Editing Payments

Some data on AR Payments and Prepayments can be edited without unapplying any credits.


Nothing will appear on the customer's statement indicating that the payment or prepayment was edited; the new information will be displayed and there will be no reference to the original.

The following fields can be changed when editing a payment:

Reference (same-day edits only; must remain numeric - no alpha characters allowed)



Payment Type



If you need to change other payment information, you will need to either delete or reverse the payment and create a new one.

For payments already included in bank deposits, the only fields that can be edited are the Tracking/Cheque# and the Comment. You'll need to undo the bank deposit before other changes can be made.


To edit a payment

Click the Customer Account toolbar button and find the customer.
The Customer Account window opens.
(payments can also be edited from the AR Payments window and prepayments from the Prepayment Deposits window).

Select the payment to edit and click Edit Item.
The Edit Payment window opens.

Change the payment Reference, Date, Location, Payment Type, Tracking/Cheque#, or payment Comment.

Save the changes.
The Edit Payment window closes and you're returned to the Customer Account.