

Supplier Purchases

Displays all payments made to suppliers for operational expense, inventory, and cost adjustment items.

Note For cost adjustments, the Location criteria refers to the header location on a purchase invoice with a cost adjustment.

Supplier Summary Statement

Summarize the purchases/returns for a supplier. Also shows the totals of taxes, non-inventory items, cost adjustments and payments.