Accounts Receivable

Details on Accounts Receivable are provided in the following sections:

Sales Overview

Getting Retail Prices


Loadout Tickets

Returning Products

Work Orders

Customer Accounts

Returning Funds

CRM - Customer Relationship Management

Interest Charges

AR Payment Data and Discounts

AR Payments


Emailing Statements

Emailing Invoices (batch)


AR Reference Numbers

Accounts Receivable Reports

Accounts Receivable Data Exports


Accounts Receivable White Papers and Examples

AgCollect Export

AR Invoice Discount Products

AR Release Numbers

AR Work Order to Purchase Order Process (WO->PO)

Bill and Hold

Chemical Sales Summary Export (Alberta Environment & Sustainable Resource Development)

Creating Customer Mailing Labels

Credit Card Surcharges

Credit Limits

CRM - Customer Relationship Management (including Document Manager for eDocs and eSigs)

Customer Credit Security Permissions



FCC Customer Payments

Importing AR Payments (TD only)

Point of Sale (POS) Invoice Setup

Prepaid Price Level

Split Billing

Turning a Blend on a Work Order into Straight Products

Work Order to Puchase Order Process (WO->PO Process)

Work Order Approval