Returning Products on Loadout Tickets


If a customer isn’t really returning product (i.e. no product is physically coming back into inventory) you may want to consider other options, like Split Billing, before you process a return on a LOT.

If the product hasn’t been billed yet, the best option would be to edit the original loadout ticket to fix whatever is incorrect or possibly delete it altogether.

Keep in mind that agrē will make its best guess at the cost of returned product, and you may want to change it.

Use the Add Loadout Ticket window to return products on a loadout ticket.

To record a returned product on a loadout ticket, enter a negative quantity for the item; your inventory count is updated automatically, but the customer’s account balance is not updated until the return is recorded on an invoice by either adding the items to an invoice or by importing the items into an invoice.

When returning items on an loadout ticket, Last Acquired details are displayed at the bottom of the Add Product window if the customer has picked up or purchased this product/unit combination before.

Only straight products can be returned on loadout tickets, blends must be returned on invoices.


Returns will NOT affect Product Distribution!
You will need to deallocate returned items manually.

To return a product on a loadout ticket

Add a new loadout ticket and ensure the mandatory information (and optional information, if needed) is completed on the loadout ticket.

(Config C) On the Add Loadout Ticket window, click the Products tab.
If the customer you selected has active rows (items) on work orders, a message appears when you click the Products tab asking if you want to import items from the work orders. Click No.

Click Add Product Row.
The Add Loadout Ticket Product Row window opens.

Add the returned product using a negative quantity to indicate a return.


The Location is the where the product is being returned (i.e. the location where the return is recorded and the inventory count is updated).

Returned product cannot be linked to a work order.


To remove an item from the list, select the item and click Remove Row. To edit an item in the list, select the item and click Edit Row.

(Config U, L,C) Click Save.
Your inventory is updated to reflect the returned product. A message appears: “Would you like to preview this loadout ticket?”

Click Yes to save, preview, and optionally print the Loadout Ticket Report. Click No if you do not want to preview the report.