General Ledger Reports

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General Ledger Reports

Shares Reports


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GL Reports


Account Transaction Detail

Detailed account transaction activity for specific postable GL accounts within a particular date range.

Account Transaction Summary

Summary view of GL transaction activity for the company, locations, or projects within a particular date range. Using the links, this report also provides various transaction details.

Accrual Reconciliation

Lists transactions that make up the balance of a specified accrual account.

Balance Sheet

Based on the chart of accounts, shows the Assets, Liabilities, and Equity accounts as well as a calculated Current Earnings.

Bank Deposit

Lists transactions that make up the balance of a selected bank deposit. Run from Preview button on the Manage Bank Deposits window; not available from menu.

Bank Deposit Activity

Designed to assist with the bank reconciliation process, allows viewing all bank deposits within a given date range.

Sort Order Tip
Descending = Most recent first
Ascending = Oldest first

Bank Reconciliation

Run from Preview button on Bank Reconciliations window; not available from menu.

For Finished bank reconciliations:
For a particular account, lists the transactions that were cleared in the selected reconciliation process. Optionally displays unreconciled.

For pending bank reconciliations:
For a particular account, lists all transactions - reconciled AND unreconciled (option to suppress unreconciled items is ignored if status is pending).

Budget Chart

Shows both summary and detailed for company, location, or project data. With a summary form, shows the annual budget set for revenue and expense accounts along with the expected profit or loss. With a detailed form, shows how the annual budget is broken down into periods for each GL account.

Budgeted Income Statement

Displays projected net income/loss based on the budget defined. Can also report by location, project, and periods.

Cash Requirements

Shows how much cash is required between the current date and a given date. It also lists all the purchase invoices that will be due and all the postdated payments related to the given bank accounts.

Chart of Accounts

Lists all accounts in the system and is used primarily for reference.

Comparative Balance Sheet

Displays balance sheet values side by side for two different times. Also shows $and% differences for quick analysis.

Comparative Income Statement

Displays revenue and expense data side by side for any two periods. Also shows $ and %age differences for quick analysis.

Project = <No Project> excludes project postings

Comparative Income Statement: Budget vs. Actual

Compares the budgeted values to the actual posted values for a range of periods. Helps to manage the revenue and expense budget vs. actual of the company, location, or project.

Comparative Trial Balance

Displays revenue and expense data side by side for any two periods. Also shows $ and %age differences for quick analysis.

Comparative YTD Income Statement
(Year to Date)

This comparative version of an Income Statement displays two date ranges plus the YTD income of the date ranges.

Fixed Asset

Displays details about a fixed asset, including purchase, depreciation, and general expenses.
Run from the Preview button on the Manage Fixed Assets window; not available from menu.

Tip You may also want to view the Fixed Asset List data export.

Fixed Asset Book Value

Lists book value of fixed assets.


  • Exclude Previously Disposed - (default) excludes items that were disposed outside of the date range

  • Only Disposed - displays all fixed assets that were disposed during the date range (start to end date)

  • With Additions – displays all fixed assets that had additions (actual and historic purchases) during the date range

Fixed Asset Summary

Displays a list of Fixed Asset attributes.

GL Transaction Journal

Displays all postings related to select Journal entries.

Tip Sort by date and Journal Number to view transactions in the order in which they were entered.

GST/HST Summary Worksheet

Used to assist in the preparation of tax remittance.
All active, percentage taxes can be selected.

Income Statement

Displays net income/loss status at a particular time as well as the corresponding revenue, expense, and COGS values. Can report by company, location, or project.

Project = <No Project> excludes project postings

Trial Balance

Displays account balances as of a given date.

Unreconciled Bank Transactions

Busines Rules for Unreconciled Transactions:
1. must be posted to Account being reconciled
2. amount cannot be $0
3. posting date must be on or before the Statement Date
4. was not reconciled at the time  

For a particular account, lists the transactions that have not been cleared in a bank reconciliation process.

If a bank reconciliation is pending:
For a particular account, lists the outstanding transactions and indicates which have been cleared as part of the pending reconciliation.

Upcoming Recurring Journal Entries

Displays upcoming recurring journal entries that are scheduled to be posted during the selected date range.

Note # of Postings = number of postings already made.

Shares Reports

Dividend Cheque Stub Attachment

Lists payment details for all certificates (if a payment includes more than 8 share certificates the details exceed what can fit on the regular  cheque stub).

Shareholder Summary

Lists  all issued share certificates.

T5 Slip

Creates T5 slips for all shareholders that were paid a dividend within a given tax year.