Point of Sale (POS) Invoices

If you have a store-front, with or without a barcode scanner, you may find it convenient to use Point of Sale (POS) Invoices. A POS Invoice is an abbreviated version of the regular agrē invoice designed to record a quick sale and immediate payment. You can select a customer, add items, and accept immediate payment faster than on a regular invoice, but the trade off is less flexibility - you aren’t able to add blends or indicate a shipping address, there’s no place for flagging purchases as prepaid or selecting a Lot Number (Lot#), you can’t link to or import from a loadout ticket or work order, no early payment discounts are applied, and some payment types may not be acceptable.

Think of a POS Invoice as the “pop and chips” invoice.

Click the Documents button to attach a document file to the POS Invoice.

Click the Full Invoice button to flip to a full-size invoice (for example to flag as prepay or enter a ), all information entered so far will be copied over.
Some purchases, such as for products that need a Lot Number (Lot#) or customers with mandatory order numbers, may require a full invoice and will prompt you to flip.

POS Invoices are compatible with gross-unit pricing (where the price includes taxes) for items like fuel.

POS Invoices are formatted to print on “till-tape” instead on an 8½ x 11 sheet of paper (but there is a way to print them as regular invoices on letter-sized paper on the fly if you need to).

The POS Invoice Receipt can be optionally emailed to the customer.


When Print Full Invoice is checked agrē follows the printing and emailing rules for regular invoice reports, not POS receipts.

eSignature config options may also override POS settings.

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on Point of Sale (POS) Invoice Setup.


What you'll find:

Complete the POS Invoice Setup

Follow the steps in the POS Invoice Setup white paper to install your receipt printer and cash drawer drivers, and to setup agrē for POS.

Adding POS Invoices

After the POS Invoice Setup is complete, you can start adding POS Invoices.

To add a POS invoice
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > POS Invoice. Or click the POS Invoice toolbar button.
A new POS Invoice window opens.

Type the Customer Code*.

(Config U) Select a Location*.
Start Scanning will appear in blue in the bottom left corner.

(optional) Select a Sales Rep.

The Date defaults to today and cannot be changed.

Adding Products or Services to POS Invoices

Products can be added to a POS Invoice in two ways:

using a barcode scanner


To add a product or service to a POS invoice

If you have a bar code scanner, scan the first item.
The scanned item is added to the POS Invoice with a default quantity of 1.
If the customer is taking more than one, you can scan the item multiple times, or edit the product row by double-clicking (or selecting either Edit Product or F10) and increase the quantity.

Check the Scan Return Item box (or press F8) before scanning to add the item with a quantity of -1.
Uncheck the box or press F8 again to go back to scanning purchases.

If the scanned UPC is not found, or is inactive, or is associated with multiple items you'll be prompted to add the item manually.
Select Yes (or just scan the item again) to open the Add Product window so you can search for the item.
Select No to close the message box.

If you don't have a bar code scanner, or you need to change the default units or pricing, or you are adding a tax-included item and want agrē to calculate the quantity based on a line total, press F9 or select Add Product to add an item to the POS Invoice manually.
The Add Invoice Product Row window opens.

In the Product* box, enter the product or service you want to add to the POS invoice.


Click Find to search for a specific product.

POS Invoices are designed for speed - use the TAB key to advance to the next data entry field instead of your mouse. Press F7 instead of clicking Price & Quantity on Hand.

In the Units* box, optionally change the unit of measurement for the product or service.
The default unit, which is either the main units or the preferred units for the product, (set up in Manage Products) is selected by default.

In the Quantity* box, enter the quantity taken by the customer.
Use a negative quantity for returned items.
If the Quantity purchased exceeds the Quantity on Hand agrē will display a Check Inventory warning.


For purchases of prepaid gas (or any tax-included/gross-pricing item) you can enter a Unit Price and a Line Total and agrē will calculate the Quantity for you.

In the Unit Price box, optionally change the default price per unit of the product.
The unit price defaults to the current price of the product for the customer and the location of the item. Your security settings determine if you can override the price.

In the Line Comments box, enter comments for the printed POS Invoice reports.
Maximum number of characters is 300.

Click Update (or press F9 to keep up your hands on the keyboard and maintain your speed).
The Add Invoice Product Row window closes and the product or service appears in the list on the POS Invoice window.

Continue to add items until the POS Invoice is complete.
An item can be removed by selecting it and pressing F11 (or clicking Delete Product).

Emailing the POS Invoice Payment Reciept

(optional) Check Email Customer Receipt if you want to email an additional copy of the POS Invoice and the payment receipt.
The Customer Email will default to the Email Address(es) on the Customer tab of the customer account.

if there is no default, you can enter a one-time email address manually in the Customer Email box
the receipt will be automatically sent but the email address will not be retained (add the email address to the customer account to save it)

if no address is entered in Customer Email, no email will be automatically sent
because Email Customer Receipt is checked: after the POS Payment Receipt report display window is closed the Send Email window will open to prompt you to enter an email address so you can Send it manually

Paying for POS Invoices

All POS Invoices require immediate payment.

(Config C) Check Print Full Invoice if you want to print this POS Invoice and the payment receipt as a regular invoice on 8½ x 11 letter-sized paper instead of on till-tape.
If printing as a full invoice you will not get a merchant copy.

Press Total or F12 to check out.
The Invoice Payment window opens.

Fill in the payment grid as if you were accepting an Immediate Payment.
Click Remove Payment or press F10 to remove a payment row.

Save the payment information.

If applicable to the tender type, the cash drawer will open.
If you have permission, you can select Open Drawer (or press F1) to open the cash drawer at any time.

Printing the POS Invoice Payment Receipt

After the payment information has been entered and saved, the receipt can be printed automatically.

The selected Default Report Printer config options determine to which printer agrē sends the POS Payment receipt and whether it displays on screen first.

(Config C, U) The Customer Copy of the payment receipt displays on screen for printing or emailing, or is sent directly to the printer selected in the config options.
POS Invoices are formatted to print on “till-tape” instead on an 8½ x 11 sheet of paper.
Exit the report preview window.

If indicated on the AR Payment Type a Merchant Copy of the receipt displays on the screen and may include a Signature Line.

Taxes for tax-included/gross-pricing items are itemized on the receipt.

Editing POS Invoices

POS Invoices are edited just like regular invoices.

To edit a POS invoice
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Invoices. Or head over to the Customer Account.

Select the POS invoice and select Edit.
The Unapply Credits window opens.

Select Yes to unapply the credits so the invoice can be modified.
The Unapply Credits window closes and the Edit Invoice window opens.

Make the changes to the invoice.

Save the invoice.
The credits from the original payment will be reapplied automatically.
(Apply Previous Credits is checked by default on the Immediate Payment tab and the credits from the original payment are available as long as you save your changes within 1 hour - if it's been more than an hour, exit the invoice, reapply the credits manually, and edit the invoice again)


If you are increasing the value of the invoice, you will need to accept additional payment before the invoice changes can be saved.

Reprinting POS Invoices

Payment receipts for POS Invoices are reprinted from the Invoices home form.

To reprint a POS Invoice

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Invoices. Or click the Invoices toolbar button.
The Invoices window opens and all invoices created today are listed.

From the Invoice home form list, select the POS Invoice to reprint.


If the POS Invoice you want to edit does not appear in the list, click New Search and change the criteria.

On the Invoices toolbar, click the expanded options arrow next to Preview Item to open the drop-down menu.
Select Preview Receipt.
The POS Invoice report opens and the POS Invoice receipt can be reprinted (or emailed or turned into a PDF).

Deleting POS Invoices

Because a POS Invoice cannot be deleted until its immediate payment has been deleted you'll be prompted to confirm deletion of the immediate payment at the same time, but other than that POS Invoices are deleted just like regular invoices.