Accounts Receivable Data Exports




AgCollect EMR

Includes sales to customers of products flagged as “AgCollectable”.

I want to read the white paper (with screen shots) on how to run the AgCollect Export.

Aged Receivables

A breakdown of amounts owed by customers grouped by aging buckets.

AR Invoice EPD Applied

amount of EPD applied to invoices

AR Invoice Summary

Summary of invoices where the invoice date falls between the given start and end date.

AR Invoice Taxes

Charged taxes on AR Invoices where the invoice date falls between the given start and end date.

Bill And Hold Invoices

List of bill and hold invoices within a given date range.

Chemical Sales Summary
(Alberta Environment)

Customized for the Government of Alberta Department of Environment. Shows sales quantities for product type or group (usually Chemicals) grouped by product and location.

Note 1: The Alberta Government requires one export file per location. Retailers with chemical sales from multiple locations will need to run & submit a file for each location separately (which is why there is no option for <Company>).

Note 2: The date range must include when the inventory moved (for example, on a LOT) which is not necessarily the date it was invoiced.

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on the Chemical Sales Summary Export.

Comp. Customer Sales by Qty

Comparative customer sales for two date ranges. The export only shows sales in units with no dollar values. Another column shows the amount available on open committed work orders. The customer sales of the first date range are then compared with the customer sales of the second date range plus the active committed work orders.

CRM Custom Attributes

Lists all customers’ CRM custom attributes. The export creates one row per customer per attribute (so one customer with multiple attributes will have multiple rows).

Customer Balances

All balances for all customers as of a given date (chargeable item details are optional).

Customer List

Masterfile info (names, phone numbers, addresses, price level, home location, sales rep, interest rate, characteristics, etc.) for customers.

Customer Mailing List

Customer names and addresses, designed for the creation of mailing labels.

Customer Marketing Mail List

Customer names and addresses, designed for the creation of mailing labels filtered by sales during a specific date range.

Customer Permits

Lists all permits for customers.

Customer Sales

Use the Product List data export to identify products flagged as Omit from Sales Reports/Exports.

Customer sales within a given date range.

Reminder: it's not a sale until it's on an invoice.

Customer Sales Summary

Use the Product List data export to identify products flagged as Omit from Sales Reports/Exports.

Summary of customer sales within a given date range. The export can be grouped by Customer, Product, and Product Type.

Reminder: it's not a sale until it's on an invoice.

Customers Without Sales

Customers with no sales in date range.

Loadout Ticket Details

Line details for Loadout Ticket.

Loadout Ticket Summary

Header details for Loadout Tickets.

Low Sales Margins

Calculated margin = [(price – cost) / price * 100]

Inventory items only, returns are ignored. For Blends, products are itemized.

Manufacturer Sales (FMC)

Sales of items tracked by FMC for participating manufacturers.

Manufacturer Sales/Orders (Kenna)

Sales of items tracked by Kenna for participating manufacturers. 

Manufacturer Sales/Orders (TKXS)

Sales of items tracked by TKXS for participating manufacturers.

PCP Sales

Sales of products with a PCP Number.

Supplier is based on last Inventory Receipt (IR) for the product sold; if no IR displays null.

Quantity sold is the sum of all qty for the Product/Unit Type Combination (different unit types for same product will display on a separate line).


POS Sales of items tracked by TKXS

Note This export is not specific to POS Invoices, it just happens to share the same name.

Prepayment Adjustments

List of prepayment adjustments.

A positive export value indicates the prepay balance was adjusted UP (the account had MORE remaining prepay than agrē thought it did.)

A negative export value indicates the prepay balance was adjusted DOWN (the account had LESS prepay than agrē thought it did).

Prepayment Transfers

List of prepayment transfers. Prepayment transfers generate two postings (one for prepay and one for the credits), but only one row per prepayment transfer is shown.

Sales by Member

Used to calculate sales by member number.

Sales With Required Permits

Inventory products on Invoices and Loadout Tickets within a given date range that require a permit. Permits are per product. If a product requires multiple permits, shows a row for each permit.

Unpaid Interest

All interest charges that not paid in full as of the date provided.

Work Order Detail

Product details (blends are automatically itemized) on Work Orders. Meant for submission of "sales-to-be" to AgCollect.

I want to read the white paper (with screen shots) on how to run the AgCollect Export.

Work Order Pricing Summary

Pricing details for Committed products on Active work orders.

Work Order Summary

Header details for Work Orders.

Net Amount does not include taxes
Total Amount = Net Amount + Tax Amount
Amount Due
= Total Amount – (all prepayments linked to the work order) 
   (cannot be negative)
Paid Fully: If WO ‘Paid in Full’ is checked, then Amount Due will display as $0.00
Note: Prepayment Deposit amount is always fully applied to a work order. This can result in incorrect Amount Due if a partial Prepayment Deposit is linked to multiple Work Orders.