Before You Blend

Calculating fertilizer blends is one of the things agrē does best. By using the Blending module, you can quickly create blend quotes for customers; make blends; retrieve and make changes to existing blends; and run reports. In agrē, you can customize and control how your blends are made. Blends are calculated using the calculation method you select and the nutrient information you provide.

Before you can start calculating blends, you must first define the blend nutrients, products, types, chemical rates, and bins required for your blends. Once this information has been entered into agrē, you can use it to start making blends.


What you'll find:

Step 1: Define your Blend Nutrients

Step 2: Define your Blend Products

Step 3: Define your Blend Types

Step 4: Define your Chemical Rates (optional)

Step 5: Define your Bins (required for volumetric)

Step 1: Define your Blend Nutrients

By default, agrē will add Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potash (K) to every blend type (but you won't need to use all three nutrients in every blend). If your blends require other nutrients (and they probably will), you must first add the nutrients and then define them on the blend type.

Step 2: Define your Blend Products

Using the Manage Products window in the Inventory module, add or edit the products you'll use in blending. Remember to flag them as Blendable and fill in the fields on the Blending tab.

Items to define include the following:

Product code, description, type, GL accounts

Checking the blendable check box

Units (at least one unit type must match the blend type main unit)

Product density (optionally at the Location level) and makeup

Step 3: Define your Blend Types

Blend types define how a blend is calculated, if any blend charges should be charged, what the default nutrients and products are, and how the information is presented on the batch sheet.

Using the Manage Blend Types window, define the following items:

Blend Type (code, description, units, decimal places)

Nutrient Defaults

Batch Sheet Settings

Blend Charges

A minimum of one active blend type must be added before making a blend.

I want to read the white paper on Blend Type Setup.

Step 4: Define your Chemical Rates (optional)

If you are making a blend that includes chemicals or additional products or services, you may have the option to define chemical rates using the Manage Chemical Rates window.

Step 5: Define your Volumetric Bins (required for volumetric blenders)

If you are using a volumetric blender, each product used in the blend is required to have a bin.

Using the Manage Bins window, define the following items:

Bin description and location

Associated product

Final factor