Inventory Data Exports





Associated Products

All products that have associated products.

Dangerous Goods / Regulations

All dangerous goods and regulations data, along with very basic product information.

Estimated Costs Worksheet

All product rows waiting for actual costs.

Inventory Activity

Inventory activity for a specific date range.

Inventory Balances

On hand amount for all inventory products, per location.

Inventory Current Value

summary of Inventory Current Value (similar to the report) per product and location
Location Summary is optional

Inventory Data (USI)

OnHand, OnOrder, and Committed inventory quantities, as of today (no back dating).

Inventory Forecast

Manually entered inventory forecasts. Choose Location =  <Company> to add up location totals.

Inventory Forecast Worksheet

Functions as a worksheet for inventory forecasting of active products. Shows sales information, current inventory level, and current price.

Location Transfer Summary

Location Transfer & product details.

Lot Number Details

Lot number transaction details, includes balance regardless of cost.

Lot Number Summary

Summary of lot numbers.

Minimum Pricing Exceptions

Work orders/invoices where the unit price is below the minimum price in a given date range.

Product Cost History

Details of Product Cost History.

Product List

Details of products (one-to-many relationships like characteristics are not included).

Product Prices

Details of set product prices (but not derived).

Product Prices vs Cost

Detailed comparison of active product prices and costs (main unit type).
Price Level must be selected.

Location must be selected if no company price.

Product Types

Product Type details.

Product Unit Types

Details of product types.

Tax for Products

Details of product tax settings.

Accounts Payable

Inventory Purchases by Supplier

Summary of inventory receipts.
see Accounts Payable Exports for details