Editing Customers

You can edit any of your existing customers at any time. You can also change the active status.

You can use either the Customer Account Information window or the Manage Customers window to edit customers. The advantage to using the Customer Account Information window is that you can view customer history. Once you are on the Edit Customer window, the steps are the same.


To view the audit trail of changes to a customer’s record, click History. The Customer History window appears. The Created By box displays when and who added the customer to the database. The Updated By box displays when and who updated the customer last. To view the detailed Audit report for the customer, click Show Audit Trail.

To edit a customer

On the Accounts Receivable menu, click Customer Accounts. Or click the Customer Account toolbar button.
You can also navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customers.
The Find Customer window opens.

Find the customer using the various search criteria.


If the customer you want to edit does not appear in the list, click New Search and change your criteria.
Check the Location if you have more than one.

In the Customer List, select the customer to edit and then click Use Selection.
The Customer Account Information window opens.

Click Edit.
The Edit Customer window opens.

Edit the data on the nine tabs (Customer, Addresses, Contacts, Credit Info, Tax Exceptions, Permits, Farm Info, Notes, Comments) as needed.


If you need to edit the Credit/Finance tab settings for multiple customers, you may find it more convenient to use Customer Credit & Interest Settings to update them.

Click Save.