Custom Application Dispatch


The Custom Application Dispatch window is designed to help you schedule and track custom applications.

Its layout is similar to Blend History in that the filtering options appear in the same window as the results. Make changes to the filters at the top of the window, and the results will change in the centre. The results are sorted by Scheduled For date, but can be sorted by any column.

By using the radio button near the bottom of the window you can change the data in the far right column to display either Equipment or Products.

The bottom section of the window shows you more details about the selected Custom App without having to edit or preview it. Show/Hide details controls visibility.

You can change the background colours of each row based on Status.

What You'll Find:

Custom App Dispatching

To schedule and track custom apps:

Navigate to Agronomy > Custom Application Dispatch.
The Custom Application Dispatch window opens.

Click Add to add a new custom app.
- or -
Filter for existing custom apps using the data fields at the top of the window.
Changes to the results are immediate.

Dates are the scheduled dates, not the dates the Custom Apps were entered.

Only Custom Apps with a Scheduled date are listed.


If a custom app is displayed on the Custom App window, but seems to be missing from the Dispatch window even though you're using the same date range, it's probably because it doesn't have a Scheduled For date set.

Select the Custom App you want to dispatch.
More details about that particular one appear at the bottom of the window (unless you've chosen to hide details).


(Config U) Check Show Requested Start Dates to display the Req. Date column.

Click Quick Edit or double-click to edit just the dispatch information.

Changing to a status of In Progress or Completed will require a Custom Application Date.
If one has not been set, it will default to today.

Changing to a status of Completed will required Acres Applied.
If none have been set, it will default to Acres Target.

Click Edit to edit the Custom App.
All fields are available for editing.

Click Delete to delete the Custom App (as long as it does not contain products exported to a LOT).

Click Refresh to update the results.
This is useful if you've made changes to a custom app in another window and want to see the changes here.

Click Preview Item to view the Custom Application report.

Click Export to export the data in the grid to an Excel spreadsheet.


Show Fields on Map (One Big Custom App Map)

This will display multiple fields for multiple growers on a single map.

To show multiple field maps on a single map:

Navigate to Agronomy > Custom Application Dispatch.
The Custom Application Dispatch window opens.

Use the New Search criteria to find the custom apps you want to map (for example, select a date to map all custom apps in that area).

Click Show Fields on Map.
The Farm Fields maping window opens.

Check the box(es) to optionally display Field Names, Outline Names, Crop Year, and Crops.
(note that outlines titles of "Outline" will not be displayed)

Click Print to print the map.
Click Exit to close the map.