AP Credits

Use the Supplier Accounts window to apply and unapply supplier credits. Credits can be generated from returns, overpayments, or prepayments made to your suppliers. If required, credits can also be unapplied.


You can also apply credits on purchase invoices using the Purchase Invoices window.

What you'll find:

Applying AP Credits

Unapplying AP Credits

Applying AP Credits

You can apply credits (including prepay credits) to existing purchase invoices from your suppliers.


Because credits are applied to specific purchase invoices, the purchase invoices must be added before the credits can be applied to them.

To apply credit to a supplier

Navigate to Accounts Payable> Supplier Accounts.
The Supplier Accounts window opens.

In the Supplier box, enter the supplier for which you have credits to apply.
Detailed account balance information for this supplier is displayed: outstanding purchase invoices, available credits, and current balance.

Click Apply Credits.
The Apply AP Credits window opens. All available credits, including prepayments, are listed under Unapplied Credits, and all outstanding purchase invoices for this supplier are listed under Apply to.


Sort a grid by clicking on a column header. Click Start Over to return to the default sort order.

To view more details about a payment or a charge, select the item from the list and click the corresponding View Item button.

Unapplied Credits section

If you want agrē to automatically apply credits to purchase invoices, click Auto Apply. agrē uses all of the credits available.
- or -
In the Apply column, select the Apply check boxes for the credit items that you want to apply to outstanding purchase invoices.


To quickly select and clear all the items in the list, click Select All and Deselect All.


You can apply credits automatically or manually. When you Auto Apply, agrē applies the credits to the outstanding purchase invoices from oldest to most recent until the credits run out or there are no more purchase invoices remaining.

When you apply the credits manually, you can select which credits (and how much from each) to apply to which charges (and how much should be applied to each charge).

Optionally edit the dollar value you want applied in the Amount column.
This is intended for when you want to 'pick and choose', for example applying $250 of $1000 prepayment, and $250 of a $750 credit, to $500 in charges.
If you have a single $1000 credit, and $500 in charges, you don't need to change the amount; agrē will only use what it needs.

Apply To section

Select the charge to which you want credits applied and check Apply.
The Outstanding amount is copied to the Apply Amount column.
Repeat if applicable for other charges.

Optionally edit the value in the Apply Amount column if you don't want to apply the full outstanding amount.
The amount to apply must be less than or equal to the outstanding amount, and less than or equal to the total of the selected credit items.


The Available Amount box displays the running total of credits remaining to apply to outstanding purchase invoices.

Click Save.
The Apply AP Credits window closes and the updated account balance information appears on the Supplier Accounts window.

Unapplying AP Credits

You can unapply credits in order to rearrange credits that you applied to purchase invoices, or to fix errors (a PI can't be edited if it has credits applied). When you unapply credits, supplier balances are updated, and any purchase invoices that no longer have credits applied to them are updated. Those purchase invoices are now outstanding.

To unapply a supplier’s credit

Navigate to Accounts Payable> Supplier Accounts.
The Supplier Accounts window opens.

In the Supplier box, enter the supplier for which you have credits to unapply.
Detailed account balance information for this supplier is displayed: outstanding purchase invoices, available credits, and current balance.


Click Find to search for a specific supplier.

Click Unapply Credits.
The Unapply Credits window opens and all purchase invoices that have had credits applied to them in the last six months are listed.


The Outstanding Purchase Invoices box displays the total amount of money you owe for all outstanding purchase invoices. The Unapplied Credits box displays the total amount of unapplied credits you still have.

In the Show all credits from boxes, the default start date is six months prior to today’s date, and the default end date is today’s date.

Optionally change the start and end dates to display all the purchase invoices that have had credits applied to them during that date range.
Click Refresh List.
All purchase invoices that have had credits applied to them during the date range specified appear in the list.


You can change the sort order of the credits by clicking on a column header. Click Refresh List to return to the default sort order.

In the Unapply column, select the Unapply check boxes for the purchase invoices that should no longer have those credits applied.


To quickly select and clear all the items in the list, click Select All and Deselect All.

To view a Payment Document report for a purchase invoice, select the purchase invoice from the list and then click View Item.

Click Save.
The Unapply Credits window closes and the updated account balance information appears on the Supplier Accounts window. Any applicable purchase invoices are updated. You can now reapply credits if needed.