Entering Prices and Taxes for Products

You may be required to charge and remit taxes on products. The types of taxes available on products are set up in Manage Taxes. The Percentage Taxes and Flat Taxes tabs are two of many areas that you can use to manage taxes in agrē.


If a product does not have any types of taxes specified (as set up in Manage Taxes), one or more of the lists on both tabs may be hidden.

You can use either the Manage Products window or when adding an Inventory Receipt (after you've added a product to one) to open the Prices and Taxes window. The benefit of using the Manage Products window is that you can specify taxes for multiple products in the same place. However, the benefit of using the Inventory Receipts window is that you can edit taxes on the fly while adding or editing an inventory receipt.

Most retailers enter the taxes from the Manage Products, but whichever way you get there, when you save the Prices and Taxes window the taxes you specified are automatically updated.

What you'll find:

Manage Prices/Taxes

Retail Prices

Tax-Included/Gross-Unit Pricing

Percentage Taxes

Flat Taxes

Enter Taxes from an Inventory Receipt

To enter taxes for a product on the Manage Products window
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Products.
The Product Search window is available.

Find the product using the various search criteria.
The search results are shown in the Manage Products window.

From the Product list, select the product that you want to specify taxes for and then click Prices/Taxes on the toolbar menu.
The Prices and Taxes window opens.


If you Edit the product out of habit (and we all do!) there's a duplicate Prices/Taxes button on the Edit Product window.

Retail Prices


You can enter the Retail Prices for the product here (that's the prices part of Prices/Taxes) but if you are changing prices for multiple products, or want to see a product's Price History, it's easier to change prices from Manage Product Retail Prices.

Retail Prices is the default tab.

Tax-Included/Gross-Unit Pricing
Check Prices Include Taxes if you want to enter a unit price that has the taxes already included (gross unit price). This is useful when pricing fuel, for example, as the posted pump price already has the taxes included. agrē will apply some reverse-engineering to calculate the unit price by removing any applicable taxes.

There is a config option Tronia must turn on in the background to enable gross-unit pricing. Please contact your CSC.

In the Retail Price column, enter prices at the <Company> level to have the same pricing at every location, or enter location-specific pricing.

(Config C) In the Min Price and 2nd Min Price columns, enter the minimum prices.

Percentage Taxes

Click the Percentage Taxes tab.

For each tax/location row in the grid, select the desired default behaviour by checking the corresponding box*.
When adding a this product to a work order or an invoice:

Taxes that are flagged as Do Not Charge will not even be listed; they won't be calculated on work orders and can't be charged on invoices.

Taxes that are flagged as Optional default to OFF, but can be checked on.

Taxes that are flagged as Charge default to ON, but can be checked off.


If a product is usually taxable, flag it as Charge.
On the rare occasion that a purchase is exempt, you'll turn it off.

If a product is usually not taxable, flag it as Optional.
On the rare occasion that you need to tax it, you'll turn it on.

Only flag a product as Do Not Charge if you are never going to charge that tax at that location because there is no option to add it on the fly.

Use Apply Selected Setting to all Locations to copy the selected tax setting to all locations.

In the Override Rate column, enter the tax percentages for the taxes that you want to charge on this product at the specified locations.
The specified tax percentage amounts override your standard tax amounts for this product.

Under Taxes that apply to selected products only, in the Charge column, select the Charge check boxes for the taxes that you want to charge on this product at the specified locations.
In the Override Rate column, enter the tax percentages for the taxes that you want to charge on this product at the specified locations.
The specified tax percentage amounts override your standard tax amounts for this product.

Flat Taxes

Click the Flat Taxes tab.

Select the Charge check boxes for the taxes and unit types that you want to charge on this product at the specified locations.

In the Override Rate column, enter the dollar value tax amount for the taxes and unit types that you want to charge on this product at the specified locations.
The specified tax amounts override your standard tax amounts for this product.

Click Save.
The Prices and Taxes window closes and the Manage Products window appears.

To enter taxes for a product from the Inventory Receipts window

While adding an Inventory Receipt, select a product and click Price/Taxes.
The Prices and Taxes window opens.

Follow the process above for setting the Percentage Taxes and Flat Taxes.