Term Groups

Term Groups allow you to set custom default invoice Due Dates and Chargeable Dates for specific groups of customers.

The due date and chargeable date can be changed on Term Groups (as well as on individual invoices and interest items) at any time.

Term Group Business Rules

term group name must be unique

term groups must have at least 1 date range

term groups can have multiple customers

a customer can belong to only 1 term group


Adding Term Groups

To add term groups
* indicates a required field (other fields are optional)

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Term Groups.
The Manage Term Groups window opens.

Select Add.
The Add Term Group window opens.

Type a Description* for the term group (must be unique).

Leave the Active box checked, or uncheck to deactivate (edit to activate later).

Set a Default Interest Rate % (Monthly Rate) to calculate the group's AR interest charges.

Dates tab

Select Add Row to add new date ranges (there must be at least one).
The Add Term Group Dates Row window opens.

Optionally change the default dates.

Select Update to accept the default dates.

Select Exit.
The Add Term Group Dates Row window closes.

Customers tab

Select Add Customer to add customers to the group.
The Find Customer window opens.

Find and add customers.
The Find Customer window closes.

Click Save.
The Add Term Group window opens.

Editing or Deleting Term Groups

To edit or delete term groups

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Term Groups.
The Manage Term Groups window opens.

Select the Term Group to modify then select Edit or Delete.