Returning Products and Blends on Invoices


Customer returns affect FIFO! If product is returned as of today, the returned units become the newest units and will be the last to go out.

If you're not using the Return Invoice Process agrē will make its best guess at the cost of product returned manually, and you (or your accountant) may want to change it.

If a customer isn’t really returning product (i.e. no product is physically coming back into inventory), you may want to consider other options like Split Billing or Transfer Balance before you process a return.

If the invoice hasn't been paid yet, you can edit it and correct the products or quantities, or even delete the entire invoice and add a new one (but only until the TLog is sent to the mainframe). If it's already been paid,you can unapply the credits, edit or delete, and reapply the credits.

What you'll find:

Returns Overview

Use the Add Invoice window to return products and blends on an invoice.

(Config C) When returning products you may have to use the Return Invoice process, or products may be added directly to the Returns tab. When recording a return, enter a positive returned quantity for the item; your inventory count and the customer’s account balance are updated automatically. You can also import returned products from loadout tickets into an invoice, in which case, only the customer’s account balance is updated since your inventory count was updated when you recorded the return on the loadout ticket.

(Config C) When returning products, or adding items with a negative price to the products tab, you may want to, or be required to, select a Credit Code Reason (the reason for the return or credit to account).

When returning items on an invoice, agrē defaults to the price of the item when it was last sold to the customer. If there is nothing on record, the item’s current price is used.

If the product being returned was prepaid and the customer would like the dollar value added back to their prepayment balance, ensure the Prepay/Prepayment Return? flag is checked for each prepaid product or blend returned on the invoice.

(Config C) agrē works off the premise that if they still needed it they wouldn't have brought it back, so by default returned items are not added back to the work order automatically. Straight products (but not blends) can be added back manually using Link Work Order.


Returns will NOT affect Product Distribution!
You will need to deallocate returned products manually.

You can also change the cost of returned products manually after the return has been done.


To remove an item from the products list, select the item and click Remove Row. To edit an item in the list, select the item and click Edit Row.

Click View Credit to display a summary of the customer’s credit balances. The Customer Credit Information window opens, and the customer’s contact information and Credit Limit, Net Balance (including Prepayments, Balance (excluding Prepayments), Unbilled Loadout Tickets, and Prepayment Remaining totals are displayed. Click OK to return to the Add Invoice or Edit Invoice window.

Returning Straight Products

To return a straight product on an invoice

Add a new invoice and ensure the mandatory information (and optional information, if needed) is completed on the invoice.


Select the Location where the product is being returned (the location whose inventory level is going up) even if the product was not originally purchased there.

(Config C) On the Add Invoice window, click the Returns tab.
(Config C) If the customer you selected has an existing loadout ticket or products available on work orders, a message may appear when you click the Returns tab asking if you want to import items.

If you are importing products from a return on a Loadout Ticket, click Yes.

If you are using the AR Return Invoice Process, click No.

AR Return Invoice Process


Discount Products are not listed on the AR Return Invoice window and are 'returned' by adding the discount product manually to the Returns tab.

Return by Date Range/Sales History

Click Return Invoice.
The AR Invoice Return window opens.

Date Range is the default. Details about products purchased in the last 30 days are displayed.

Optionally change the Location if the product being returned was purchased elsewhere (click Refresh List to update).

Check the box next to each product returned.

You will not receive additional prompts to add associated product(s) so select all relevant products from the sales history.

(Config C) Enter the Quantity (positive value) of each product returned.

Click Use Selected Rows.
The AR Invoice Return window closes.

The price, prepay status, taxes, cost, etc. of the return will match the sale but can be changed if your security settings allow (to edit the price due to a restocking fee, for example).

Return by Product

Click Return Invoice.
The AR Invoice Return window opens.

Optionally change the Location if the product was purchased elsewhere.

Select This Product and type the product code/description of the item (or click Find to search for it).
Optionally uncheck Include Associated Products if those products are not being returned.
Click Refresh List.
Details of sales invoices with that product (and associated products if selected) from the last 5 years are displayed.
(max 200 rows)

Check the box next to each product returned.

(Config C) Enter the Quantity (positive value) of each product returned.

Click Use Selected Rows.
The AR Invoice Return window closes.

The price, prepay status, taxes, cost, etc. of the return will match the sale but can be changed if your security settings allow (to edit the price due to a restocking fee, for example).

Return by Sales Invoice Reference Number

Click Return Invoice.
The AR Invoice Return window opens.

Select Reference Number and enter the reference number (full or partial) of the original sales invoice. Click Refresh List.
Details about the products purchased on the sales invoice(s) are displayed.

A sales invoice can be retrieved only once per return invoice.
If you need to retrieve more products from the same invoice, you'll need to remove the existing product row(s) from that invoice first, or create a new invoice.

Check the box next to each product returned.

You will not receive additional prompts to add associated product(s) so select all relevant products from the invoice(s).

(Config C) Enter the Quantity (positive value) of each product returned.

Click Use Selected Rows.
The AR Invoice Return window closes.

(Config C) Edit eachIf a Credit Reason Code if the product row creates a credit/line total is negative (may be mandatory).

The price, prepay status, taxes, cost, etc. of the return will match the sale but can be changed if your security settings allow (to edit the price due to a restocking fee, for example).

Manual Returns
Return an Item with NO Sales History (Item Not Purchased from You) OR When Not Using the Return Invoice Process

If the customer did not purchase the item from you (for example, they brought back an empty drum or tote purchased from another retailer for return of their deposit), OR if you are manually returning an item (instead of using the Return Invoice process), it can be added directly to the Returns tab.

Click Add Product Row on the Returns tab.


The Pricing/Sales History Available indicator/blinky  will flash if a customer has sales history for the item being returned.

Last Sold pricing appears at the bottom of the window.
Click Pricing to view more details about prices for the product on the Pricing Info window.

The Sales History tab lists the customer's prior purchases of the product: the sales date, the quantity purchased, the unit price, if it was prepaid, if it was sold in a blend, the location of the sale, and how the invoice was paid. It also shows the running Total for just this customer below the grid. The grid can be filtered by positioning your mouse on a column header and clicking the down arrow. You can see the original sales document by clicking View Item. If you wish to use any of these prices, type it manually in the Use This Price box.

When you are finished making changes, click Update. The Pricing Info window closes and the information appears on the Add Invoice Return Row window.

If the returned items were prepaid and you want the funds added back to the customer's prepayment balance, check Prepayment Return?

(Config C) The Check Security window may open.

A user with permission to Return without Receipt must enter their agrē User Name and Password.
Override permission must be granted each time a return product row is added.

If you have override permission, enter your credentials.
(this is required due to shared use of devices - agrē needs to confirm the logged in user is the same user processing the return)

If you do not have override permission, another user with override permission must enter their credentials.

Click OK to continue (or tab off and press Enter).

The Add Invoice Return Row window opens.

Add the returned products using a positive quantity.
The return price defaults to the current price, but it can be changed if your security settings allow you to override (to account for a restocking fee, for example).
Remember that farm Fields cannot be selected, so Product Distribution is not updated automatically by returns.

For all types of returns

If the product you are returning has an associated product, a message appears asking if you want to return the associated product as well. To add the associated product to the invoice, click Yes. Or, if there are multiple associated products to choose from, select the ones you want and then click Use Selected Rows. Otherwise, click No.

(Config C) Click Link Work Order to add the quantity of returned product back to a Work Order (the product must already exist on the work order).
The Link to Work Order Detail Line window opens.

Work Orders with the returned product are listed.
(units must match - if the Work Order has cases, the product returned on the invoice must also be in cases)

Highlight the work order you want the returned quantity added back to, then click Use Selection.
The Link to Work Order Detail Line window closes.

On the Immediate Payment tab, select the payment type of the refund (if all returns are not flagged as prepaid).
If the return will be a credit on account, use the special Charge on Account payment type of FCL Charge.

Click Save. Your inventory is updated to reflect the returned item, and the customer’s account balance is updated accordingly.
(Config U, L, C) A message appears: “Would you like to preview this invoice?”

Click Yes to preview, and optionally print, the Invoice Report.
Click No if you do not want to preview the report.


After items are returned, you may want to return the funds directly to the customer or you may want to apply the credits to the customer’s outstanding items.

Returning Blends

Blends cannot be returned using the Return Invoice process, they must be returned manually via Add Blend Row on the Returns tab (security permission may be required).

To return a blend on an invoice

Add a new invoice and ensure the mandatory information (and optional information, if needed) is completed on the invoice.

(Config C) On the Add Invoice window, click the Returns tab.
If the customer you selected has an existing unbilled loadout ticket, a message may appear when you click the Returns tab asking if you want to import items from the loadout ticket.
Click No.

Click Add Blend Row.
The Make a Blend window opens. Add the blend that is being returned.


Select the Location where the product is being returned (the location whose inventory level is going up) even if the product was not originally purchased there. Blend Quantity (MT) is expressed as a positive number. The Price per acre is the current price of the blend by default but it may be changed if your security settings allow you to override (to allow for a restocking fee, for example).


Click the Blend History button for the customer's complete blend price history.

If the returned items were prepaid and you want the funds added back to the customer's prepayment balance, check the Prepay Blend check box on the Make a Blend window.

Click Save.
Your inventory is updated to reflect the returned blend, and the customer’s account balance is updated accordingly.
(Config U, L, C) A message appears: “Would you like to preview this loadout ticket?”

Click Yes to save, preview, and optionally print the Invoice.
Click No if you do not want to preview the report.

Importing Products Returned on a Loadout Ticket

To import a returned product into an invoice from a Loadout Ticket

Add a new invoice and ensure the mandatory information (and optional information, if needed) is completed on the invoice.

(Config C) On the Add Invoice window, click the Returns tab.
If the customer you selected has an existing loadout ticket, a message appears when you click the Returns tab asking if you want to import items from the loadout ticket. Click Yes to open the Import Rows window automatically. Click No to continue importing items manually.

Click Import from LOT.
The Import Rows window opens and all items (purchased and returned) on loadout tickets for this customer dated in the last six months are listed.


Each row in the list is an item on a loadout ticket. The reference number indicates which loadout ticket the item belongs to; therefore, if multiple items have the same reference number, they exist on the same loadout ticket. When you link to them, the loadout ticket reference number displays in the Product list.


You can narrow the list of items by changing the criteria under Contain (product, product type), Have a date of (loadout ticket date), and Are From (work orders, loadout tickets, or either) and then clicking Refresh List. If you have items selected in the list, clicking Refresh List clears the items and replaces them with the new results. A message appears asking you whether you want to proceed. Click Yes to refresh the list and clear the lines, or click No to return to the Import Rows window and keep the selected lines (by not refreshing the list).

In the first column with the check boxes, select all the check boxes of all the items from loadout tickets that you want to pull into the invoice as returns.
The list displays both purchased and returned items.


To quickly select and clear all the items in the list, click Select All and Deselect All.

Click Use Selected Rows.
The Import Rows window closes and the selected items are shown in the Add Invoice window.

Click Save.
Your inventory is updated to reflect the returned product, and the customer’s account balance is updated accordingly.
(Config U, L, C) A message appears: “Would you like to preview this loadout ticket?”

Click Yes to save, preview, and optionally print the Invoice.
Click No if you do not want to preview the report.